Übersetzung für '
naches' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Little Naches River begins at the confluence of the North Fork and Middle Fork Little Naches River.
- It protects the portion of the Cascade Range north of Chinook Pass (Highway 410), south of Naches Pass (Naches Trail), and east of Mount Rainier National Park.
- After a junction with the other end of the proposed SR 168, named Little Naches Road, the highway exits the Wenatchee National Forest and enters Naches.
- The Naches Peak Loop is a trail route that goes around Naches Peak, containing a segment of the Pacific Crest Trail.
- Dams are listed in order from headwaters (Goat Rocks, WA) to mouth (Naches River, WA).
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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