 Übersetzung für 'nice' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   nice | nicer | nicest
NOUN   Nice | -
SYNO courteous | dainty | decent | ...
nice {adj}nett
nice {adj}schön
nice {adj}freundlich
nice {adj}lieb
nice {adj}hübsch
nice {adj}angenehm
nice {adj}fein
nice {adj}pünktlich
nice {adj}niedlich
nice {adj} [archaic]sorgfältig
nice {adj}gewissenhaft
nice {adj}schnuckelig [ugs.] [nett]
nice {adj} [fastidious]wählerisch
nice {adj} [socially correct]wohlerzogen
nice {adj} [refined]gesittet
nice {adj}schee [südd.] [österr.] [schön]
Nizza {n}
2 Wörter: Andere
awfully nice {adj}sehr liebenswürdig
awfully nice {adj} [coll.]furchtbar nett [ugs.]
awfully nice {adj} [coll.]schrecklich nett [ugs.]
Nice going!Gut gemacht!
Nice going!Schön gemacht!
Nice one. [coll.] [said sarcastically]Schöne Pleite. [ugs.]
Nice prospects!Na, dann gute Nacht! [ugs.] [ironisch]
Nice try!Guter Versuch!
Nice try!Netter Versuch!
Nice work!Gute Arbeit!
nice-looking {adj}gutaussehend
nice-looking {adj}gut aussehend
nice-looking {adj}nett aussehend
nice-looking {adj}hübsch aussehend
nice-sized {adj}hübsch groß [ugs.] [angenehm groß]
nice-smelling {adj}duftend
nice-sounding {adj}schön klingend
nice-tasting {adj}
nice-tasting {adj}
wohlschmeckend [geh.]
Play nice. [Am.] [Don't fight.]Vertragt euch!
terribly nice {adj}außerordentlich nett
very nice {adj}sehr schön
2 Wörter: Substantive
nice affairkitzlige Angelegenheit {f}
nice boy [child]artiger Junge {m}
nice childnettes Kind {n}
nice colours [Br.]hübsche Farben {pl}
nice couple [amiable]sympathisches Paar {n}
nice dayschöner Tag {m}
nice distinctionfeiner Unterschied {m}
nice distinctionsfeine Unterschiede {pl}
nice dress
hübsches Kleid {n}
nice earempfindliches Gehör {n}
nice food
leckeres Essen {n}
nice food {sg}
leckere Speisen {pl}
nice girl [kind girl]nettes Mädchen {n}
nice girl [kind girl]nettes Mädel {n} [ugs.] [häufiger auch iron.]
nice girl [pretty girl]hübsches Mädchen {n}
nice guy [coll.]lieber Kerl {m} [ugs.]
nice guy [coll.]netter Kerl {m} [ugs.]
nice guy [coll.]Sympathiebolzen {m} [ugs.]
nice judgementfeines Urteilsvermögen {n}
nice judgementgenau abwägende Beurteilung {f}
nice manfreundlicher Mann {m}
nice mess [iron.]schönes Durcheinander {n} [iron.]
nice neighbours [Br.]angenehme Nachbarn {pl}
nice observationsscharfe Beobachtungen {pl}
nice peoplenette Leute {pl}
nice peoplenette Menschen {pl}
nice peopleangenehme Leute {pl}
nice proportionsausgewogene Verhältnisse {pl}
nice smellfeiner Duft {m}
nice specimenschönes Exemplar {n}
nice storyfeine Geschichte {f}
nice sumschöner Betrag {m}
nice tasteguter Geschmack {m}
nice things­Nettigkeiten {pl}
nice touch [detail]hübsche Note {f}
nice touch [gesture]nette Geste {f}
nice weather
schönes Wetter {n}
nice-nellyismrhetorische Beschönigung {f} [Euphemismus]
nice-nellyism [euphemism]Euphemismus {m}
3 Wörter: Andere
It looks nice.Es schaut gut aus.
It smells nice.Es riecht gut.
It sounds nice.Es klingt gut.
It tastes nice.Es schmeckt gut.
It's nice, though.Das ist aber / durchaus / dennoch schön.
nice and round {adj}
schön rund
nice and soft {adj} [very soft]schön weich
nice and warm {adj}schön warm
nice to have {adj} [coll.]
nice to have {adj} [postpos.](eigentlich) vernachlässigbar
nice to have {adj} [postpos.]gewünscht, aber nicht notwendig
Nice work, girls.Gute Arbeit, Mädels.
nice-but-dim {adj} [Br.] [coll.]nett, aber nicht helle [ugs.] [regional]
3 Wörter: Verben
to be nice about sth.bei etw. heikel sein
to be nice to sb.nett zu jdm. sein
to be nice to sb.lieb zu jdm. sein
to be nice-lookingnett aussehen
to be nice-looking [person] etwas fürs Auge sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Person: gut aussehen]
3 Wörter: Substantive
a nice messeine schöne Bescherung {f} [ugs.] [Redewendung]
a nice mess eine (schöne) Bescherung {f} [ugs.] [Durcheinander, Schlamassel]
nice cosy corner [Br.]lauschiger Winkel {m}
nice cozy corner [Am.]lauschiger Winkel {m}
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

