22 Übersetzungen
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- This is a possessory lien, and is the non-consensual type of lien (because it exists automatically under a statute instead of being affirmatively agreed upon).
- A medical report from the examination of the complainant indicated redness on the inner labia, consistent with consensual or non-consensual intercourse.
- Non-consensual intimate and sexual contact, such as frotteurism and groping, are unacceptable.
- Non-consensual sexual activity or subjecting an unwilling person to witnessing a sexual activity are forms of sexual abuse, as well as (in many countries) certain non-consensual paraphilias such as frotteurism, telephone scatophilia (indecent phonecalls), and non-consensual exhibitionism and voyeurism (known as "indecent exposure" and "peeping tom" respectively).
- Article 7 prohibits torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment and non-consensual medical or scientific experimentation.
- In 1941, Rosemary underwent a non-consensual lobotomy intended to correct her violent mood swings, convulsions, and intellectual disability.
- Most of the backlash was from fan fiction writers whose communities and personal journals were among those suspended, seemingly because they listed interests such as "incest" or "non-con" (short for non-consensual).
- However, it is worth noting that the Marquis de Sade describes non-consensual abuse in his works, such as in "Justine".
- Non-consensual voyeurism is considered to be a form of sexual abuse.
- In 2011, Christiane Völling won the first successful case brought by an intersex person against a surgeon for non-consensual surgical intervention described by the International Commission of Jurists as "an example of an individual who was subjected to sex reassignment surgery without full knowledge or consent".
- In the spring of 2014, Ghomeshi advised his employers at the CBC that the "Toronto Star" was looking into allegations by an ex-girlfriend that he had engaged in non-consensual rough sex and that he denied this accusation.
- The court, however, held that the section would apply to bestiality, sex with minors and non consensual sexual acts.
- Sexual slavery may also involve single-owner sexual slavery; ritual slavery, sometimes associated with certain religious practices, such as ritual servitude in Ghana, Togo and Benin; slavery for primarily non-sexual purposes but where non-consensual sexual activity is common; or forced prostitution.
- This section penalizes both consensual and forced sodomy [...] with 10 years minimum to life imprisonment.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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