| VERB | to mythologize | mythologized | mythologized mythologizing | mythologizes |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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- Robinson's works often portray the worlds of tomorrow in a manner similar to the mythologized American Western frontier, showing a sentimental affection for the freedom and wildness of the frontier.
- The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent references to a false mythologized perception of America's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism.
- . mythologized as a creative act." The 19th century regarded Mozart's compositional process as a form "of impulsive and improvisatorial composition ...
- The works of Ohioan comedy writer Rosella Rice, whose poems mythologized the figure of Johnny Appleseed, were published in "Woman's Journal".
- Benzel's work explores the processes and contradictions inherent in mass media systems of production, the development of collective cultural imaginations and identification, and mythologized cultural histories.
- Some attempts have been made in Lithuania to rehabilitate Sniečkus, who was more or less successfully mythologized throughout several decades.
- It was also one of the cities mythologized by National Socialist propaganda.
- Throughout history, both gray and white horses have been mythologized.
- Weymouth and Weymouth Falls appear mythologized in George Elliott Clarke's poetical work "Whylah Falls" (1990).
- The poison Aqua Tofana and consequently its inventor "Giulia Tofana" (Giulia Mangiardi) and the Spana Prosecution became famous and heavily mythologized during the 19th-century, and many incorrect statements about the subject became repeated as facts long into the 20th-century.
- Geoarchaeologist Beverly Goodman and historian Henry Abramson theorize that the events mentioned in the story are a mythologized version of the effects of a tsunami in the area in 115 CE.
- was a Phrygian prince as the son of Midas—the heavily mythologized but still historical king of Phrygia—in whose reign the earth opened in the area of the town of Celaenae in Phyrgia.
- Out of these three approaches, all of them have received modern criticism. The February Revolution is seen by many present-day scholars as an event which gets "mythologized".
- In Chinese culture, mythologized snakes and snake-like beings have various roles, including the calendar system, poetry, and literature.
- The area was mythologized as in its entry into Latin it lost an "A" and was miswritten, resulting in the variable Zaric or Zarec.
- Religious Taoism mythologized "zhenren" to rank above "xian" "transcendent; immortal" in the celestial hierarchy, while Chinese Buddhism used it to translate "Arahant" "Enlightened One".
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