 Übersetzung für 'ozonolysis' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   ozonolysis | ozonolyses
Ozonolyse {f}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'ozonolysis' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Ozonolyse {f}chem.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Lyophilized cell cultures of "Trametes hirsuta" yield aldehydes from alkenes, representing a biotransformation alternative to ozonolysis.
  • In the ozonolysis reaction sequence, the Criegee intermediate reacts with another carbonyl compound (generally the aldehyde or ketone byproduct of the Criegee-intermediate formation reaction itself) to form an ozonide (1,2,4-trioxolane).
  • Glyoxal may be synthesized in the laboratory by oxidation of acetaldehyde with selenious acid or by ozonolysis of benzene.
  • The auxiliary can be removed by ozonolysis or hydrolysis.
  • Stilbene can be cleanly oxidised to benzaldehyde by ozonolysis or Lemieux–Johnson oxidation, and stronger oxidants such as acidified potassium permanganate will produce benzoic acid.

  • Dimethyl sulfide is used in the workup of the ozonolysis of alkenes. It reduces the intermediate trioxolane. The Swern oxidation produces dimethyl sulfide by reduction of dimethylsulfoxide.
  • Maleic acid is an industrial raw material for the production of glyoxylic acid by ozonolysis.
  • This process is equivalent to that of ozonolysis.
  • The overall process is equivalent to that of ozonolysis.
  • Cross-metathesis is synthetically equivalent to (and has replaced) a procedure of ozonolysis of an alkene to two ketone fragments followed by the reaction of one of them with a Wittig reagent.

  • Ozonolysis is a very important organic reaction. Alkenes and alkynes can be cleaved by ozonolysis to give aldehyde, ketone or carboxylic acid products.
  • The oxime first reacts with the ozone to form the corresponding carbonyl oxide, undergoes 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with the carbonyl reactant to form the cyclic ozonide, as usual for the Criegee intermediate in the ozonolysis of alkenes.
  • Thus, the ozonolysis of diethylethylidenmalonate (from malonate and methanal in about 80% yield) at −78 °C only 62% diethyl oxomalonate, the electrochemical oxidation of cyanmalonic acid diethylester (from cyanoacetate and chloroacetic acid ethyl ester using oxygen in 77% yield) the last oxidation stage and the ozonolysis of dialkylbenzalmalonates reported by Lutz Friedjan Tietze using the dimethyl ester as an example yield 76% dimethyl mesoxalate.
  • This new way of synthesizing photo-leucine requires boc-(S)-photo-leucine, which is prepared via ozonolysis of a commercially available product, followed by formation of the diazirine by de method of Church and Weiss.
  • Currently, her group focuses on photo-induced chemistry of Criegee intermediates, an intermediate in the alkene ozonolysis pathway.

  • The subsequent ozonolysis and Wittig reaction led to the side chain fragment of zaragozic acid A, which is a potent medicine for coronary heart disease.
  • Enantioselective hydrolysis of a conjugated diester followed by ozonolysis affords the skeleton of ribose. The resulting sugars are then carried on for the synthesis of nucleosides.
  • Computational evidence also point to the intermediacy of oxirenes in the ozonolysis of alkynes.
  • Malonic anhydride was first synthesized in 1988 by ozonolysis of diketene. Some derivatives, such as 3,3-dimethyl-oxetane-2,4-dione, are known.
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