Übersetzung für 'nice' von Englisch nach Deutsch

nice {adj}










schnuckelig [ugs.] [nett]

schee [südd.] [österr.] [schön]
nice {adj} [archaic]
nice {adj} [fastidious]
nice {adj} [socially correct]
nice {adj} [refined]

Nizza {n}geogr.

awfully nice {adj}
sehr liebenswürdig
awfully nice {adj} [coll.]
furchtbar nett [ugs.]

schrecklich nett [ugs.]
Nice going!
Gut gemacht!

Schön gemacht!
Nice one. [coll.] [said sarcastically]
Schöne Pleite. [ugs.]
Nice prospects!
Na, dann gute Nacht! [ugs.] [ironisch]
Nice try!
Guter Versuch!

Netter Versuch!
Nice work!
Gute Arbeit!
nice-looking {adj}

gut aussehend

nett aussehend

hübsch aussehend
nice-sized {adj}
hübsch groß [ugs.] [angenehm groß]
nice-smelling {adj}
nice-sounding {adj}
schön klingend
nice-tasting {adj}

wohlschmeckend [geh.]gastr.
Play nice. [Am.] [Don't fight.]
Vertragt euch!
terribly nice {adj}
außerordentlich nett
very nice {adj}
sehr schön

nice affair
kitzlige Angelegenheit {f}
nice boy [child]
artiger Junge {m}
nice child
nettes Kind {n}
nice colours [Br.]
hübsche Farben {pl}
nice couple [amiable]
sympathisches Paar {n}
nice day
schöner Tag {m}
nice distinction
feiner Unterschied {m}
nice distinctions
feine Unterschiede {pl}
nice dress
hübsches Kleid {n}cloth.
nice ear
empfindliches Gehör {n}
nice food
leckeres Essen {n}gastr.
nice food {sg}
leckere Speisen {pl}gastr.
nice girl [kind girl]
nettes Mädchen {n}

nettes Mädel {n} [ugs.] [häufiger auch iron.]
nice girl [pretty girl]
hübsches Mädchen {n}
nice guy [coll.]
lieber Kerl {m} [ugs.]

netter Kerl {m} [ugs.]

Sympathiebolzen {m} [ugs.]
nice judgement
feines Urteilsvermögen {n}

genau abwägende Beurteilung {f}
nice man
freundlicher Mann {m}
nice mess [iron.]
schönes Durcheinander {n} [iron.]
nice neighbours [Br.]
angenehme Nachbarn {pl}
nice observations
scharfe Beobachtungen {pl}
nice people
nette Leute {pl}

nette Menschen {pl}

angenehme Leute {pl}
nice proportions
ausgewogene Verhältnisse {pl}
nice smell
feiner Duft {m}
nice specimen
schönes Exemplar {n}
nice story
feine Geschichte {f}
nice sum
schöner Betrag {m}
nice taste
guter Geschmack {m}
nice things­
Nettigkeiten {pl}
nice touch [detail]
hübsche Note {f}
nice touch [gesture]
nette Geste {f}
nice weather
schönes Wetter {n}meteo.
rhetorische Beschönigung {f} [Euphemismus]
nice-nellyism [euphemism]
Euphemismus {m}

