| NOUN | a pa | pas |
| SYNO | atomic number 91 | dad | dada | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| med.MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front] | posteroanterior <PA, p.a.> 11 | |
| MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front] | posterior-anterior <PA, p.a.> | |
Substantive |
| geogr. Panama <.pa> | Panama {n} 30 | |
| phys.unit pascal <Pa> [unit of pressure] | Pascal {n} <Pa> [Maßeinheit des Drucks] 20 | |
| chem. polyamide <PA> | Polyamid {n} <PA> 9 | |
| pa [coll.] | Papa {m} [ugs.] 7 | |
| pa [coll.] | Vati {m} [Koseform von Vater] 7 | |
| pa [coll.] | Papi {m} [ugs.] | |
| geogr. Pennsylvania <PA> [Keystone State] | Pennsylvania {n} [US-Bundesstaat] | |
| electr.unit picoampere <pA> | Pikoampere {n} <pA> | |
| chem. protactinium <Pa> | Protactinium {n} <Pa> | |
| med. pseudoaneurysm <PA> | Pseudoaneurysma {n} | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| tech. downhand position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| tech. flat position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| PA system | Beschallungsanlage {f} | |
| admin. parental allowance <PA> | Elterngeld {n} <EG> | |
| insur. particular average <PA> | Partikularhavarie {f} | |
| phys.unit pascal second <Pa.s> | Pascalsekunde {f} <Pa.s> | |
| peak acceleration <PA> | Maximalbeschleunigung {f} | |
| tech. peak acceleration <PA> | Spitzenbeschleunigung {f} | |
| math. Peano arithmetic <PA> | Peano-Arithmetik {f} <PA> | |
| QM performance audit <PA> | Performance-Audit {n} [auch: Peformanceaudit] | |
| med. perianal abscess <PA> | Perianalabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}] | |
| med. pernicious anaemia <PA> [Br.] | perniziöse Anämie {f} <PA> | |
| med. pernicious anemia <PA> [Am.] | perniziöse Anämie {f} <PA> | |
| med. pernicious anemia <PA> [Am.] | Perniziosa {f} [perniziöse Anämie] | |
| personal aide <PA> | persönlicher Assistent {m} <PA> | |
| personal assistant [female] <PA> | Chefsekretärin {f} [persönliche Assistentin] | |
| personal assistant [female] <PA> | persönliche Assistentin {f} [Sekretärin des Chefs, einer Führungskraft] | |
| personal assistant <PA> | persönlicher Assistent {m} <PA> | |
| educ. Phillips Academy [also: Andover, Phillips Andover] <PA> | Phillips Academy {f} | |
| chem. phthalic anhydride <PA> [C8H4O3] | Phthalsäureanhydrid {n} <PSA> | |
| mus. pi-pa [Chinese stringed instrument resembling a lute] | Pipa {f} [chines. Zupfinstrument, das einer Laute ähnelt] | |
| med. pilocytic astrocytoma <PA> | pilozytisches Astrozytom {n} <PA> | |
| med. pituitary adenoma <PA> | Hypophysenadenom {n} <HA> | |
| ecol.meteo. polar amplification <PA> | polare Verstärkung {f} | |
| tech. positional accuracy <PA> | Positionsgenauigkeit {f} | |
| psych. positive affect <PA> | positiver Affekt {m} <PA> | |
| psych. positive affectivity <PA> | positive Affektivität {f} <PA> | |
| med. posttraumatic arthrosis <PA, PTA> | posttraumatische Arthrose {f} <PA> | |
| QM preventive action {sg} <PA> | Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen {pl} | |
| QM preventive actions <PA> | Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen {pl} | |
| med. primary amyloidosis <PA> | primäre Amyloidose {f} | |
| med. primary amyloidosis <PA> | idiopathische Amyloidose {f} | |
| med. primary amyloidosis <PA> | Paraamyloidose {f} [primäre Amyloidose] | |
| med. primary antibody <PA> | Primärantikörper {m} <PA> | |
| psych. primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus] | Primärbewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus] | |
| psych. primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus] | primäre Bewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus] | |
| anat.biol. primitive aorta <PA> | primitive Aorta {f} <PA> | |
| comp.QMspec. process approach <PA> [ISO/IEC 20000] | Prozessorientierung {f} | |
| econ.QM process audit <PA> | Verfahrensaudit {n} | |
| econ.QM process audit <PA> | Prozessaudit {n} <PA> | |
| comp. program analysis <PA> | Programmanalyse {f} <PA> | |
| econ.QM project audit <PA> | Projektaudit {n} <PA> | |
