| PRON | one | one | one's ones |
| NOUN | a one | ones |
PRON pron | objective | possessive
pl (for sg pronouns)
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| one | eins 32767 | |
| one {pron} | man 1330 | |
| freely {adv} [of one's own accord] | freiwillig 736 | |
| deflated {adj} {past-p} [having lost one's conceitedness] | ernüchtert 256 | |
| sb. disposed [had at one's disposal] | jd. verfügte 167 | |
| one | ein 157 | |
| one | eine 120 | |
| delinquent {adj} [failing in one's duty] | pflichtvergessen [pej.] 67 | |
| one's {pron} [determiner] | jemandes <jds.> 52 | |
| sb. disposes [has at one's disposal] | jd. verfügt 46 | |
| one {pron} | einenAkk. 42 | |
| sb. opined [expressed as one's opinion] | jd. meinte 41 | |
| one {pron} | frau [feministisch, sonst hum.] [man] 27 | |
| one {adj} [sole] | einzig 20 | |
| A-one {adj} [coll.] | erstklassig 18 | |
| all [one's life] | zeit [+Gen.] [z. B. zeit meines Lebens] 18 | |
| in {prep} [one's lifetime] | zeit [+Gen.] [z. B. zeit meines Lebens] 16 | |
| functional {adj} [in one's function] | dienstlich 11 | |
| plausibly {adv} [to present one's excuses] | geschickt 8 | |
| one ... | ein gewisser ... | |
| one ... | eine gewisse ... | |
| Splendid! [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Ganz ausgezeichnet! [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] | |
Verben |
| to stub [one's toe accidentally] | [sich versehentlich den Zeh] stoßen 530 | |
| to sit [sb. on one's knee etc.] | setzen [jdn. auf etw.] 373 | |
| to scuff [drag one's feet] | schlurfen 144 | |
| to get [one's share] | abbekommen 134 | |
| to get [one's share] | abkriegen [ugs.] 104 | |
| to discharge [one's tasks] | wahrnehmen [seine Aufgaben erfüllen] 87 | |
| to flourish [one's hands] | gestikulieren 58 | |
| to distend sth. [e.g., one's stomach] | etw. blähen 41 | |
| to scuff sth. [poke at sth. with one's foot] [Am.] | etw. antippen [mit dem Fuß] 28 | |
| to embrace sth./sb. [to put one's arms around with the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree, a person] | 11 etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum od. Menschen] | |
| to miss [with one's throw] | danebenwerfen 10 | |
| to push [i.e. a boat with one's feet] | abstemmen [z. B. ein Boot vom Ufer] 5 | |
| to nose [forward, one's way] | sich schieben [langsam bewegen] | |
| games to overbid [one's hand] | zu hoch reizen [beim Kartenspiel] | |
| to prim [pucker one's lips] | die Lippen spitzen | |
| to scuff [drag one's feet] | schlurfend gehen | |
Substantive |
| redemption [of one's honour, situation] | Rettung {f} 456 | |
| stitch [pain in one's side] | Seitenstechen {n} 88 | |
| ribbon [for marking one's place in a book] | Lesebändchen {n} 63 | |
| expression [look in one's eyes] | Blick {m} [Augenausdruck] 55 | |
| educ. withdrawal [from one's studies] | Studienabbruch {m} 36 | |
| law uxoricide [murder of one's wife] | Uxorizid {m} [Mord an der Ehefrau] 33 | |
| disavowal [of one's words] | Ableugnung {f} 26 | |
| depths {pl} [of a person, one's heart] | Grund {m} [geh.] [Innerste] 23 | |
| law [responsibility to file one's insolvency petition] | Insolvenzantragspflicht {f} 17 | |
| policy [archaic] [prudence in managing one's affairs] | 14 Klugheit {f} [beim Bewältigen der eigenen Angelegenheiten] | |
| braids [Am.] [around one's head] | Kranz {m} [Kranzfrisur] 13 | |
| delinquency [formal: neglect of one's duty] | Pflichtvergessenheit {f} [pej.] 13 | |
| [venting one's fury] | 9 Austoben {n} [FALSCH für: Sichaustoben [aus Wut heraus]] | |
| delinquent [failed in one's duty] | Pflichtvergessener {m} [pej.] 8 | |