It looks nice.
Es schaut gut aus.
It smells nice.
Es riecht gut.
It sounds nice.
Es klingt gut.
It tastes nice.
Es schmeckt gut.
It's nice, though.
Das ist aber / durchaus / dennoch schön.
nice and round {adj}
schön rundidiom
nice and soft {adj} [very soft]
schön weich
nice and warm {adj}
schön warm
nice to have {adj} [coll.]
nice to have {adj} [postpos.]
(eigentlich) vernachlässigbar

gewünscht, aber nicht notwendig
Nice work, girls.
Gute Arbeit, Mädels.
nice-but-dim {adj} [Br.] [coll.]
nett, aber nicht helle [ugs.] [regional]

to be nice about sth.
bei etw. heikel sein
to be nice to sb.
nett zu jdm. sein

lieb zu jdm. sein
to be nice-looking
nett aussehen
to be nice-looking [person]
etwas fürs Auge sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Person: gut aussehen]

a nice mess
eine schöne Bescherung {f} [ugs.] [Redewendung]

eine (schöne) Bescherung {f} [ugs.] [Durcheinander, Schlamassel]
nice cosy corner [Br.]
lauschiger Winkel {m}
nice cozy corner [Am.]
lauschiger Winkel {m}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • TCP Nice, a modified version of TCP developed by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, allows applications to request that certain TCP connections be managed by the operating system as near zero-cost background transfers, or "nice" flows.
  • Dootsie introduces her to Betty Lou, an agoraphobic elderly woman. She is quite nice and Stargirl soon becomes friends with her as well. They also share a very nice time watching flowers together.
  • Compare this with the uncontracted form "Is he not nice?" and the archaic "Is not he nice?".
  • Geometrically speaking, these three properties make Lebesgue measure very nice to work with.
  • "Nutty but Nice" was filmed from April 27 to May 2, 1940. The film title is a play on the expression, "naughty but nice".

  • Tengwe has a nice club which was built by the whites long ago but it's still nice up to current.
  • In "Parliament", Mrs Harris finds that being nice, kind and hopeful does not always lead to people being nice and kind in return. There is rather less comedy in this third book.
  • Minnesota nice was an influence on the Coen brothers movie "Fargo", set in both Minnesota and neighboring North Dakota. A 2003 documentary about the making of the movie was entitled "Minnesota Nice".
  • "That was a nice effort. He's a nice horse with ability".
  • We then get taken back to when Derek first realizes he is looked at as "just a nice guy" in the eyes of girls.

  • The main prize was won by team Nice-ify. The team created a solution that replaces hateful language with a nice-ified version in voice-chat environments.
  • "The Guardian" thought there was "a nice chemistry" between the three main characters and the series was funny "in a nice, cosy, safe, familial, familiar kind of way".
  • In Chicago, a Robin Hood-like crook is an object of affection, nice to some and not so nice to others.
  • Talagune is a village in Sri Lanka. It is located in Central Province. The village has a nice view with surrounded mountains, Terraced paddy fields and a nice water fall named Allegala.
  • Grandville Public Schools embraces the "be nice" program, a positive anti-bullying approach that goes beyond telling kids not to bully.

  • The conjunction may be elided (parataxis): This coffee is nice and hot can become This is nice hot coffee; in both cases one is saying that the coffee is hot to a nice degree, not that the coffee itself would be nice even if cold.
  • The third person singular possessive suffix also acts as a definite article: [...] ("the Udmurt language is nice" – literally "Udmurt language's nice").
  • The task's nice-to-index mapping function [...] is mapped from nice −20...19 to index 0...39 to be used as the input to the prio ratio lookup table.
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