 Übersetzung für 'pacarana' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a pacarana | pacaranas
pacarana [Dinomys branickii]
Pakarana {f}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'pacarana' von Englisch nach Deutsch

pacarana [Dinomys branickii]
Pakarana {f}zool.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The only living member of Dinomyidae is the pacarana.
  • The zoo is home to part of an international breeding programme for some endangered species such as Owston's palm civets for which an overseas in-situ conservation support programme of funding and skills exchange exists, along with support for the unau sloth project and pacarana in South America, pangolin and small carnivore conservation programme in Southeast Asia.
  • The Dinomyidae are a family of South American hystricognath rodents: the dinomyids were once a very speciose group, but now contains only a single living species, the pacarana.
  • This three-meter-long relative of today's pacarana had a lifestyle similar to that of the capybara.
  • In the forest margins beside the páramos the crab-eating rat ("Ichthyomys hydrobates"), which is restricted to the Andes in Venezuela and Colombia, is threatened by changes to its habitat, and the pacarana ("Dinomys branickii"), widespread in the Andes, is threatened by hunting.

  • Pacarana have 4 limbs and large heads. They are considered a scansorial species. When they eat, they grasp their food with their fore-paws while sitting on their hind legs.
  • The largest known rodent was "Josephoartigasia monesi", a pacarana with an estimated body length of 3 m (10 ft).
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