| [established part of one's general education] | Bildungsgut {n} 6 | |
| [letter stating that one's job application would be filed for future vacancies] | Eis-Schreiben {n} [Jargon im Personalwesen] | |
| neol. [most or very important person in one's life] | Lebensmensch {m} | |
| charge [something committed to one's care] | anvertrautes Gut {n} | |
| countrywoman [woman from one's own / a specified country] | Landsmännin {f} | |
| one [digit] | Eins {f} [Ziffer] | |
| one [number] | Einser {m} [südd.] [österr.] [sonst ugs.] | |
| curr. one [one-dollar bill] [Am.] | Ein-Dollar-Note {f} | |
| the one [coll.] [the right male partner to spend the rest of one's life with] | der Richtige {m} [ugs.] [der richtige Mann / Partner fürs Leben] | |
| philos.spec. the One [Plotinus, etc.] | das Eine {n} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| (one) dollar {adj} | Ein-Dollar- | |
| another one | noch eines | |
| another one | noch eins [ugs.] | |
| bar one {adv} | mit einer Ausnahme | |
| barely one | kaum einer | |
| been sloppy {past-p} [esp. in one's work] | geschlampt [ugs.] | |
| before one {adv} | vor einem | |
| Do one! [Br.] [coll.] [Get lost!] | Hau ab! | |
| each (one) | ein jeglicher [substantivisch] [veraltet] | |
| each one {pron} | jeder | |
| each one {pron} | ein jeder | |
| eighty-one | einundachtzig | |
| fifty-one | einundfünfzig | |
| for one, ... {adv} [with a single given example, often the most obvious or important one] | vor allem ... | |
| forty-one | einundvierzig | |
| in one {adv} [coll.] [at first attempt] | auf Anhieb | |
| Nice one! [coll.] [idiom] | Toll! [ugs.] | |
| Nice one! [coll.] [idiom] | Nicht schlecht! [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| Nice one! [coll.] [idiom] | Sauber! [ugs.] [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.] | |
| Nice one. [coll.] [said sarcastically] | Schöne Pleite. [ugs.] | |
| ninety-one | einundneunzig | |
| no one {pron} | keiner | |
| no one {pron} | niemand | |
| no-one {pron} | keiner | |
| no-one {pron} | niemand | |
| not one {pron} | keins | |
| of one {pron} | einesGen. | |
| of one {pron} | einerGen. [selten] | |
| one ... each | jeweils ein ... | |
| one afternoon {adv} | eines Nachmittags | |
| one another {pron} | einander | |
| one another {adv} | gegenseitig | |
| one day {adv} | einmal | |
| one day {adv} | eines Tages [seltener auch: eines Tags] | |
| one day {adv} | dermaleinst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal] | |
| one day {adv} [sometime in the future] | jemals | |
| one day {adv} [in the future] | irgendwann in der Zukunft | |
| one day {adv} [in the future] | einst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal] | |
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Übersetzung für 'one' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- one
- eins
- one {pron}
- man
frau [feministisch, sonst hum.] [man]
- freely {adv} [of one's own accord]
- freiwillig
- deflated {adj} {past-p} [having lost one's conceitedness]
- ernüchtert
- sb. disposed [had at one's disposal]
- jd. verfügte
- delinquent {adj} [failing in one's duty]
- pflichtvergessen [pej.]
- one's {pron} [determiner]
- jemandes <jds.>
- sb. disposes [has at one's disposal]
- jd. verfügt
- sb. opined [expressed as one's opinion]
- jd. meinte
- one {adj} [sole]
- einzig
- A-one {adj} [coll.]
- erstklassig
- all [one's life]
- zeit [+Gen.] [z. B. zeit meines Lebens]
- in {prep} [one's lifetime]
- zeit [+Gen.] [z. B. zeit meines Lebens]
- functional {adj} [in one's function]
- dienstlich
- plausibly {adv} [to present one's excuses]
- geschickt
- one ...
