| without {prep} <w/o> | ohne [+Akk.] <o.> 2890 | |
| meteo. overcast {adj} <o> | bedeckt 222 | |
| someone {pron} <so., s.o.> [indirect object] | jemandem <jdm.> 95 | |
| o'erclouded {adj} {past-p} [poet.] | umwölkt [Stirn] 15 | |
| O.K. | Einverstanden. 14 | |
| o'er {prep} {adv} [archaic] [poet.] [short for over] | über 13 | |
| O [as an address, preceding a name] [literary] | o [als Anrufung vor einem Namen] [geh.] 5 | |
| ... o'clockish {adv} [coll.] | etwa um ... Uhr | |
| O.K. | Gut! | |
| O.K. | okay | |
| O.K. | o. k. | |
| O.K. | O. K. | |
| O.K. {adj} {adv} | richtig | |
| O.K. | in Ordnung <i. O.> | |
| med.pharm. peroral {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration] | durch den Mund [nachgestellt] | |
Verben |
| to o.d. [coll.] [to overdose] | überdosieren 10 | |
| drugsmed. to o.d. [coll.] [to overdose] | eine Überdosis nehmen | |
Substantive |
| chem. oxygen <O> | Sauerstoff {m} <O> 2176 | |
| QM occurrence <O> [rating] [FMEA] | 118 Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit {f} [Kennzahl; Fehlerursache] [FMEA] | |
| B.O. [coll.] [body odor] | Körpergeruch {m} 41 | |
| electr. scope <O-scope> [coll.] [short for: oscilloscope] | Oszilloskop {n} 20 | |
| electr. scope <O-scope> [coll.] [short for: oscilloscope] | Oszi {n} [ugs.] [kurz für: Oszilloskop] 6 | |
| orn.T ae'o [Hawaiian] [Himantopus mexicanus knudseni] [Hawaiian stilt] | Hawaiistelzenläufer {m} [auch: Hawaii-Stelzenläufer] | |
| relig. Augustinians <O.S.A.> | Augustiner {pl} <OSA> | |
| relig. Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.> | Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam> | |
| relig. Clarissines [Poor Clares] <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl> | Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl> | |
| games Fool <O> [also: Jester] [or lowercase: fool / jester] [Tarot card] | Narr {m} <O> [Tarotkarte] | |
| relig. Hieronymites [Order of Saint Jerome] <OSH, O.S.H.> | Hieronymiten {pl} [Orden des heiligen Hieronymus] <O.S.H.> | |
| ling.print o [letter] | o {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print O [letter] | O {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| O [sl.] [ounce] | Unze {f} [Drogen] | |
| relig. Oratorians <C.O.> [members of the Oratory congregation] | Oratorianer {pl} | |
| chem.material oxygen <O> | Oxygen {n} <O> | |
| chem.material oxygen <O> | Oxygenium {n} <O> [selten] | |
| chem. pyrrolysine <Pyl, O> [C12H21N3O3] | Pyrrolysin {n} <Pyl, O> | |
| relig. Trappists <OCSO, O.C.S.O.> | Trappisten {pl} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| account of <a/o> | auf Konto von | |
| account of <a/o> | auf Rechnung von | |
| at ... (o'clock) {adv} | um ... (Uhr) | |
| med.pharm. by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os] | oral | |
| care of ... <c/o> | wohnhaft bei ... | |
| care of <c/o> | bei | |
| care of <c/o> | per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.> | |
| ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | qua Amt | |
| ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | kraft seines Amtes | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | kraft Amtes | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | von Amts wegen | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | ex officio <e.o.> | |
| lame-o {adj} [Am.] [sl.] | hirnlos [ugs.] | |
| lame-o {adj} [Am.] [sl.] | schwachsinnig [ugs.] | |
| nine o'clock | neun Uhr | |
| not until [8 o'clock] | erst um [acht Uhr] | |
| med.pharm. omni nocte {adv} <o.n., on> [at night] | nachts | |
| med.pharm. per os {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration] | peroral <p.o.> | |
| med.pharm. per os {adv} {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration] | per os [durch den Mund] | |
