 Übersetzung für 'p type semiconductor' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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p-type semiconductor
p-Halbleiter {m}
n-type semiconductor
Überschusshalbleiter {m} [n-Halbleiter]
n-type semiconductor
n-Halbleiter {m}
length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP>
Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL>
p-doped / n-doped semiconductor layer
p-dotierte / n-dotierte Halbleiterschicht {f}
p-type {adj}
p-type conductivity
p-Leitfähigkeit {f}
p-type doping
p-Dotierung {f}
p-type conduction [hole conduction]
p-Leitung {f} [Löcherleitung]
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlung
piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID>
Rohrleitungs­- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild>
price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV>
Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV>
p-channel / P-channel transistor
p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}
post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.>
postage and packing <P&P>Porto und Verpackung
purl [purl stitch] <p, P>
linke Masche {f} <li M>
per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.>per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
nach Belieben
quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
so viel beliebt
present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc]
Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet]
no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'p type semiconductor' von Englisch nach Deutsch

p-type semiconductor
p-Halbleiter {m}electr.

n-type semiconductor
Überschusshalbleiter {m} [n-Halbleiter]electr.

n-Halbleiter {m}electr.
length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP>
Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL>naut.
p-doped / n-doped semiconductor layer
p-dotierte / n-dotierte Halbleiterschicht {f}electr.
p-type {adj}
p-type conductivity
p-Leitfähigkeit {f}electr.
p-type doping
p-Dotierung {f}electr.
p-type conduction [hole conduction]
p-Leitung {f} [Löcherleitung]electr.
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID>
Rohrleitungs­- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild>tech.
price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV>
Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV>stocks
p-channel / P-channel transistor
p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}electr.
post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.>
postage and packing <P&P>
Porto und Verpackung
purl [purl stitch] <p, P>
linke Masche {f} <li M>textil.
per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.>
per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
nach Beliebenpharm.

so viel beliebtpharm.
present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc]
Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet]ling.
no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]acad.artpubl.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • When silicon (Si), having four valence electrons, is doped with elements from group III of the periodic table, such as boron (B) and aluminium (Al), both having three valence electrons, a p-type semiconductor is formed.
  • It is a p-type semiconductor, which conducts protons, which is enhanced when doped with calcium.
  • Aluminum was originally the most important contact metal for silicon which was used with either the n-type or p-type semiconductor.
  • ... a p-type semiconductor). Very few boron atoms are required for this to happen—a typical ratio is one boron atom per 1,000,000 carbon atoms.
  • A PIN diode is a diode with a wide, undoped intrinsic semiconductor region between a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor region.

  • Lead tin telluride is p-type semiconductor at 300 K.
  • Using bromine results in forming an n-type semiconductor, whereas using tellurium only results in a p-type semiconductor.
  • Zener breakdown occurs in heavily doped junctions (p-type semiconductor moderately doped and n-type heavily doped), which produces a narrow depletion region.
  • The photo-reduction of CO2 on p-type semiconductor photo-electrodes has been achieved in both aqueous and non-aqueous media.
  • Perfluoropentacene (PFP) is an n-type organic semiconductor, which is made by fluorination of the p-type semiconductor pentacene.

  • In 2019 another article was published describing how the hot electrons counterpart, the hot holes, can also be injected into a p-type semiconductor.
  • A field-effect transistor (FET) is any semiconductor material that utilizes electric field to control the shape of a channel of one type of charge carrier, thereby changing its conductivity.
  • Acceptor impurity atoms have fewer valence electrons than the atoms they replace in the intrinsic semiconductor lattice.
  • Sulfur, silicon or tellurium are used as dopants to produce n-type semiconductors.
  • In a semiconductor it is sometimes useful to think of the current as due to the flow of positive "holes" (the mobile positive charge carriers that are places where the semiconductor crystal is missing a valence electron).

  • Both sphalerite and wurtzite are intrinsic, wide-bandgap semiconductors.
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