- ein gewisser ...
eine gewisse ...
- Splendid! [answer to a query regarding one's health]
- Ganz ausgezeichnet! [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden]
- to stub [one's toe accidentally]
- [sich versehentlich den Zeh] stoßen
- to sit [sb. on one's knee etc.]
- setzen [jdn. auf etw.]
- to scuff [drag one's feet]
- schlurfen
schlurfend gehen
- to get [one's share]
- abbekommen
abkriegen [ugs.]
- to discharge [one's tasks]
- wahrnehmen [seine Aufgaben erfüllen]
- to flourish [one's hands]
- gestikulieren
- to distend sth. [e.g., one's stomach]
- etw. blähen
- to scuff sth. [poke at sth. with one's foot] [Am.]
- etw. antippen [mit dem Fuß]
- to embrace sth./sb. [to put one's arms around with the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree, a person]
- etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum od. Menschen]
- to miss [with one's throw]
- danebenwerfen
- to push [i.e. a boat with one's feet]
- abstemmen [z. B. ein Boot vom Ufer]
- to nose [forward, one's way]
- sich schieben [langsam bewegen]
- to overbid [one's hand]
- zu hoch reizen [beim Kartenspiel]games
- to prim [pucker one's lips]
- die Lippen spitzen
- redemption [of one's honour, situation]
- Rettung {f}
- stitch [pain in one's side]
- Seitenstechen {n}
- ribbon [for marking one's place in a book]
- Lesebändchen {n}
- expression [look in one's eyes]
- Blick {m} [Augenausdruck]
- withdrawal [from one's studies]
- Studienabbruch {m}educ.
- uxoricide [murder of one's wife]
- Uxorizid {m} [Mord an der Ehefrau]law
- disavowal [of one's words]
- Ableugnung {f}
- depths {pl} [of a person, one's heart]
- Grund {m} [geh.] [Innerste]
- [responsibility to file one's insolvency petition]
- Insolvenzantragspflicht {f}law
- policy [archaic] [prudence in managing one's affairs]
- Klugheit {f} [beim Bewältigen der eigenen Angelegenheiten]
- braids [Am.] [around one's head]
- Kranz {m} [Kranzfrisur]
- delinquency [formal: neglect of one's duty]
- Pflichtvergessenheit {f} [pej.]
- [venting one's fury]
- Austoben {n} [FALSCH für: Sichaustoben [aus Wut heraus]]
- delinquent [failed in one's duty]
- Pflichtvergessener {m} [pej.]
- [established part of one's general education]
- Bildungsgut {n}
- [letter stating that one's job application would be filed for future vacancies]
- Eis-Schreiben {n} [Jargon im Personalwesen]
- [most or very important person in one's life]
- Lebensmensch {m}neol.
- charge [something committed to one's care]
- anvertrautes Gut {n}
- countrywoman [woman from one's own / a specified country]
- Landsmännin {f}
- one [digit]
- Eins {f} [Ziffer]
- one [number]
- Einser {m} [südd.] [österr.] [sonst ugs.]
- one [one-dollar bill] [Am.]
- Ein-Dollar-Note {f}curr.
- the one [coll.] [the right male partner to spend the rest of one's life with]
- der Richtige {m} [ugs.] [der richtige Mann / Partner fürs Leben]
- the One [Plotinus, etc.]
- das Eine {n}philos.spec.
- (one) dollar {adj}
- Ein-Dollar-
- another one
- noch eines
noch eins [ugs.]
- bar one {adv}
- mit einer Ausnahme
- barely one
- kaum einer
- been sloppy {past-p} [esp. in one's work]
- geschlampt [ugs.]
- before one {adv}
- vor einem
- Do one! [Br.] [coll.] [Get lost!]
- Hau ab!
- each (one)
- ein jeglicher [substantivisch] [veraltet]
- each one {pron}
- jeder
ein jeder
- eighty-one
- einundachtzig
- fifty-one
- einundfünfzig
- for one, ... {adv} [with a single given example, often the most obvious or important one]
- vor allem ...
