 Übersetzung für 'nickname' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a nickname | nicknames
VERB   to nickname | nicknamed | nicknamed
nicknaming | nicknames
SYNO byname | cognomen | moniker | ...
to nickname sb.jdm. einen Spitznamen geben
to nickname sb. [call by a nickname]jdn. mit Spitznamen nennen
to nickname sb. [call by a nickname]jdn. bei seinem Spitznamen nennen
nicknameSpitzname {m}
nicknameKosename {m}
nicknameÜbername {m} [veraltet]
nicknameSpottname {m}
nicknameUzname {m}
nicknameNeckname {m}
nicknameScherzname {m}
nickname [familiar name]Umgangsname {m}
2 Wörter
(chat) nickname
Nickname {m}
chat nickname
Chat-Spitzname {m}
derisive nicknameSpottname {m}
14 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He earned the nickname Aki while in MLB. His nickname is Gan-chan in NPB.
  • Sifferman goes by the nickname "Jungle Boy" as replay official, a nickname discovered when Hochuli accidentally turned on his microphone to the crowd during a game.
  • The interchange's nickname comes from that of Gravelly Hill Junction in Birmingham, UK, which opened in 1972 and was given the nickname "Spaghetti Junction".
  • The nickname Estádio Boca do Jacaré means "Alligator's Mouth Stadium", and is a reference to Brasiliense Futebol Clube's nickname.
  • John's nickname and mascot have had a controversial history.

  • Fat City is also an old nickname for Stockton, California, where the novel and film are set. The nickname preceded Gardner's novel.
  • The school's athletic nickname is the Patriots. Originally the nickname was the Braves.
  • Nutmegger is a nickname for people from the US state of Connecticut.
  • Ignacio Jordà González was born in Mataró (Barcelona) in Catalonia, Spain. His nickname, Nacho, is the common nickname for Ignacio.
  • Morono earlier had the nickname of 'Baby Fedor' before he got 'The Great White' nickname after a sparring session.

  • The traditional nickname of the Portsmouth Football Club is "Pompey", a nickname already long associated with the English city of Portsmouth and its Royal Navy base.
  • Phyllis earned the nickname of "the dragon", a nickname also shared by her aunt Etta Lemon.
  • Heron's nickname was "Tilly" which was short for Matilda. She sometimes referred to herself by this nickname.
  • His former trainer, Carlos Jesus Penate Torres from Cuba give his nickname "Cino" ("Chino" in Spanish). Since then he is always known by the nickname.
  • Ned tries to create a cool nickname for himself after he is given the embarrassing nickname "Wedgepicker"; Moze tries to get rid of her "Moze" nickname and just be "Jennifer"; Cookie creates a nickname generator, which Loomer uses to pick on people.

  • The school sport's nickname is the Gents; the women's sports' nickname is the Ladies.
  • The Prison Bar nickname first originated from fans of rival football clubs, in particular those of [...].
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