| NOUN | a mouth | mouths |
| VERB | to mouth | mouthed | mouthed mouthing | mouths |
| SYNO | back talk | backtalk | lip | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| mouth {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cavity, care, rinse] | Mund- [z. B. Höhle, Pflege, Wasser] 81 | |
Verben |
| to mouth [utter without conviction or understanding] | daherreden 164 | |
| to mouth sth. [utter indistinctly] | etw. brabbeln [ugs.] 58 | |
| to mouth sth. [say sth. in a pompous way] | 15 etw. deklamieren [in pathetischem Ton über etw. sprechen] | |
| to mouth sth. [move the lips as if saying sth., e.g. words of farewell] | etw. [unhörbar] mit den Lippen formen [z. B. Abschiedsworte] | |
Substantive |
| anat. mouth | Mund {m} 5885 | |
| zool. mouth | Maul {n} 904 | |
| geogr.hydro. mouth [of river] | Mündung {f} 475 | |
| mouth [pout, grimace] | Grimasse {f} 116 | |
| geogr. mouth [of path] | Einmündung {f} 45 | |
| mouth | Öffnung {f} 21 | |
| mouth | Gosche {f} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] 18 | |
| zool. mouth | Rachen {m} 18 | |
| mouth | Latz {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Mund] 14 | |
| naut. mouth [of a harbour] | Einfahrt {f} [Hafeneinfahrt] 8 | |
| mouth | Hobelmaul {n} 5 | |
| mouth [extruder] | Kopf {m} [Extruder] 5 | |
| geogr. Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.] | Bournemouth {n} | |
| mouth [as a speech organ] | Pappalatur {f} [österr.] [südd.] [regional] | |
| mouth [esp. Irish] [sl.] [pej.] [sb. who talks too much, a secret leaker] | Schwätzer {m} [pej.] [jd. der schwätzt, schwatzt, Geheimnisse ausplaudert] | |
| mouth [excessive or unwise talk] | Gequassel {n} | |
| mus. mouth [of an organ pipe] | Aufschnitt {m} [einer Orgelpfeife] [auch: Mundloch] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| med.pharm. by mouth {adv} | durch den Mund | |
| med.pharm. by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os] | oral | |
| foaming mouth {adj} | geifernd | |
| foaming mouth {adj} | schäumend [vor Wut] | |
| mouth-blown {adj} | mundgeblasen [Glas] | |
| mouth-watering {adj} | lecker | |
| mouth-watering {adj} | schmackhaft | |
| gastr. mouth-watering {adj} | köstlich | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| ungeprüft to bad-mouth sb. | gegen jdn. stänkern [ugs.] | |
| to bad-mouth sb. [coll.] | jdn. beschimpfen | |
| to bad-mouth sb. [coll.] | schlecht über jdn. reden | |
| to cover sb.'s mouth [with one's hand] | jdm. den Mund zuhalten | |
| hunting to give mouth | Laut geben [Hund] | |
| hunting to give mouth | anschlagen [Hund] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| (mouth) atomizer | Mundzerstäuber {m} | |
| (mouth) atomizer | Fixativ-Röhrchen {n} | |
| audioMedTech. artificial mouth | künstlicher Mund {m} | |
| big mouth | Großschnauze {f} | |
| big mouth [coll.] | Großmaul {n} [ugs.] | |
| biol. cell mouth | Zellmund {m} | |
| cotton-mouth [fig.] [coll.] | ausgetrockneter Mund {m} [Mundtrockenheit] | |
| geol. crater mouth [of a volcano] | Kraterloch {n} [eines Vulkans] | |
| dry mouth | trockener Mund {m} | |
| med. dry mouth | Mundtrockenheit {f} | |
| geogr. estuary mouth | Mündung {f} ins Meer | |
| filthy mouth [also fig.] | dreckiges Maul {n} [ugs.] [auch fig.] | |
| fire mouth | Feueröffnung {f} | |
| foul-mouth | Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.] | |
| girl's mouth | Mädchenmund {m} | |
| geol. glacier mouth | Gletschertor {n} | |
| hell-mouth [also: hellmouth] [often capitalized] [entrance to Hell] | Höllenschlund {m} | |
| tech. hook mouth | Hakenmaul {n} | |
| fish inferior mouth | unterständiges Maul {n} | |
| kissable mouth | Kussmund {m} | |
| kissing mouth | Kussmund {m} | |
| little mouth | Mündlein {n} | |
| little mouth | Mündchen {n} | |
| little mouth [referring to children] | Mäulchen {n} [liebevoll bei Kindern] | |
| loud-mouth | Großmaul {n} | |
| loud-mouth | Maulheld {m} [pej.] | |
| mining mine mouth | Mineneingang {m} | |
| mouth (valve) | Ventilmund {m} | |
| mouth (valve) | Ventileingang {m} | |
| anat. mouth area | Mundbereich {m} | |
| mouth base | Mundboden {m} | |
