 Übersetzung für 'o'er' von Englisch nach Deutsch
o'er {prep} {adv} [archaic] [poet.] [short for over]über
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Übersetzung für 'o'er' von Englisch nach Deutsch

o'er {prep} {adv} [archaic] [poet.] [short for over]
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Conder wrote a number of works and hymns, including "Christ watches o'er the embers...", although his grandson Josiah Conder was the more prolific hymn writer in the family.
  • And Vicky's going to send them all, o'er the sea.
  • A native flag, o'er hearth and home.
  • And swift as the wind o'er the green field she flew.
  • Pearl Jam first performed its cover of "Love, Reign o'er Me" live at the band's 26 June 2007 concert in Copenhagen, Denmark at the Forum.

  • Let the bird intone a song of peace o'er my site.
  • Son toiled o'er his book, father was vexed beyond belief.
  • 1. The auld yowe jumpt o'er the tether.
  • "With its shadows o'er me.
  • Away o'er the waters away and away!

  • She pauses o'er the chrystal flood.
  • His gentler skill o'er brutal force prevail'd ...
  • How they'll skip and dance o'er the bum o' Geordie!
  • And rest in our graves, far away o'er the billows.
  • And she followed him o'er the ocean did this female sailor bold.

  • And to thee ev'ry thought of mine will o'er incline.
  • 'O'er-greene': 'o'er' is Shakespeare's common abbreviation for 'over' in the sonnets, notable parallels in Sonnets 43, 65, 139 ('o'er worn; o'er-sways; o'er-pressed').
  • "let us every one go home, and laugh this sport o'er by a country fire; Sir John and all".
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