| med. propionic acidaemia <PA> [Br.] | Propionazidämie {f} <PA> | |
| med. propionic acidemia <PA> [Am.] | Propionazidämie {f} <PA> | |
| sociol. public awareness <PA> | Bewusstseinsbildung {f} in der Öffentlichkeit | |
| med. pulmonary amyloidosis <PA> | Lungenamyloidose {f} | |
| MedTech. pulmonary angiography <PA> | Pulmonalisangiografie {f} <PA> | |
| MedTech. pulmonary angiography <PA> | Pulmonalisangiographie {f} <PA> | |
| MedTech. pulmonary angiography <PA> | Pulmonalangiographie {f} [ugs.] [Pulmonalisangiographie] | |
| med. pulmonary atresia <PA> | Pulmonalatresie {f} <PA> | |
| curr. Tongan Pa'anga <T$, PT> | Tongaischer Pa'anga {m} <T$, PT> [Tonga-Dollar] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| Prince Albert (piercing) <PA> [male genital piercing] | Prinz-Albert-Piercing {n} <PA> [Intimpiercing beim Mann] | |
| audiotech. public address speaker <PA speaker> | Public-Address-Lautsprecher {m} <PA-Lautsprecher> | |
| public address system <PA system> | Beschallungssystem {n} | |
| public address system <PA system> | (öffentliche) Lautsprecheranlage {f} | |
| electr. public address system <PA system> | Beschallungsanlage {f} | |
| med. pulmonal artery pressure <PAP, PA pressure> | Pulmonalarteriendruck {m} | |
| geogr.pol. Republic of Panama <.pa> | Republik {f} Panama | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| biochem. tissue-type plasminogen activator <tPA, t-PA> | gewebespezifischer Plasminogenaktivator {m} | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| pharm. recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator <rt-PA, rtPA> | rekombinanter gewebespezifischer Plasminogenaktivator {m} | |
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Übersetzung für 'pa' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front]
- posteroanterior <PA, p.a.>med.MedTech.
posterior-anterior <PA, p.a.>MedTech.
- Panama <.pa>
- Panama {n}geogr.
- pascal <Pa> [unit of pressure]
- Pascal {n} <Pa> [Maßeinheit des Drucks]phys.unit
- polyamide <PA>
- Polyamid {n} <PA>chem.
- pa [coll.]
- Papa {m} [ugs.]
Vati {m} [Koseform von Vater]
Papi {m} [ugs.]
- Pennsylvania <PA> [Keystone State]
- Pennsylvania {n} [US-Bundesstaat]geogr.
- picoampere <pA>
- Pikoampere {n} <pA>electr.unit
- protactinium <Pa>
- Protactinium {n} <Pa>chem.
- pseudoaneurysm <PA>
- Pseudoaneurysma {n}med.
- downhand position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code]
- Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code]tech.
- flat position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code]
- Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code]tech.
- PA system
- Beschallungsanlage {f}
- parental allowance <PA>
- Elterngeld {n} <EG>admin.
- particular average <PA>
- Partikularhavarie {f}insur.
- pascal second <Pa.s>
- Pascalsekunde {f} <Pa.s>phys.unit
- peak acceleration <PA>
- Maximalbeschleunigung {f}
Spitzenbeschleunigung {f}tech.
- Peano arithmetic <PA>
- Peano-Arithmetik {f} <PA>math.
- performance audit <PA>
- Performance-Audit {n} [auch: Peformanceaudit]QM
- perianal abscess <PA>
- Perianalabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]med.
- pernicious anaemia <PA> [Br.]
- perniziöse Anämie {f} <PA>med.
- pernicious anemia <PA> [Am.]
- perniziöse Anämie {f} <PA>med.
Perniziosa {f} [perniziöse Anämie]med.
- personal aide <PA>
- persönlicher Assistent {m} <PA>
- personal assistant [female] <PA>
- Chefsekretärin {f} [persönliche Assistentin]
persönliche Assistentin {f} [Sekretärin des Chefs, einer Führungskraft]
- personal assistant <PA>
- persönlicher Assistent {m} <PA>
- Phillips Academy [also: Andover, Phillips Andover] <PA>
- Phillips Academy {f}educ.
- phthalic anhydride <PA> [C8H4O3]
- Phthalsäureanhydrid {n} <PSA>chem.
- pi-pa [Chinese stringed instrument resembling a lute]
- Pipa {f} [chines. Zupfinstrument, das einer Laute ähnelt]mus.
- pilocytic astrocytoma <PA>
- pilozytisches Astrozytom {n} <PA>med.
- pituitary adenoma <PA>
- Hypophysenadenom {n} <HA>med.
- polar amplification <PA>
- polare Verstärkung {f}ecol.meteo.
- positional accuracy <PA>
- Positionsgenauigkeit {f}tech.
- positive affect <PA>
- positiver Affekt {m} <PA>psych.