- forty-one
- einundvierzig
- in one {adv} [coll.] [at first attempt]
- auf Anhieb
- Nice one! [coll.] [idiom]
- Toll! [ugs.]
Nicht schlecht! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Sauber! [ugs.] [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.]
- Nice one. [coll.] [said sarcastically]
- Schöne Pleite. [ugs.]
- ninety-one
- einundneunzig
- no one {pron}
- keiner
- no-one {pron}
- keiner
- not one {pron}
- keins
- of one {pron}
- einesGen.
einerGen. [selten]
- one ... each
- jeweils ein ...
- one afternoon {adv}
- eines Nachmittags
- one another {pron}
- einander
- one another {adv}
- gegenseitig
- one day {adv}
- einmal
eines Tages [seltener auch: eines Tags]
dermaleinst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal]
- one day {adv} [sometime in the future]
- jemals
- one day {adv} [in the future]
- irgendwann in der Zukunft
einst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal]
- One-Timer {m} [Eishockey] = one timer [also: one-timer]
- Hole-in-One {n} = hole in one [golf]
- One-Health-Ansatz {m} = one health approach
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The city has many Russian Orthodox churches, one Russian Old Believers church, one Baptist church, one Lutheran church, one Armenian Apostolic church, one mosque and one synagogue.
- Only five athletes won more than one medal: Luís Mena e Silva (two bronzes), Carlos Lopes (one gold and one silver), Rosa Mota (one gold and one bronze), Fernanda Ribeiro (one gold and one bronze) and Fernando Pimenta (one silver and one bronze).
- The AUA's founding principles are centred around: "One name for one nation, One language for one nation, One leadership for one nation, A homeland for one nation.
- This is a one-to-one mapping in the unit square. Thus we have now a one-to-one transformation of two quantities instead of a not one-to-one transformation "Tx" = {1/"x"} of one quantity.
- One-to-One Institute is a national, non-profit organization that grew out of the Michigan Freedom to Learn (FTL) program.
- There is one mason, one carpenter, one professional painter, and one farmer.
- There were 74 Swiss nationals on board as well as two Americans (one dual citizenship with Iran), one Briton, one Egyptian (Olympic rower Ibrahim Abdulhalim), one Israeli, and one passenger either from Belgium or Austria.
- The simplest construction, a single effect absorption heat transformer, consists of one condenser, one evaporator, one absorber and one generator.
- A total of 14 teams from six countries contest the league, including nine sides from Russia, one from Belarus, one from Estonia, one from Kazakhstan, one from Latvia and one from Poland.
- The dead were 98 Greek, two Polish, one Irish, one Belgian, one Georgian nationals and one unidentified.
- O—One on one (one player one master) set in Mystara.
- In her international competitions she has won one bronze and one silver with three 4th, one 8th, one 6th and one 10th.
- It is variously pronounced "one hundred and one" / "a hundred and one", "one hundred one" / "a hundred one", and "one oh one".
- There are 10 schools in York School District One: five elementary schools, one intermediate school, one middle school, one high school, one alternative school, and one technology center.
- In 1889 the number of appointed unofficial members was increased to eight (three Europeans, one Low Country Sinhalese, one Kandyan Sinhalese, one Tamil, one Muslim and one Burgher).
- With a population of 6739, Param has four schools, one bank, one Police Chowki, a post office. Medical services are provided by one Homeopathic, one Ayurvedic hospital and one animal hospital.
- There are number of Ganesh temples including one Sakthi Vinayagar temple, one Mariyamman temple, one Kariyakaliamman temple, one Perumal temple, one Ramar temple and several others.
- OBHC offers seven crisis pregnancy centers; two in Oklahoma City, one in Edmond, one in Ardmore, one in Alva, one in Shawnee, and one in Tulsa.
- The battleship battle group typically consisted of one modernized battleship, one [...] , one [...] or [...] , one [...] , three [...] s and one auxiliary ship such as a replenishment oiler.
- As of 2008, there were 15 parishes involved: nine in California; one in the State of Washington; one in Arizona; one in New York; one in Pennsylvania; one in Massachusetts; and one in Georgia.
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