Übersetzung für '
osculate' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| VERB | to osculate | osculated | osculated osculating | osculates |
| SYNO | to buss | to kiss | to osculate | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 Übersetzungen
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- Equivalently it is the surface formed by the centers of the circles which osculate the curvature lines.
- The word "osculate" is Latin for "kiss". In mathematics, two curves osculate when they just touch, without (necessarily) crossing, at a point, where both have the same position and slope, i.e.
- For his work in Leuven he used two printer's marks: a large one with a crenellated tower, an angel of vengeance above it and the figures of Justice and Peace embracing before the gates, with the motto "Justitia et pax osculate sunt.
- We say that two circles drawn in a plane "kiss" (or "osculate") whenever they intersect in exactly one point.
- In mathematical invariant theory, the osculant or tacinvariant or tact invariant is an invariant of a hypersurface that vanishes if the hypersurface touches itself, or an invariant of several hypersurfaces that osculate, meaning that they have a common point where they meet to unusually high order.
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