- positive affectivity <PA>
- positive Affektivität {f} <PA>psych.
- posttraumatic arthrosis <PA, PTA>
- posttraumatische Arthrose {f} <PA>med.
- preventive action {sg} <PA>
- Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen {pl}QM
- preventive actions <PA>
- Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen {pl}QM
- primary amyloidosis <PA>
- primäre Amyloidose {f}med.
idiopathische Amyloidose {f}med.
Paraamyloidose {f} [primäre Amyloidose]med.
- primary antibody <PA>
- Primärantikörper {m} <PA>med.
- primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus]
- Primärbewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]psych.
primäre Bewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]psych.
- primitive aorta <PA>
- primitive Aorta {f} <PA>anat.biol.
- process approach <PA> [ISO/IEC 20000]
- Prozessorientierung {f}comp.QMspec.
- process audit <PA>
- Verfahrensaudit {n}econ.QM
Prozessaudit {n} <PA>econ.QM
- program analysis <PA>
- Programmanalyse {f} <PA>comp.
- project audit <PA>
- Projektaudit {n} <PA>econ.QM
- propionic acidaemia <PA> [Br.]
- Propionazidämie {f} <PA>med.
- propionic acidemia <PA> [Am.]
- Propionazidämie {f} <PA>med.
- public awareness <PA>
- Bewusstseinsbildung {f} in der Öffentlichkeitsociol.
- pulmonary amyloidosis <PA>
- Lungenamyloidose {f}med.
- pulmonary angiography <PA>
- Pulmonalisangiografie {f} <PA>MedTech.
Pulmonalisangiographie {f} <PA>MedTech.
Pulmonalangiographie {f} [ugs.] [Pulmonalisangiographie]MedTech.
- pulmonary atresia <PA>
- Pulmonalatresie {f} <PA>med.
- Tongan Pa'anga <T$, PT>
- Tongaischer Pa'anga {m} <T$, PT> [Tonga-Dollar]curr.
- Prince Albert (piercing) <PA> [male genital piercing]
- Prinz-Albert-Piercing {n} <PA> [Intimpiercing beim Mann]
- public address speaker <PA speaker>
- Public-Address-Lautsprecher {m} <PA-Lautsprecher>audiotech.
- public address system <PA system>
- Beschallungssystem {n}
(öffentliche) Lautsprecheranlage {f}
Beschallungsanlage {f}electr.
- pulmonal artery pressure <PAP, PA pressure>
- Pulmonalarteriendruck {m}med.
- Republic of Panama <.pa>
- Republik {f} Panamageogr.pol.
- tissue-type plasminogen activator <tPA, t-PA>
- gewebespezifischer Plasminogenaktivator {m}biochem.
- recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator <rt-PA, rtPA>
- rekombinanter gewebespezifischer Plasminogenaktivator {m}pharm.
- Pascal {n} <Pa> [Maßeinheit des Drucks] = pascal <Pa> [unit of pressure]
- posteroanterior <PA, p.a.> = posteroanterior <PA, p.a.> [from back to front]
- Polyamid {n} <PA> = polyamide <PA>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Though officially a spur route of PA 51, PA 551 is more suited as a spur route of PA 18, due to PA 551 ending at PA 18 at both ends without intersecting with PA 51 at all.
- Sa Pa (...) or Sapa, was a frontier township and capital of former Sa Pa District, now a ward of Sa Pa town in Lào Cai Province in north-west Vietnam.
- She has hosted the hit talk show "Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Puffy" alongside Ami Onuki in Japan, which aired from 1999 to 2002.
- La fiesta esta buena es pa beber pa bailar...
- The Pa-O National Organisation (...) is a Pa-O political party in Myanmar (Burma). Its armed wing, the Pa-O National Army, has between 400 and 700 active personnel.
- A collection of the works of Zhang Yudrakpa in nine volumes (edited by Khenpo Shedup Tenzin and Lama Thinley Namgyal) was published as "dpal ldan tshal pa bka' brgyud kyi bstan pa'i mnga' bdag zhang g.yu brag pa brtson 'grus grags pa'i gsung 'bum rin po che: (The Collected Works of Zhaṅ brtson 'grus grags pa 1123-1193)".
- "Pa Pa Pa Pa Puffy" (also known as "Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Puffy", [...]) was a variety TV show which aired in Japan (TV Asahi) from 1 October 1997 to 27 March 2002, and re-aired as a PUFFY 10th anniversary broadcast for a short time in 2006.
- Many areas on the banks of the Waihou River were settled by Hauraki Māori, such as Oruarangi pā and Paterangi pā near Matatoki, and the Te Raupa pā and Waiwhau pā near Paeroa.
- Typically pā were a part of a greater area of seasonal occupation.
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