 Übersetzung für 'multiprocessor' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a multiprocessor | multiprocessors
multiprocessorMehrprozessor {m}
multiprocessorMehrfachrechner {m}
Multiprozessor {m}
multiprocessor systemMehrrechnersystem {n}
multiprocessor systemMehrprozessorsystem {n}
multiprocessor systemMultiprozessorsystem {n}
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Uniprocessor architectures have the option of using uninterruptible sequences of instructions—using special instructions or instruction prefixes to disable interrupts temporarily—but this technique does not work for multiprocessor shared-memory machines.
  • TITAN2D is capable of multiprocessor runs.
  • In 1969, Honeywell introduced its first Multics system, a symmetric multiprocessor system capable of running up to eight processors in parallel.
  • As its name suggests, the APIC is more advanced than Intel's 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC), particularly enabling the construction of multiprocessor systems.
  • Its multiprocessor implementation is called MUSTARD (Multiprocessor Unix for Embedded Real-Time Systems), which can operate a maximum of 8 processors simultaneously, and its lockstep mechanism was dynamically configurable.

  • This result is of considerable practical importance, as multiprocessor computers would not work reliably without it.
  • According to some on-line dictionaries, a multiprocessor is a computer system having two or more processing units (multiple processors) each sharing main memory and peripherals, in order to simultaneously process programs.
  • Other innovative designs which were never released included the "Starburst", a distributed Unix kernel message-passing multiprocessor with a fiber-optic switching core, and "Intercept", a unique High-Availability multiprocessor.
  • The AN/GYK-3 computer was a polymorphic multiprocessor system.
  • Harmony was used in the multitasking, multiprocessor "Adagio" robotics simulation workstation.

  • The term "multiprocessor" can be confused with the term "multiprocessing".
  • Sloan Research Fellowship, was named an ACM Fellow in 2015 "for contributions to multiprocessor and memory architecture design and evaluation" and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2012 "for contributions to multiprocessor architecture and memory systems".
  • With Gene Amdahl's departure, and increasing influence from Fujitsu, Amdahl entered the large-scale multiprocessor market in the mid-1980s with the 5860, 5870 (attached processor) and 5880 (full multiprocessor) models.
  • Digital Equipment Corporation developed, but never released, a multiprocessor PDP-11, the PDP-11/74, running a multiprocessor version of RSX-11M.
  • The multiprocessor nature of TurboDOS is its most unusual feature.

  • Early editions of MVS (mid-1970s) were among the first of the IBM OS series to support multiprocessor configurations, though the M65MP variant of OS/360 running on 360 Models 65 and 67 had provided limited multiprocessor support.
  • There are three configurations of the R4000: the R4000PC, an entry-level model with no support for a secondary cache; the R4000SC, a model with secondary cache but no multiprocessor capability; and the R4000MC, a model with secondary cache and support for the cache coherency protocols required by multiprocessor systems.
  • IBM Research used the ROMP in its Research Parallel Processor Prototype (RP3), an early experimental scalable shared-memory multiprocessor that supported up to 512 processors first detailed in 1985; and the CMOS version in its ACE, an experimental NUMA multiprocessor that was operational in 1988.
  • OS/360 has support for a multiprocessor version of the 360/65. SVS provide no equivalent support; customers wanting to run a multiprocessor System/370 have to use MVS.
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