 Übersetzung für 'oophagous' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   oophagous | - | -
oophagous {adj}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'oophagous' von Englisch nach Deutsch

oophagous {adj}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • They are oophagous.
  • "Kurixalus eiffingeri" is a small to medium size frog. They breed in tree holes and bamboo stumps. Tadpoles are oophagous, and female frogs lay trophic eggs to feed their young.
  • The climbing mantella is the only member of the genus "Mantella" where parent frogs care for oophagous tadpoles.
  • Reproduction is probably viviparous with oophagous embryos like in other mackerel shark species.
  • This species is facultatively oophagous, with females delivering trophic eggs to their offspring that likely facilitates faster growth and development, which in turn lessens the potential of predation, risk of desiccation, and possibility for cannibalism.

  • These unique mouthparts on the tadpoles indicate that the tadpoles are strictly feeding on eggs (oophagous) and the extra unfertilized eggs (specifically for food) are deposited by the mother frog in the water hole.
  • long; once the yolk sac is fully absorbed they become oophagous: the mother produces large numbers of thin-walled egg capsules that contain 2–9 eggs each, which are then consumed by the unborn embryos.
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