 Übersetzung für 'pace of work' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   pace of work | -
pace of workArbeitstempo {n}
work pace
Arbeitstempo {n}
pace of business
Geschäftstempo {n} [ugs.]
pace of investmentInvestitionstempo {n}
pace of expansionExpansionstempo {n}
pace of developmentEntwicklungs­geschwindigkeit {f}
pace of modernizationModernisierungs­tempo {n}
pace of growthWachstumsgeschwindigkeit {f}
change of paceWechsel {m} der Gangart
pace of inflation
Inflationstempo {n}
change of paceGangartwechsel {m}
change of pace
Tempowechsel {m}
pace of modernisation [Br.]Modernisierungs­tempo {n}
the pace of lifeder Rhythmus {m} des Lebens
the pace of reformsdas Tempo {n} der Reformen
volume of workArbeitsvolumen {n}
hours {pl} of workArbeitszeit {f}
work of interpretation
Interpretationsarbeit {f}
preparation of workArbeitsvorbereitung {f}
conditions of work
Arbeitsumstände {pl}
allocation of workArbeitszuteilung {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Sartre's physical condition deteriorated, partially because of the merciless pace of work (and the use of amphetamine) he put himself through during the writing of the "Critique" and a massive analytical biography of Gustave Flaubert ("The Family Idiot"), both of which remained unfinished.
  • But later that year the pace of work finally picked up.
  • The pace of work increased in late March with the return of engineer Jeduthan Baldwin.
  • cites several Gorbachev decrees stepping up the pace of work within the biological weapons complex, and directing the creation of mobile production facilities so that inspectors could not uncover the program.
  • She was glad to move from the Decoding Room "where all the operators were constantly having nervous breakdowns on account of the pace of work and the appalling noise" to the Registration Room which arranged intercepts according to callsign and frequency.

  • Workflow is performed in real time. The mechanisms of control must support the typical pace of work. Design patterns must delay execution of workflow.
  • Ranade's belief in the success of the Rock Memorial mission was so strong, that he never slowed the pace of work when funds were in paucity.
  • In March 1839, because of slow progress, the original contractors were dismissed and George Stephenson took over, after which the pace of work increased until a strike of the bricklayers occurred in March 1840.
  • Even after the war, during the Weimar Republic Lang maintains his devotion to duty and subservience to authority which is why he often gets into trouble in civil life: In 1919 he finds work in a machine factory with the help of a comrade, but soon he gets fired after a conflict with his elderly college, who struggles with Lang's pace of work, following pressure from the staff and the worker's council.
  • The process of building achieved a good pace of work.

  • The pace of work is high due to the popularity of the iPhone and iPad.
  • He enjoyed the hectic pace of work after the mail arrived by boat monthly.
  • In the meantime, however, the employers responded to the new minimum wages by increasing the pace of work.
  • After his recovery, he became increasingly frustrated with the slow pace of work in the Senate, complaining that it was too difficult to get anything done.
  • While Terry quickly becomes a welcome member of the pipeline crew, Dean cannot take the pace of work and decides to injure himself for the Workers’ compensation money with Tron's help, however he quickly finds that the money offered is much less than he had expected.

  • Lighting technicians generally spend a lot of time on their feet and the pace of work can become hectic.
  • Female workers worked 10 hours a day to earn this sum, with the pace of work rapid and the use of the piecework system prevalent.
  • ... fatigue) to ensure maximum consistency of performance: accelerating the pace of work to catch up with the delay or face an emergency change procedure against poor results ...
  • Harry Bridges of the International Longshore Workers Union (ILWU) called for a speedup of the pace of work - which may not have been inconsistent with the union's goal of controlling the way that work was done on the docks - but certainly sounded strange coming from the union that had previous relentlessly fought employers on the issue.
  • Although the excavation crew was under great pressure to keep the pace of work on schedule, Kelly persuaded his supervisors to allow sufficient excavation to remove about [...] of prow and keel with three of the hull's ribs.

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