| NOUN | an online search | online searches |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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- Following the song's release, Ford received a huge spike in online search engine queries.
- Arriba Soft Corporation", the Ninth Circuit held that copying an entire photo to use as a in online search results did not even weigh against fair use, "if the secondary user only copies as much as is necessary for his or her intended use".
- "MCI Online" also provided online search of the Indian Medical Register.
- On August 8, 2016, the Federal Trade Commission filed an administrative complaint charging that 1-800 Contacts, the largest online retailer of contact lenses in the United States, unlawfully orchestrated a web of anti-competitive agreements with rival online contact lens sellers that suppress competition in certain online search advertising auctions and that restrict truthful and non-misleading internet advertising to consumers.
- In 2009, Thompson, Sebastienelli and Murray conducted an experiment to determine the effect of electronic monitoring on students who used web-based training to learn new online search skills.
- Photo and information in the online search is not of this writer. It is of Nancy Orlen Weber who is a different writer.
- com became the home to Live Search as part of Microsoft's movement to push their online search and advertising services.
- They bypass online search engines by typing a name like "hotels" and adding ".com".
- NLS public-use data for each cohort are available at no cost via the Investigator, an online search and extraction site that enables individuals to review NLS variables and create their own data sets.
- Another issue for Microsoft was that its online search business had lost a lot of money, with a loss of $700 million in the first quarter of 2010.
- Rectifi was an online search engine which channeled profits it earned to charity.
- Business may be compiled either manually or through an automated online search software.
- is a British-American company known for publishing the "Encyclopædia Britannica", the world's oldest continuously published encyclopaedia, as well as extensive digital efforts—including text and audiovisual—that are aimed at educational tools for primary and secondary schools, and for everyday learners accessing information through online search.
- In 2002, George Thompson, a lexicographic researcher, used the full-text online search capabilities of "The New York Times" databases to trace the usage of the verb "to upset" and the noun "upset".
- The data in the World Ocean Database are made available through the online search and retrieval system known as WOD"select".
- It does track "anonymous" statistics, which can reveal a lot of information when correlated with other data, although similar criticisms could be made of Google's online search engine.
- The Dogpile search engine earned the J.D. Power and Associates award for best Residential Online Search Engine Service in both 2006 and 2007.
- There are several commercially distributed sound-effects libraries available, the two most well-known publishers being Sound Ideas and The Hollywood Edge. Online search engines, such as Sounddogs, A Sound Effect and Sonniss allow users to purchase sound effects libraries from a large online database.
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