 Übersetzung für 'o ring' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an O-ring | O-rings
O-ringO-Ring {m}
O-ringDichtungs­ring {m}
o-ringRundschnurring {m}
Rundring {m} [O-Ring]
Nullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring]
3 Wörter: Substantive
encapsulated O-ring
ummantelter O-Ring {m}
O-ring circuit
O-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung]
O-ring gripper
O-Ring-Greifer {m}
O-ring sealO-Dichtring {m}
O-ring sealRundgummidichtung {f}
valve O-ringVentil-O-Ring {m}
4 Wörter: Substantive
O-ring (seal / gasket)
Rundschnurring {m}
5+ Wörter: Substantive
ring-a-ring-o' roses
Ringelreihen {m}
ring-a-ring-o' roses
Ringelreigen {m}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
ring-o'-bells [Hyacinthoides non-scripta, syn.: Endymion non-scriptum, Scilla non-scripta, Agraphis nutans]
Englisches Hasenglöckchen {n}
ring-o'-bells [Hyacinthoides non-scripta, syn.: Endymion non-scriptum, Scilla non-scripta, Agraphis nutans]
Atlantisches Hasenglöckchen {n}
O'ahu 'Ō'ō [Moho apicalis] [extinct] [also: Oahu oo]
Oʻahu ʻŌʻō {m} [ausgestorben]
O'ahu 'Ō'ō [Moho apicalis] [extinct] [also: Oahu oo]
Weißspitzen-Krausschwanz {m} [ausgestorben]
O'ahu 'Ō'ō [Moho apicalis] [extinct] [also: Oahu oo]
Krausschwanzmoho {m} [ausgestorben]
You only live once. <YOLO, Y.O.L.O.>
Man lebt nur einmal.
Oblates of the Mother of Orphans <O.M.O.>
Oblatinnen {pl} der Mutter der Waisen
jack-o'-lantern [archaic] [will-o'-the wisp]Irrlicht {n}
Moloka'i 'Ō'ō [Moho bishopi] [extinct] [also: Molokai oo]
Ohrbüschelmoho {m} [ausgestorben]
Bishop's 'Ō'ō [Moho bishopi] [extinct] [also: Bishop's oo]
Ohrbüschelmoho {m} [ausgestorben]
Moloka'i o-o [Moho/Acrulocercus bishopi]
Molokai-Krausschwanz {m}
Moloka'i o-o [Moho/Acrulocercus bishopi]
Ohrbüschelmoho {m}
Bishop's o-o [Moho/Acrulocercus bishopi]
Molokai-Krausschwanz {m}
Bishop's o-o [Moho/Acrulocercus bishopi]
Ohrbüschelmoho {m}
Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>
Orden {m} der Zisterzienser von der strengeren Observanz <O.C.S.O>
Trappists <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>
Trappisten {pl}
or near offer <o.n.o.>Verhandlungs­basis {f} <VB, VHB>
Kaua'i o-o [Moho braccatus]
Kauai-Krausschwanz {m}
Kaua'i o-o [Moho braccatus]
Schuppenkehlmoho {m}
aware and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]
wach und orientiert
alert and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]
wach und orientiert
object-relational mapping <ORM, O/RM, O/R mapping>
objektrelationale Abbildung {f} <OR-Abbildung>
36 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'o ring' von Englisch nach Deutsch

O-Ring {m}

Dichtungs­ring {m}

Rundring {m} [O-Ring]tech.

Nullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring]tech.
Rundschnurring {m}

encapsulated O-ring
ummantelter O-Ring {m}engin.
O-ring circuit
O-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung]electr.
O-ring gripper
O-Ring-Greifer {m}tech.
O-ring seal
O-Dichtring {m}

Rundgummidichtung {f}
valve O-ring
Ventil-O-Ring {m}

O-ring (seal / gasket)
Rundschnurring {m}tech.

ring-a-ring-o' roses
Ringelreihen {m}games

Ringelreigen {m}games

ring-o'-bells [Hyacinthoides non-scripta, syn.: Endymion non-scriptum, Scilla non-scripta, Agraphis nutans]
Englisches Hasenglöckchen {n}bot.T

Atlantisches Hasenglöckchen {n}bot.T

O'ahu 'Ō'ō [Moho apicalis] [extinct] [also: Oahu oo]
Oʻahu ʻŌʻō {m} [ausgestorben]orn.T

