 Übersetzung für 'ozone therapy' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an ozone therapy | ozone therapies
ozone therapy
Ozontherapie {f}
radioactive iodine therapy <RAI therapy> [radioiodine therapy]
Radiojodtherapie {f} <RJT>
non-invasive ventilation therapy <NIV therapy>
nicht-invasive Beatmungs­therapie {f} <NIBT, NIB-Therapie>
anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy>
anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie>
ozone levels
Ozonwerte {pl}
ozone generation
Ozonerzeugung {f}
ozone levels
Ozonbelastungen {pl}
ozone-based {adj}ozonbasiert
tropospheric ozone
troposphärisches Ozon {n}
stratospheric ozone
stratosphärisches Ozon {n}
ozone-sensitive {adj}ozonempfindlich
ozone chemistry
Ozonchemie {f}
ozone treatment
Ozonbehandlung {f}
ozone hole
Ozonloch {n}
ozone filter
Ozonfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
ozone loss
Ozonverlust {m}
ozone contentOzongehalt {m}
ozone protectionOzonschutz {m}
ozone layerOzonosphäre {f}
ozone column
Ozonsäule {f}
ozone layer
Ozonhülle {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Later that month, it emerged that van Dijk had illegally used ozone therapy during the 2011 season, and was given an eight-year ban as well as a €10,000 fine.
  • Discolysis has also been used to describe a form of ozone therapy where an oxygen-ozone solution is injected into the intervertebral disc.
  • The book was published shortly after Willner's medical license was revoked for, among other things, treating an AIDS patient with ozone therapy.
  • He has also been investigated for eleven cases of treating patients with Ozone therapy.
  • In addition to conventional therapies, the clinic offers a large variety of unproven and pseudoscientific treatments including homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine and ozone therapy.

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic he recommended the use of chloroquine and ozone therapy.
  • However, the required concentrations are sufficiently toxic to humans and animals that the US FDA declares that ozone has no place in medical treatment and has taken action against businesses that violate this regulation by offering therapeutic ozone generators or ozone therapy.
  • Ozone therapy has been sold as an unproven treatment for various illnesses, including cancer, a practice which has been characterized as "pure quackery".
  • Alternatively, the intention could be to breathe in the ionized air as a form of ozone therapy.
  • The method has been successfully used for study of 3D morphology of blood erythrocytes in different diseases; to study how ozone therapy affects the shape of erythrocytes, to study alteration of 3D shape of blood erythrocytes in a patient with sickle-cell anemia when the oxygen concentration in blood was reduced, and the effect of gamma-radiation in a superlethal dose on the shape of rat erythrocytes.

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