| pissed off {adj} [vulg.] <p.o.'d, po'd > | angepisst [vulg.] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| textil. to fasten off <fo, f/o> [finishing a crochet or knitting project] | [Abschließen einer Häkel- od. Strickarbeit] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| mil. (Officer) Cadet [rank] <O Cdt / OC> | Fahnenjunker {m} <Fhj / FJ> | |
| relig. Augustinian Friars <O.S.A.> | Augustiner {pl} <OSA> | |
| relig. Austin Friars <O.S.A.> | Augustiner {pl} <OSA> | |
| beer o'clock [Aus.] [coll.] | Feierabend {m} | |
| neol. beer o'clock [hum.] [coll.] | Bierzeit {f} [hum.] [südd.] | |
| body odor [Am.] <B.O.> | Körpergeruch {m} | |
| body odour [Br.] <B.O.> | Körpergeruch {m} | |
| bottle-o [Aus.] [sl.] | Getränkemarkt {m} | |
| branch office <BO, b. o.> | Filiale {f} | |
| C.O.D. service | Nachnahme {f} | |
| insur. D&O insurance | Manager-Haftpflichtversicherung {f} | |
| archaeo.geol.meteo. Dansgaard–Oeschger event <D-O event> | Dansgaard-Oeschger-Ereignis {n} <DO-Ereignis> | |
| comm. delivery order <D.O.> | Ablieferungsschein {m} | |
| comm. delivery order <D/O, DO> | Lieferschein {m} | |
| relig. Discalced Carmelites <O.C.D.> | Unbeschuhte Karmeliten {pl} <OCD> | |
| admin.pol. Executive Order <EO, E.O.> | Anordnung {f} des US-Präsidenten | |
| five-o [sl.] | Bullen {pl} [ugs.] [Polizei] | |
| hist.ling. Hanunó'o alphabet | Hanunó'o-Schrift {f} | |
| electr. I/O [PLC] | E/A {pl} [SPS] [Eingänge/Ausgänge] | |
| Jack O'Lantern | Halloweenkürbis {m} | |
| Jack O'Lantern | Jack O'Lantern {m} [Kürbisgesicht zu Halloween] | |
| Jack O'Lantern [Am.] | Halloween-Kürbis {m} | |
| gastr. Jell-O [Am.] | Wackelpeter {m} | |
| gastr. Jell-O [Am.] | Wackelpudding {m} | |
| gastr. Jell-O [Am.] | Götterspeise {f} [Wackelpudding] | |
| lame-o [sl.] | Versager {m} | |
| med. medical history <Hx, H/O> | Krankengeschichte {f} <KG, Kg> | |
| mus.relig. O antiphons [also: great O's] | O-Antiphonen {pl} | |
| ling. o interfix | Fugen-o {n} | |
| cloth. O silhouette [egg-shape] | O-Silhouette {f} [O-Linie, O-Form] | |
| educ. O-level [ordinary level] [Br.] | mittlere Reife {f} [entspricht] | |
| biochem. O-mannosylation | O-Mannosylierung {f} | |
| chem. o-phenylenediamine <OPD> [1,2-diaminobenzene] | o-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD> [1,2-Diaminobenzol] | |
| O-ring | O-Ring {m} | |
| O-ring | Dichtungsring {m} | |
| o-ring | Rundschnurring {m} | |
| tech. O-ring | Rundring {m} [O-Ring] | |
| tech. O-ring | Nullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring] | |
| O-seal | Runddichtung {f} | |
| tech. O.D. clamping [outer diameter clamping] | Außenspannung {f} | |
| geogr. O'Hara Glacier | O'Hara-Gletscher {m} | |
| geogr. O'Kane Canyon | O'Kane Canyon {m} | |
| geogr. O'Kane Glacier | O'Kane-Gletscher {m} | |
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Übersetzung für 'o'' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- without {prep} <w/o>
- ohne [+Akk.] <o.>
- overcast {adj} <o>
- bedecktmeteo.
- someone {pron} <so., s.o.> [indirect object]
- jemandem <jdm.>
- o'erclouded {adj} {past-p} [poet.]
- umwölkt [Stirn]
- O.K.
- Einverstanden.
o. k.
O. K.
in Ordnung <i. O.>
- o'er {prep} {adv} [archaic] [poet.] [short for over]
- über
- O [as an address, preceding a name] [literary]
- o [als Anrufung vor einem Namen] [geh.]
- ... o'clockish {adv} [coll.]
- etwa um ... Uhr
- O.K. {adj} {adv}
- richtig
- peroral {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]
- durch den Mund [nachgestellt]med.pharm.
- to o.d. [coll.] [to overdose]
- überdosieren
eine Überdosis nehmendrugsmed.
- oxygen <O>
- Sauerstoff {m} <O>chem.
Oxygen {n} <O>chem.material
Oxygenium {n} <O> [selten]chem.material
- occurrence <O> [rating] [FMEA]
- Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit {f} [Kennzahl; Fehlerursache] [FMEA]QM
- B.O. [coll.] [body odor]
- Körpergeruch {m}
- scope <O-scope> [coll.] [short for: oscilloscope]
- Oszilloskop {n}electr.
Oszi {n} [ugs.] [kurz für: Oszilloskop]electr.
