23 Übersetzungen
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- The rest of the land in Kiribati consists of the sand and reef rock islets of atolls or coral islands, which rise only one or two metres above sea level.
- The most significant feature of Albania is possibly its relief, with numerous successive mountain ranges and its average altitude, more than 700 metres above sea level.
- Both orthometric and normal heights are expressed in metres above sea level, whereas geopotential numbers are measures of potential energy (unit: m2 s−2) and not metric.
- The lowest point in Franconia is the water level of the river Main in Kahl which lies at a height of 100 metres above sea level.
- Banten is primarily lowland (below 50 metres above sea level) in Cilegon, Tangerang, Pandeglang Regency, and most of Serang Regency.
- Located in the western-central part of the Iberian Peninsula at 217 metres above sea level, the city is crossed by the Guadiana and Albarregas rivers.
- At Katoomba (1040 metres above sea level) summer daytime temperatures are usually in the low 20s – with a few rare days extending into the 30s (Celsius) – and night-time temperatures usually in the low teens.
- From 2,500 metres above sea level on Paektu Mountain on the China–North Korea border, the river flows south to Hyesan before sweeping 130 km north-west to Linjiang and then returning to a more southerly route for a further 300 km to empty into Korea Bay between Dandong (China) and Sinuiju (North Korea).
- from Fort William town centre, at around 20 metres above sea level.
- The highest spot in Espoo, Mustankorvenkallio, is located in Velskola to the southwest of Saarijärvi 114 metres above sea level and over 40 metres above the water level of Saarijärvi.
- Zakopane lies 800–1,000 metres above sea level and centres on the intersection of its Krupówki and Kościuszko Streets.
- The town lies at about 250 metres above sea level (NN) on the northeastern flank of the Harz Mountains in central Germany, at the foot of their highest peak, the Brocken, on the B 6 and B 244 federal highways and on the railway line from Halberstadt to Vienenburg that links the cities of Halle (Saale) and Hanover.
- Vilnius district has the highest terrains of Lithuania – Aukštojas, Juozapinė and Kruopinė Hills, which are raised over 290 metres above sea level and are considered very high in the country's flatlands.
- It is flat and only a few metres above sea level, as a result of an ancient erosion event.
- Its structure sits on two parallel terraces, the south one about 107.4 metres above sea level and the north one about 109.8 metres above sea level.
- Modern-day Nazareth is nestled in a natural bowl which reaches from 320 metres above sea level to the crest of the hills about 488 metres.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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