| NOUN | an n-type semiconductor | n-type semiconductors |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| electr. n-type semiconductor | n-Halbleiter {m} | |
| electr. n-type semiconductor | Überschusshalbleiter {m} [n-Halbleiter] | |
Teiltreffer |
| electr. p-type semiconductor | p-Halbleiter {m} | |
| electr. p-doped / n-doped semiconductor layer | p-dotierte / n-dotierte Halbleiterschicht {f} | |
| n type {adj} | n-leitend | |
| electr. n-type conductivity | n-Leitfähigkeit {f} | |
| electr. n-type doping | n-Dotierung {f} | |
| n-channel depletion type | n-Kanal-Verarmungstyp {m} | |
| electr. n-type conduction [electron conduction] | n-Leitung {f} [Elektronenleitung] | |
| idiom I don't know the name. <N.N., NN> | nomen nescio <N. N.> | |
| electr. useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratio | Verhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N> | |
| acad.libr.publ. no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.> | ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.; o. O. und J.> | |
| chem. amount of substance <n, N, mol> | Molzahl {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge] | |
| chem. amount of substance <n, N, mol> | Molmenge {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge] | |
| math. set of natural numbers <ℕ, N> | Menge {f} der natürlichen Zahlen <ℕ, N> | |
| electr. n-channel / N-channel transistor | n-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m} | |
| not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA> | entfällt [in Formularen] | |
| acad.artpubl. no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place] | sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort] | |
| acad.publ. no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.> | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> | |
| acad.artpubl. no place given {adv} <N.P., n.p.> | ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.> | |
| not available {adj} <N/A, n/a> | nicht erreichbar | |
| not available {adj} <N/A, n/a> | nicht verfügbar | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'n type semiconductor' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- n-type semiconductor
- n-Halbleiter {m}electr.
Überschusshalbleiter {m} [n-Halbleiter]electr.
- p-type semiconductor
- p-Halbleiter {m}electr.
- p-doped / n-doped semiconductor layer
- p-dotierte / n-dotierte Halbleiterschicht {f}electr.
- n type {adj}
- n-leitend
- n-type conductivity
- n-Leitfähigkeit {f}electr.
- n-type doping
- n-Dotierung {f}electr.
- n-channel depletion type
- n-Kanal-Verarmungstyp {m}
- n-type conduction [electron conduction]
- n-Leitung {f} [Elektronenleitung]electr.
- I don't know the name. <N.N., NN>
- nomen nescio <N. N.>idiom
- useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratio
- Verhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N>electr.
- no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.>
- ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.; o. O. und J.>acad.libr.publ.
- amount of substance <n, N, mol>
- Molzahl {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge]chem.
Molmenge {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge]chem.
- set of natural numbers <ℕ, N>
- Menge {f} der natürlichen Zahlen <ℕ, N>math.
- n-channel / N-channel transistor
- n-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m}electr.
- not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA>
- entfällt [in Formularen]
- no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
- sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]acad.artpubl.
- no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.>
- ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.>acad.publ.
- no place given {adv} <N.P., n.p.>
- ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.>acad.artpubl.
- not available {adj} <N/A, n/a>
- nicht erreichbar
nicht verfügbar
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- is applied across the interface of an n-type semiconductor and a metal, the Fermi level in the semiconductor is shifted with respect to the metal's and the band bending decreases.
- For example, when silicon (Si), having four valence electrons, is to be doped as a n-type semiconductor, elements from group V like phosphorus (P) or arsenic (As) can be used because they have five valence electrons.
- "N-type" semiconductors are created by doping an intrinsic semiconductor with an electron donor element during manufacture.
- To see the effect, we consider a n-type semiconductor with the length "d".
- A PIN diode is a diode with a wide, undoped intrinsic semiconductor region between a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor region.
- Using bromine results in forming an n-type semiconductor, whereas using tellurium only results in a p-type semiconductor.
- The material is a n-type semiconductor with a large bandgap of around 4 eV.
- For example, if the heat source is placed on the positive lead of a voltmeter attached to an n-type semiconductor, a positive voltage reading will result as the area around the heat source/positive lead becomes positively charged.
- As another example, for an n-type semiconductor at low to moderate electron concentration, [...].
- The tribovoltaic effect is the effect of generating of tribo-current at a sliding semiconductors interface (PN junction) or sliding semiconductor and metal interface (Schottky junction), which is firstly proposed by Wang "et al".
- Both sphalerite and wurtzite are intrinsic, wide-bandgap semiconductors.
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