- ae'o [Hawaiian] [Himantopus mexicanus knudseni] [Hawaiian stilt]
- Hawaiistelzenläufer {m} [auch: Hawaii-Stelzenläufer]orn.T
- Augustinians <O.S.A.>
- Augustiner {pl} <OSA>relig.
- Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.>
- Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam>relig.
- Clarissines [Poor Clares] <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>
- Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>relig.
- Fool <O> [also: Jester] [or lowercase: fool / jester] [Tarot card]
- Narr {m} <O> [Tarotkarte]games
- Hieronymites [Order of Saint Jerome] <OSH, O.S.H.>
- Hieronymiten {pl} [Orden des heiligen Hieronymus] <O.S.H.>relig.
- o [letter]
- o {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- O [letter]
- O {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- O [sl.] [ounce]
- Unze {f} [Drogen]
- Oratorians <C.O.> [members of the Oratory congregation]
- Oratorianer {pl}relig.
- pyrrolysine <Pyl, O> [C12H21N3O3]
- Pyrrolysin {n} <Pyl, O>chem.
- Trappists <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>
- Trappisten {pl}relig.
- account of <a/o>
- auf Konto von
auf Rechnung von
- at ... (o'clock) {adv}
- um ... (Uhr)
- by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os]
- oralmed.pharm.
- care of ... <c/o>
- wohnhaft bei ...
- care of <c/o>
- bei
per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.>
- ex officio {adv} <e.o.>
- qua Amt
kraft seines Amtes
kraft Amteslaw
von Amts wegenlaw
ex officio <e.o.>law
- lame-o {adj} [Am.] [sl.]
- hirnlos [ugs.]
schwachsinnig [ugs.]
- nine o'clock
- neun Uhr
- not until [8 o'clock]
- erst um [acht Uhr]
- omni nocte {adv} <o.n., on> [at night]
- nachtsmed.pharm.
- per os {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]
- peroral <p.o.>med.pharm.
- per os {adv} {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]
- per os [durch den Mund]med.pharm.
- pissed off {adj} [vulg.] <p.o.'d, po'd >
- angepisst [vulg.]
- to fasten off <fo, f/o> [finishing a crochet or knitting project]
- [Abschließen einer Häkel- od. Strickarbeit]textil.
- (Officer) Cadet [rank] <O Cdt / OC>
- Fahnenjunker {m} <Fhj / FJ>mil.
- Augustinian Friars <O.S.A.>
- Augustiner {pl} <OSA>relig.
- Austin Friars <O.S.A.>
- Augustiner {pl} <OSA>relig.
- beer o'clock [Aus.] [coll.]
- Feierabend {m}
- beer o'clock [hum.] [coll.]
- Bierzeit {f} [hum.] [südd.]neol.
- body odor [Am.] <B.O.>
- Körpergeruch {m}
- body odour [Br.] <B.O.>
- Körpergeruch {m}
- bottle-o [Aus.] [sl.]
- Getränkemarkt {m}
- branch office <BO, b. o.>
- Filiale {f}
- C.O.D. service
- Nachnahme {f}
- D&O insurance
- Manager-Haftpflichtversicherung {f}insur.
- Dansgaard–Oeschger event <D-O event>
- Dansgaard-Oeschger-Ereignis {n} <DO-Ereignis>archaeo.geol.meteo.
- delivery order <D.O.>
- Ablieferungsschein {m}comm.
- delivery order <D/O, DO>
- Lieferschein {m}comm.
- Discalced Carmelites <O.C.D.>
- Unbeschuhte Karmeliten {pl} <OCD>relig.
- Executive Order <EO, E.O.>
- Anordnung {f} des US-Präsidentenadmin.pol.
- five-o [sl.]
- Bullen {pl} [ugs.] [Polizei]
- Hanunó'o alphabet
- Hanunó'o-Schrift {f}hist.ling.
- I/O [PLC]
- E/A {pl} [SPS] [Eingänge/Ausgänge]electr.
- Jack O'Lantern
- Halloweenkürbis {m}
Jack O'Lantern {m} [Kürbisgesicht zu Halloween]
- Jack O'Lantern [Am.]
- Halloween-Kürbis {m}
- Jell-O [Am.]
- Wackelpeter {m}gastr.
Wackelpudding {m}gastr.
Götterspeise {f} [Wackelpudding]gastr.
- lame-o [sl.]
- Versager {m}
- medical history <Hx, H/O>
- Krankengeschichte {f} <KG, Kg>med.
- O antiphons [also: great O's]
- O-Antiphonen {pl}mus.relig.
- o interfix
- Fugen-o {n}ling.
- O silhouette [egg-shape]
- O-Silhouette {f} [O-Linie, O-Form]cloth.
