 Übersetzung für 'nadir' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a nadir | nadirs
SYNO low-water mark | nadir
nadirTiefpunkt {m}
nadirTiefstpunkt {m}
nadirTiefststand {m}
nadirFußpunkt {m}
Nadir {m}
nadir angle
Nadirwinkel {m}
nadir point
Fußpunkt {m}
7 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This mission also included the last planned docking of a Soyuz at the nadir, or Earth-facing, port of the Zarya module.
  • The revisit rate was 5 to 7 days off-nadir.
  • A recent longitudinal study of a small representative cohort of HIV-positive patients on stable medication regiments suggests that this cortical atrophy is progressive, and is in part related to nadir CD4.
  • Where BA 1 occupies the apex of the postcentral gyrus, the rostral border of BA 3a is in the nadir of the Central sulcus, and is caudally followed by BA 3b, then BA 1, with BA 2 following and ending in the nadir of the postcentral sulcus.
  • Astrotech proposed meeting ISS cargo needs with a vehicle which would approach the station, "using a traditional nadir R-bar approach."

  • Two days after launch, Progress M-UM automatically docked "Prichal" to the re-configured nadir (or Earth-facing) port of the "Nauka" module after removal of the module's nadir docking adapter by Progress MS-17.
  • The 1920s was a nadir for athletic relations between the institutions.
  • Handheld, near-nadir, overhead digital photographs have been used with geographic information systems (GIS) to record excavation exposures.
  • In the table, "vertical polarization near nadir" means that the E-vector is parallel to the scan direction at nadir, and "horizontal polarization" means the orthogonal direction.
  • In topography, a nadir is a point on a surface that is lower in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it.

  • If the nadir ANC < 500/μL on one or two blood checks, but ANC rises above 500 at the time of third check (i.e. ...
  • multispectral imagery at nadir in [...] swaths. The spacecraft is in a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of [...] and an inclination of 98 degrees, with a 10:30 a.m.
  • The lower port (nadir) was initially used by visiting Soyuz spacecraft and Progress spacecraft to dock to the ROS; The "Rassvet" module is now docked semipermanently on the nadir port of "Zarya", and visiting spacecraft use "Rassvet" [...] nadir docking port instead.
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