| med. mouth breather [also: mouth-breather] | Mundatmer {m} | |
| mouth breather [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [also: mouth-breather] [stupid person] | Dummkopf {m} [pej.] | |
| mouth breathing | Mundatmung {f} | |
| med. mouth cancer <MC> | Mundkrebs {m} | |
| dent. mouth care | Mundpflege {f} | |
| anat. mouth cavity | Mundhöhle {f} | |
| anat. mouth corner [rare for: corner of one's mouth] | Mundwinkel {m} | |
| med. mouth dryness | Mundtrockenheit {f} | |
| ungeprüft biol. mouth field | Mundfeld | |
| med. mouth flatus | Efflation {f} | |
| mouth gag | Mundknebel {m} | |
| med. mouth gag | Mundsperrer {m} [z. B. bei Narkose] | |
| zool. mouth gag | Maulsperrer {m} | |
| dent. mouth gag | Mundsperrer {m} [Dental-Mundspreizer] | |
| sports mouth guard | Mundschutz {m} | |
| dent. mouth hygiene | Mundhygiene {f} | |
| mouth kiss | Mundkuss {m} | |
| mouth lamp | Mundlampe {f} | |
| MedTech. mouth mask [less frequent than: face mask] | Mundmaske {f} [seltener für: Mund-Nasen-Schutz] | |
| dent. mouth mirror | Mundspiegel {m} | |
| dent. mouth mirror | Dentalspiegel {m} | |
| mouth odor [Am.] | Mundgeruch {m} | |
| mouth odour [Br.] | Mundgeruch {m} | |
| geol.zool. mouth opening | Mundöffnung {f} | |
| mus. mouth organ | Mundharmonika {f} | |
| mus. mouth organ [Asian free reed instrument] | Mundorgel {f} [asiatisches Blasinstrument] | |
| mus. mouth organ [Br.] [harmonica] | Fotzenhobel {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [leicht derb] [Mundharmonika] | |
| art mouth painter | Mundmaler {m} | |
| sports mouth piece | Mundschutz {m} | |
| telecom. mouth piece | Muschel {f} [Sprechmuschel] | |
| fish mouth position | Maulstellung {f} | |
| dent. mouth posture | Mundhaltung {f} | |
| sports mouth protector | Mundschutz {m} | |
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Übersetzung für 'mouth' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- mouth {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cavity, care, rinse]
- Mund- [z. B. Höhle, Pflege, Wasser]
- to mouth [utter without conviction or understanding]
- daherreden
- to mouth sth. [utter indistinctly]
- etw. brabbeln [ugs.]
- to mouth sth. [say sth. in a pompous way]
- etw. deklamieren [in pathetischem Ton über etw. sprechen]
- to mouth sth. [move the lips as if saying sth., e.g. words of farewell]
- etw. [unhörbar] mit den Lippen formen [z. B. Abschiedsworte]
- mouth
- Mund {m}anat.
Maul {n}zool.
Öffnung {f}
Gosche {f} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
Rachen {m}zool.
Latz {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Mund]
Hobelmaul {n}
- mouth [of river]
- Mündung {f}geogr.hydro.
- mouth [pout, grimace]
- Grimasse {f}
- mouth [of path]
- Einmündung {f}geogr.
- mouth [of a harbour]
- Einfahrt {f} [Hafeneinfahrt]naut.
- mouth [extruder]
- Kopf {m} [Extruder]
- Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.]
- Bournemouth {n}geogr.
- mouth [as a speech organ]
- Pappalatur {f} [österr.] [südd.] [regional]
- mouth [esp. Irish] [sl.] [pej.] [sb. who talks too much, a secret leaker]
- Schwätzer {m} [pej.] [jd. der schwätzt, schwatzt, Geheimnisse ausplaudert]
- mouth [excessive or unwise talk]
- Gequassel {n}
- mouth [of an organ pipe]
- Aufschnitt {m} [einer Orgelpfeife] [auch: Mundloch]mus.
- by mouth {adv}
- durch den Mundmed.pharm.
- by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os]
- oralmed.pharm.
- foaming mouth {adj}
- geifernd
schäumend [vor Wut]
- mouth-blown {adj}
- mundgeblasen [Glas]
- mouth-watering {adj}
- lecker
- to bad-mouth sb.
- ungeprüft gegen jdn. stänkern [ugs.]
- to bad-mouth sb. [coll.]
- jdn. beschimpfen
schlecht über jdn. reden
- to cover sb.'s mouth [with one's hand]
- jdm. den Mund zuhalten
- to give mouth
- Laut geben [Hund]hunting
anschlagen [Hund]hunting
- (mouth) atomizer
- Mundzerstäuber {m}
Fixativ-Röhrchen {n}
- artificial mouth
- künstlicher Mund {m}audioMedTech.
- big mouth
- Großschnauze {f}
- big mouth [coll.]
- Großmaul {n} [ugs.]
- cell mouth
- Zellmund {m}biol.
- cotton-mouth [fig.] [coll.]
- ausgetrockneter Mund {m} [Mundtrockenheit]
- crater mouth [of a volcano]
- Kraterloch {n} [eines Vulkans]geol.
