 Übersetzung für 'or elsewhere' von Englisch nach Deutsch
or elsewhereoder sonst wo
or elsewhereoder sonstwo [alt]
elsewhere {adv}irgendwo anders
elsewhere {adv}sonst wo
elsewhere {adv}anderwärts
elsewhere {adv}sonstwo [alt]
elsewhere {adv}andernorts
elsewhere {adv}anderenorts
elsewhere {adv}woanders
elsewhere {adv}anderweitig
elsewhere {adv}an anderer Stelle
elsewhereAnderswo {n}
elsewhere {adv}an anderen Orten
elsewhere {adv}anderorts
elsewhere {adv}anderswo
elsewhere {adv}anderswohin
elsewhere {adv}sonst
elsewhere {adv}woandershin
from elsewhere {adv}woandersher
Elsewhere Principle
Elsewhere-Prinzip {n}
St. Elsewhere
Chefarzt Dr. Westphall
from elsewhere {adv}von auswärts
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Traditional locations for parameter tables, when such tables are used, are floating near the edges of the field of the drawing, either near the title block or elsewhere along the edges of the field.
  • In addition, those who attend such Catholic services, whether in a church or elsewhere, traditionally take blessed ashes home with them to place on the heads of other members of the family, and it is recommended to have envelopes available to facilitate this practice.
  • A line of lights on an airfield or elsewhere to guide aircraft in taking off or coming in to land or an illuminated runway is sometimes also known as a flare path.
  • Many Greenlanders attend universities in Denmark or elsewhere.
  • Although he was regarded as a saint after his death, there is little evidence of his veneration or of a cult in Canterbury or elsewhere.

  • John Betjeman is shown standing in the Stadium in his 1973 BBC film "Metroland", though, as John Bale has pointed out in "Anti-Sport Sentiments in Literature: Batting for the Opposition" (Routledge, 2007), he shows no real interest in Wembley's sporting connections, either here or elsewhere.
  • Other investments made by the Friends have been even more significant, such as the purchase of a new fountain for Mirror Lake and a specialized off-road firefighting vehicle for use in Coggshall or elsewhere around the city as needed.
  • Drinking is the act of ingesting water or other liquids into the body through the mouth, proboscis, or elsewhere.
  • Later, it came to refer to Gaels, whether from Ireland or elsewhere.
  • The below described circumstances are not in perspective, have limited duration, and have a tendency to accumulate trace materials in soil that either there or elsewhere cause deoxygenation.

  • Western Australia did not receive significant flows of immigrants from Britain, Ireland or elsewhere in the British Empire until the early 20th century.
  • For the purposes of the provisions of the Theft Act 1968 which relate to stolen goods, goods obtain in England or Wales or elsewhere by blackmail or fraud are regarded as stolen, and the words "steal", "theft" and "thief" are construed accordingly.
  • No such book exists in the Talmud or elsewhere. The title is assumed to be a corruption of "Dibre David", a work published in 1671.
  • Observing that the overall population of South Africa has increased, Duesberg claimed that HIV must be a harmless "passenger virus" that has not caused deaths in South Africa or elsewhere.
  • Work experience will be considered physics-related if it uses physics directly or significantly uses the modes of thought (such as the approach to problem-solving) developed in your education or experience as a physicist, in all cases regardless of whether the experience is in academia, industry, government, or elsewhere.

  • Users' passwords may be stored in their entries or elsewhere.
  • In 2005, the European Geosciences Union Division on Cryospheric Sciences established the Louis Agassiz Medal, awarded to individuals in recognition of their outstanding scientific contribution to the study of the cryosphere on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system.
  • Composers (from Europe or elsewhere) of march music popular in the US include: Johann Strauss Sr – "Radetzky March"; Kenneth J.
  • Various kinds of religious houses existed in mediaeval Cornwall though none of them were nunneries; the benefices of the parishes were in many cases appropriated to religious houses within Cornwall or elsewhere in England or France.
  • The form of the design commonly appears in relation to "Voyager" merchandise, or elsewhere in places that make use of "Star Trek" franchise content; for example, a view of USS "Voyager" was shown as album art for a 4-CD music collection from the show released in 2017.

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