Übersetzung für '
nice girl' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a nice girl | nice girls |
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23 Übersetzungen
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- In 1997, her novel "A Nice Girl Like You" was nominated by "Romantic Times" for a Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Silhouette Yours Truly.
- The show uses the music of Beethoven and a section of his Violin Concerto becomes a Snow White song – "No More Miss Nice Girl" – while his 5th Symphony is used for the song "Snow White Must Die".
- "What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing?": Gage and DeSoto travel to San Francisco to observe some female paramedics work.
- Though Wendy is a nice girl, no one beats Millie's "deadpan sense of humor" and the way she always had something to talk about.
- Lyudmila was a beautiful nice girl. Black-eyed, slim and shapely she attracted many. At the funeral one of her admirers couldn’t help and fall onto her coffin bursting in tears.
- "What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Place like This?
- His mother wanted him to marry a nice girl, and she thought the choice of Betsy Crawford, a friend of his half-sister, Cal, was perfect.
- He also served as the album's lyricist and who co-wrote, with Shankar, the music for the tracks "Dead Girls of London" and "No More Mr. Nice Girl."
- She signed up for a brief six-week course in filmmaking at New York University, where she came into contact with young Martin Scorsese, who was struggling to complete his film "What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
- Andrea Huftika Reah, In his autobiography "My Word", host Terry Christian said that Huffty, a Catholic lesbian from Whitley Bay who is listed in the alumni of Whitley Bay High School, was a "nice girl" and "not suited to the cut and thrust" of television.
- Rob Hoerburger from "Rolling Stone" remarked that "on cuts such as 'Nasty' and the single 'What Have You Done for Me Lately' Janet makes the message clear: She's still basically a nice girl but ready to kick some butt if you try to put her on a pedestal".
- She published seven books and released two spoken word albums: "No More Mr. Nice Girl" and "Love is a Dog From Hell".
- Both Shirley and Trevor tried to convince the studio that they should both play "against type", with perennial good girl Shirley cast as the "femme fatale" Helen, and Trevor cast as the nice girl, Ann, but their pressure did not convince the studio.
- In the "Taxi" episode "Louie and the Nice Girl", Louie De Palma (Danny DeVito) brags about getting the first Baby Ruth out of the vending machine after Zena (Rhea Pearlman) restocks it.
- In the early 1990s, Milano auditioned for nearly every film role in her age bracket, including B movies, and finally tried to shed her "nice girl" image by appearing nude in several erotic films targeted at adults, such as "Embrace of the Vampire", "Deadly Sins" and "Poison Ivy II: Lily".
- Instead he supported Deanna Durbin in "Nice Girl?" (1941), then Cooper again in Frank Capra's "Meet John Doe" (1941) and Hawks' "Sergeant York" (1941).
- While attending the Tisch School of the Arts, Scorsese made the short films "What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Place like This?
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