Weißspitzen-Krausschwanz {m} [ausgestorben]orn.T

Krausschwanzmoho {m} [ausgestorben]orn.T
You only live once. <YOLO, Y.O.L.O.>
Man lebt nur einmal.Internet
Oblates of the Mother of Orphans <O.M.O.>
Oblatinnen {pl} der Mutter der Waisenrelig.
jack-o'-lantern [archaic] [will-o'-the wisp]
Irrlicht {n}
Moloka'i 'Ō'ō [Moho bishopi] [extinct] [also: Molokai oo]
Ohrbüschelmoho {m} [ausgestorben]orn.T
Bishop's 'Ō'ō [Moho bishopi] [extinct] [also: Bishop's oo]
Ohrbüschelmoho {m} [ausgestorben]orn.T
Moloka'i o-o [Moho/Acrulocercus bishopi]
Molokai-Krausschwanz {m}orn.T

Ohrbüschelmoho {m}orn.T
Bishop's o-o [Moho/Acrulocercus bishopi]
Molokai-Krausschwanz {m}orn.T

Ohrbüschelmoho {m}orn.T
Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>
Orden {m} der Zisterzienser von der strengeren Observanz <O.C.S.O>relig.
Trappists <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>
Trappisten {pl}relig.
or near offer <o.n.o.>
Verhandlungs­basis {f} <VB, VHB>
Kaua'i o-o [Moho braccatus]
Kauai-Krausschwanz {m}orn.T

Schuppenkehlmoho {m}orn.T
aware and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]
wach und orientiertmed.
alert and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]
wach und orientiertmed.
object-relational mapping <ORM, O/RM, O/R mapping>
objektrelationale Abbildung {f} <OR-Abbildung>comp.
  • O-Ring {m} = O-ring
  • O-Ring {m} = toric joint [O-ring]
  • O-Ring-Greifer {m} = O-ring gripper
  • Ventil-O-Ring {m} = valve O-ring
  • ummantelter O-Ring {m} = encapsulated O-ring
  • O-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung] = O-ring circuit
  • faktorieller Ring {m} <ZPE-Ring> = unique factorization domain <UFD>
  • Orden {m} der Zisterzienser von der strengeren Observanz <O.C.S.O> = Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance <OCSO, O.C.S.O.>
  • ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.> = no place given <N.P., n.p.>
  • ohne Obligo <o. O.> = without prejudice
  • ohne Obligo <o. O.> = without obligation
  • Orientierung und Mobilität <O&M, O+M> [Training für Blinde] = orientation and mobility <O&M> [instruction for the blind]
  • ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.; o. O. und J.> = no place, no date <n.p., n.d.>
  • Irrtum und Auslassung vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] = Error and omission excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE>
  • Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] = Errors and omissions excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE>
  • ohne nähere Angabe <o. n. A., o.n.A.> = not otherwise specified <NOS>
  • Ring {m} = circle
  • Ring {m} = pool
  • Ring {m} = circlet
  • Ring {m} = torus
  • Ring {m} = curl
  • Ring {m} = cycle
  • Ring {m} = ring
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • All parallel thread valves are sealed using an elastomer O-ring at top of the neck thread which seals in a chamfer or step in the cylinder neck and against the flange of the valve.
  • X-ring and O-Ring chains greatly decrease wear by means of internal lubricants, increasing chain life. The internal lubrication is inserted by means of a vacuum when riveting the chain together.
  • In cases where the blades are removable, the container should have an O-ring or gasket between the body of the container and the base to seal the container and prevent the contents from leaking.
  • Of three manufacturers in North America, Moen and American Standard use cartridges (Moen's being O-ring based, American Standard's being ceramic), while Delta uses rubber seats facing the cartridges.
  • They can also help prevent the O-ring of a yoke type valve from falling out.

  • The commission found that the immediate cause of the "Challenger" accident was a failure in the O-rings sealing the aft field joint on the right solid rocket booster, causing pressurized hot gases and eventually flame to "blow by" the O-ring and contact the adjacent external tank, causing structural failure.
  • Caps of the 1920s had three types of rims: solid rubber (like an o-ring), air-inflated rubber, or a spring encased in rubber.
  • An O-ring, also known as a packing or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, forming a seal at the interface.
  • However, male connectors are commonly enhanced with an o-ring (of about 7 [...] mm) inside the captive nut.
  • The elements are both hydraulically and mechanically loaded with a spring or other device to maintain contact.

  • The "Challenger" accident has been used as a case study for subjects such as engineering safety, the ethics of whistleblowing, communications and group decision-making, and the dangers of groupthink.
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