- O-level [ordinary level] [Br.]
- mittlere Reife {f} [entspricht]educ.
- O-mannosylation
- O-Mannosylierung {f}biochem.
- o-phenylenediamine <OPD> [1,2-diaminobenzene]
- o-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD> [1,2-Diaminobenzol]chem.
- O-ring
- O-Ring {m}
Dichtungsring {m}
Rundring {m} [O-Ring]tech.
Nullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring]tech.
- o-ring
- Rundschnurring {m}
- O-seal
- Runddichtung {f}
- O.D. clamping [outer diameter clamping]
- Außenspannung {f}tech.
- O'Hara Glacier
- O'Hara-Gletscher {m}geogr.
- O'Kane Canyon
- O'Kane Canyon {m}geogr.
- O'Kane Glacier
- O'Kane-Gletscher {m}geogr.
- oder <o., od.> = or
- ohne [+Akk.] <o.> = without <w/o>
- Sauerstoff {m} <O> = oxygen <O>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Beat 'im o'r wi' a cat-o-nine-tails.
- How they'll skip and dance o'er the bum o' Geordie!
- 'O'er-greene': 'o'er' is Shakespeare's common abbreviation for 'over' in the sonnets, notable parallels in Sonnets 43, 65, 139 ('o'er worn; o'er-sways; o'er-pressed').
- The resulting "o"-nitroanisole is reduced to "o"-anisidine.
- "Osteobrama bhimensis" is a synonym of "Osteobrama vigorsii" according to Fishbase, and Fishbase also treats the former subspecies of "O. cotio" as distinct species: "O. cotio", "O. cunma" and "O. peninsularis".
- The Bishop's ‘ō‘ō or Molokai ‘ō‘ō ("Moho bishopi") was the penultimate member of the extinct genus of the ‘ō‘ōs ("Moho") within the extinct family Mohoidae. It was previously regarded as member of the Australo-Pacific honeyeaters (Meliphagidae). Lionel Walter Rothschild named it after Charles Reed Bishop, the founder of the Bishop Museum.
- Other spin-offs included Bit o' Licorice and Bit-O-Peanut Butter. In 2017, Bit-O-Honey Chocolate was reintroduced.
- The ceremonial Head of State or "O le Ao o le Malo" is elected for a five-year term by the Fono. O le Ao o le Malo is limited to a maximum of 2 terms.
- The use of unmarked "o" and marked "ō" for the phonemes /u/ and /oː/ emphasizes the relationship that can exist between these two vowels. There are situations where "o" can be lengthened to "ō", as for example in ᓂᑲᒧ! "nikamo!" “sing (now)!" and ᓂᑲᒨᐦᑲᐣ! "nikamōhkan!" “sing (later)!".
- illudens" (Jack o' Lantern mushrooms), and "O. nidiformis" (Australian ghost fungus).
- "o"-bromoanilines or "o"-chloroanilines do not undergo Larock indole synthesis. However, researchers from Boehringer-Ingelheim were able to successfully use both "o"-bromoanilines and "o"-chloroanilines to form indoles by using N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) as the solvent with 1,1'bis(di-tert-butylphosphino)ferrocene as the palladium ligand.
- Synthesis is much like that of benzotriazole, but starting with methyl-"o"-phenylenediamine instead of "o"-phenylenediamine. Isomers of methyl-"o"-phenylenediamine include 3-methyl-"o"-phenylenediamine, 4-methyl-"o"-phenylenediamine, and N-methyl-"o"-phenylenediamine (not involved here).
- António Ribeiro O.F. (Évora, 1520 – Lisbon, 1591), known as "O Chiado" or "O Poeta Chiado" was a Portuguese poet.
- Mid "ė", "ø̇", "0" are weak allophones of "e", "ø", "o".
- He translated "O principiño" (1972) by the French Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Os escaravellos voan á tardiña" (1989) by the Swedish Maria Gripe and "O vello e o mar" (1998) by the American Ernest Hemingway.
- However, in Harry Hoijer and other American linguists' work all o-vowels are written as "o". Similarly, Navajo does not use orthographic "u", consistently writing this vowel as "o".
- Related to four-card "Schieber" is the "Devil's Round" ("Teufelsrunde") from Munich. Forehand is given the [...] O, [...] O, [...] O and [...] U and must announce the "Solo" before any cards are dealt.
- As in Middle Dutch Lengthening of vowels in open syllables: "e" > "ē", "o" > "ō", "a" > "ā", "ö" > "ȫ", ü > "ǖ". "i" Is often lengthened to "ē".
- Unstressed pronouns like "o" and "a" are normally placed before the conjugated form of "ter": "eu o terei visto"; "eu não o terei visto".
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