- dry mouth
- trockener Mund {m}
Mundtrockenheit {f}med.
- estuary mouth
- Mündung {f} ins Meergeogr.
- filthy mouth [also fig.]
- dreckiges Maul {n} [ugs.] [auch fig.]
- fire mouth
- Feueröffnung {f}
- foul-mouth
- Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
- girl's mouth
- Mädchenmund {m}
- glacier mouth
- Gletschertor {n}geol.
- hell-mouth [also: hellmouth] [often capitalized] [entrance to Hell]
- Höllenschlund {m}
- hook mouth
- Hakenmaul {n}tech.
- inferior mouth
- unterständiges Maul {n}fish
- kissable mouth
- Kussmund {m}
- kissing mouth
- Kussmund {m}
- little mouth
- Mündlein {n}
Mündchen {n}
- little mouth [referring to children]
- Mäulchen {n} [liebevoll bei Kindern]
- loud-mouth
- Großmaul {n}
Maulheld {m} [pej.]
- mine mouth
- Mineneingang {m}mining
- mouth (valve)
- Ventilmund {m}
Ventileingang {m}
- mouth area
- Mundbereich {m}anat.
- mouth base
- Mundboden {m}
- mouth breather [also: mouth-breather]
- Mundatmer {m}med.
- mouth breather [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [also: mouth-breather] [stupid person]
- Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
- mouth breathing
- Mundatmung {f}
- mouth cancer <MC>
- Mundkrebs {m}med.
- mouth care
- Mundpflege {f}dent.
- mouth cavity
- Mundhöhle {f}anat.
- mouth corner [rare for: corner of one's mouth]
- Mundwinkel {m}anat.
- mouth dryness
- Mundtrockenheit {f}med.
- mouth field
- ungeprüft Mundfeldbiol.
- mouth flatus
- Efflation {f}med.
- mouth gag
- Mundknebel {m}
Mundsperrer {m} [z. B. bei Narkose]med.
Maulsperrer {m}zool.
Mundsperrer {m} [Dental-Mundspreizer]dent.
- mouth guard
- Mundschutz {m}sports
- mouth hygiene
- Mundhygiene {f}dent.
- mouth kiss
- Mundkuss {m}
- mouth lamp
- Mundlampe {f}
- mouth mask [less frequent than: face mask]
- Mundmaske {f} [seltener für: Mund-Nasen-Schutz]MedTech.
- mouth mirror
- Mundspiegel {m}dent.
Dentalspiegel {m}dent.
- mouth odor [Am.]
- Mundgeruch {m}
- mouth odour [Br.]
- Mundgeruch {m}
- mouth opening
- Mundöffnung {f}geol.zool.
- mouth organ
- Mundharmonika {f}mus.
- mouth organ [Asian free reed instrument]
- Mundorgel {f} [asiatisches Blasinstrument]mus.
- mouth organ [Br.] [harmonica]
- Fotzenhobel {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [leicht derb] [Mundharmonika]mus.
- mouth painter
- Mundmaler {m}art
- mouth piece
- Mundschutz {m}sports
Muschel {f} [Sprechmuschel]telecom.
- mouth position
- Maulstellung {f}fish
- mouth posture
- Mundhaltung {f}dent.
- mouth protector
- Mundschutz {m}sports
- Burning-Mouth-Syndrom {n} <BMS> [Zungenbrennen] = burning mouth syndrome <BMS>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Mouth Cancer Action Month is a public awareness campaign and it has been running for over 20 years.
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is a part of most protocols for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) making it an essential skill for first aid.
- It is from the Greek "stoma-" (mouth) and "odaios" (likeness), "which looks like a mouth".
- This monster appeared in episode 1. Its powers include asexual reproduction, mouth energy balls, and mouth flames.
- It also shares its food with other individuals via regurgitation, mouth to mouth.
- Some gags are designed to fill the mouth, while others are designed to provide access to the mouth by forcing the mouth open.
- Taieri Mouth is a small fishing village at the mouth of the Taieri River, New Zealand. Taieri Island (Moturata) lies in the ocean several hundred metres off the river's mouth.
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is also part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) making it an essential skill for first aid.
- The latter island blocks the mouth of the Hanotaux Bay (south side of the mouth) and the mouth of Mattawa Bay (west side of the mouth).
- The mouth of the Little Missisicabi River is located on the flanks of the eastern shore of Hannah Bay, in Quebec, an appendage south of James Bay.
- The mouth of Arviqtujuq Kangiqtua mouth opens to Baffin Bay where the southern headland at the entrance is Eglinton Point.
- Full mouth disinfection protocols are favoured by some clinicians.
- 1. Suspected Drowning; includes mouth-to-mouth/nose resuscitation and the recovery position.
- This mouth of the lake is located [...] north of the mouth of the Roche Plate river; [...] north of the mouth of the Bras du Nord; [...] north of the mouth of the Sainte-Anne River.
- The "Burntbush North River" originates at the mouth of Lake George (length: [...]; altitude: [...]).
- A male mouth can hold, on average, [...] , while a female mouth holds [...].
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