 Übersetzung für 'online trade' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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online trade
Onlinehandel {m}
over-the-counter trade <OTC trade>
außerbörslicher Handel {m}
online {adj}angeschlossen
online {adj}eingeschaltet
online {adv}
online {adv}
on [kurz für: online]
online {adj}rechnerabhängig
online store
Online-Shop {m}
online banking
E-Banking {n}
online survey
Online-Umfrage {f}
online journalism
Onlinejournalismus {m}
online journalism
Online-Journalismus {m}
online versionWebfassung {f}
online bullying
Cybermobbing {n}
online shop
Online-Shop {m}
online form
Online-Formular {n}
to search online
im Internet recherchieren
online store
E-Shop {m} [kurz für: electronic shop, elektronischer Shop]
online shop
Onlineshop {m}
online shop
Internet-Shop {m}
online shop
Webshop {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In May, 2020 the company expanded online trade chains and opened the first online shop.
  • In November 2008, TechRepublic, an online trade publication and social community for IT professionals owned by CBS Interactive, selected James Madison University's undergraduate Computer Information Systems program as one of the Top Ten Undergraduate Information Technology programs in the United States.
  • Participants cited the savings of time and money that online trade shows provide as the reason for their participation.
  • Nonetheless, the COVID-19 pandemic declaration – and the subsequent quarantines – increased online trade in wildlife.
  • TechRepublic is an online trade publication and social community for IT professionals, providing advice on best practices and tools for the needs of IT decision-makers.

  • org was the only daily online trade magazine focusing on the San Francisco Bay Area film scene.
  • "Mediaweek" is an online trade website serving the Australian media industry. It provides news regarding the Australian newspaper, television, radio, magazine and outdoor advertising industries.
  • LinkedIn has been described by online trade publication "TechRepublic" as having "become the de facto tool for professional networking".
  • The focus of the business is the allocation of consumer loans, especially sales financing for retail and online trade as well as for car, caravan and motorbike dealers.
  • biz" is an online trade magazine published by Biz Media, a subsidiary of Datateam Media Group and based in Hertford, Hertfordshire.

  • As is evidenced by the volume of cross-border trade, almost 24% of total online trade in Europe is cross-border".
  • Choice in eCommerce - Initiative for Choice and Innovation in Online-Trade - is an initiative of online retailers throughout Europe that works for unrestricted trade and innovation in Europe.
  • In December 2019, the company completed a partnership agreement with Chinese online trade network Buy-World to launch its marketplace payment product.
  • Online trade of counterfeit pharmaceuticals does not escape the rule and medicines are by all means among the most spammed online products.
  • "Outdoor USA Magazine" is a paper and online trade publication for the North American outdoor industry.

  • It was established in 2000, and was meant to develop a web portal for online trade.
  • "IF Magazine", also known as "Inside Film", "IF: Australia's Filmmaker Magazine", and "IF: The Magazine for Independent Filmmakers", is an Australian print and online trade publication for screen-content professionals in Australia and New Zealand.
  • JNE EXPRESS’s reputation started standing out as a leading forwarding company in Indonesia in the second semester of 2000 in line with the growing trend of internet use for online trade and sale-and-purchase transactions at platforms like Kaskus and marketplace Multiply.
  • "Accountancy Age" is an online trade publication for accountants and financial staff in the United Kingdom.
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