 Übersetzung für 'p value' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a p-value | p-values
p-Wert {m}
Signifikanzwert {m} <p, p-Wert>
probability value <p-value, p>
p-Wert {m} <p> [Wahrscheinlichkeitswert]
length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP>
Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL>
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlung
piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID>
Rohrleitungs­- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild>
price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV>
Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV>
purl [purl stitch] <p, P>
linke Masche {f} <li M>
per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.>per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
p-channel / P-channel transistor
p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}
postage and packing <P&P>Porto und Verpackung
post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.>
quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
nach Belieben
quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
so viel beliebt
present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc]
Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet]
no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]
by proxy {adv} <p.p.>in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.>
per pro {adv} <p.p.>im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
post-paid {adj} {past-p} <p.p.>freigemacht
by proxy {adv} <p.p.>im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
by proxy {adv} <p.p.>per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
per procurationem {adv} <p.p.>im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
per pro {prep} <p.p.>in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.>
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'p value' von Englisch nach Deutsch

p-Wert {m}acad.stat.

Signifikanzwert {m} <p, p-Wert>stat.
probability value <p-value, p>
p-Wert {m} <p> [Wahrscheinlichkeitswert]stat.

length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP>
Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL>naut.
partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID>
Rohrleitungs­- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild>tech.
price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV>
Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV>stocks
purl [purl stitch] <p, P>
linke Masche {f} <li M>textil.
per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.>
per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
p-channel / P-channel transistor
p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}electr.
postage and packing <P&P>
Porto und Verpackung
post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.>
quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
nach Beliebenpharm.

so viel beliebtpharm.
present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc]
Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet]ling.
no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]acad.artpubl.
by proxy {adv} <p.p.>
in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.>

im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>

per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
per pro {adv} <p.p.>
im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
post-paid {adj} {past-p} <p.p.>
per procurationem {adv} <p.p.>
im Auftrag <i. A., I. A.>
per pro {prep} <p.p.>
in Vertretung <i. V., I. V.>
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A LOD score of 3 translates to a "p"-value of approximately 0.05, and no multiple testing correction (e.g. ...
  • The chi-squared statistic can then be used to calculate a p-value by comparing the value of the statistic to a chi-squared distribution.
  • For statistical hypothesis testing this function is used to construct the "p"-value.
  • The p-value is the probability of obtaining results as extreme as or more extreme than those observed, assuming the null hypothesis (H0) is true.
  • authors of statistical text books began combining the two approaches by using the "p"-value in place of the test statistic (or data) to test against the Neyman–Pearson "significance level".

  • Although in principle the acceptable level of statistical significance may be subject to debate, the significance level is the largest p-value that allows the test to reject the null hypothesis.
  • Here, the calculated "p"-value exceeds .05, meaning that the data falls within the range of what would happen 95% of the time were the coin in fact fair.
  • Scargle believes unless both Bayesian and classical p-value analysis agree and both show the same anomalous effects, the kind of result GCP proposes will not be generally accepted.
  • Looking up the "z"-score in a table of the standard normal distribution cumulative probability, we find that the probability of observing a standard normal value below −2.47 is approximately 0.5 − 0.4932 = 0.0068.
  • to calculate the "p"-value for logistic regression is the likelihood-ratio test (LRT), which for these data give [...] (see [...] below).

  • 5 from the difference between each observed value and its expected value in a 2 &times; 2 contingency table.
  • These values can be calculated evaluating the quantile function (also known as "inverse CDF" or "ICDF") of the chi-squared distribution; e.
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