 Übersetzung für 'pace sb sth' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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pace sb./sth. {prep} [to express (ironically) polite disagreement]ohne jdm./etw. zu nahe treten zu wollen
3 Wörter
to keep pace with sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. Schritt halten
5+ Wörter
to fail to keep pace with sb./sth.nicht Schritt halten mit jdm./etw.
to pace sth. outetw. abschreiten [messen]
to keep pace (with sb.)(mit jdm.) mithalten
to hold sb.'s pace
mit jdm. mithalten
to make the pace for sb.jdm. Schrittmacherdienste leisten
to pace sth. [measure by walking]etw. mit Schritten ausmessen
to keep pace with sth. [idiom] den Anschluss an etw.Akk. nicht verlieren [Redewendung]
to mention sb./sth. in the same breath (as sb./sth.)jdn./etw. in einem Atemzug (mit jdm./etw.) nennen
out of reverence (for sb./sth. / to sb./sth.) {adv} aus Pietät (für jdn./etw. / vor jdm./etw. / gegen jdn./etw.) [geh.]
sth. sets sb./sth. apart from sb./sth.etw. unterscheidet jdn./etw. von jdm./etw.
to envisage sb./sth. (as sb./sth.) [visualize, imagine] sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen (als jdn./etw.) [imaginativ]
preponderance of sb./sth. (over sb./sth.) Überwiegen {n} von jdm./etw. (gegenüber jdm./etw.)
to get sb./sth. back (to sb./sth.)jdn./etw. (zu jdm./etw.) zurückschaffen
to ward sb./sth. (from sb./sth.) [archaic]jdn./etw. (vor jdm./etw.) beschützen
to lure sb./sth. away (from sb./sth.)jdn./etw. (von jdm./etw.) weglocken
to lure sb./sth. away (from sb./sth.)jdn./etw. (von jdm./etw.) fortlocken
pace ... {prep}bei allem Respekt ... gegenüber
paceStufe {f}
to paceauf und ab gehen
to pacegehen
to pacedurchschreiten
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'pace sb sth' von Englisch nach Deutsch

pace sb./sth. {prep} [to express (ironically) polite disagreement]
ohne jdm./etw. zu nahe treten zu wollen

to keep pace with sb./sth.
mit jdm./etw. Schritt halten

to fail to keep pace with sb./sth.
nicht Schritt halten mit jdm./etw.

to pace sth. out
etw. abschreiten [messen]
to keep pace (with sb.)
(mit jdm.) mithalten
to hold sb.'s pace
mit jdm. mithaltensports
to make the pace for sb.
jdm. Schrittmacherdienste leisten
to pace sth. [measure by walking]
etw. mit Schritten ausmessen
to keep pace with sth. [idiom]
den Anschluss an etw.Akk. nicht verlieren [Redewendung]
to mention sb./sth. in the same breath (as sb./sth.)
jdn./etw. in einem Atemzug (mit jdm./etw.) nennen
out of reverence (for sb./sth. / to sb./sth.) {adv}
aus Pietät (für jdn./etw. / vor jdm./etw. / gegen jdn./etw.) [geh.]
sth. sets sb./sth. apart from sb./sth.
etw. unterscheidet jdn./etw. von jdm./etw.
to envisage sb./sth. (as sb./sth.) [visualize, imagine]
sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen (als jdn./etw.) [imaginativ]
preponderance of sb./sth. (over sb./sth.)
Überwiegen {n} von jdm./etw. (gegenüber jdm./etw.)
to get sb./sth. back (to sb./sth.)
jdn./etw. (zu jdm./etw.) zurückschaffen
to ward sb./sth. (from sb./sth.) [archaic]
jdn./etw. (vor jdm./etw.) beschützen
to lure sb./sth. away (from sb./sth.)
jdn./etw. (von jdm./etw.) weglocken

jdn./etw. (von jdm./etw.) fortlocken
pace ... {prep}
bei allem Respekt ... gegenüber
Stufe {f}
to pace
auf und ab gehen


Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • There has been concern over the pace of manatee perinatal deaths in 2009. This pace may adversely affect attempts to preserve the species.
  • Pace Egging is hundreds of years old and its origins are unknown.
  • A third (also less well developed) interpretation is that instead of maintaining pace with purchasing power, a representative investor may require a risk free investment to keep pace with wages.
  • Since then his major contribution to Indian cricket was as a bowling coach at the MRF Pace Foundation in Chennai where he was chief coach for several years, working with leading pace bowlers from across the world.
  • The pace time is the ideal time to safely but quickly ride the set trail.

  • From April 1989 through November 1996, Langley served as the official pace car driver for all Winston Cup events.
  • At the time, the pace car was not used for caution periods.
  • Horses are classified according to where their best pace is: Leader (maintains highest speed when in first place), Front Runner (best pace is between second and fourth), Mid-Runner (best pace is when between fifth and seventh place), Strong Finisher (who is fastest at the end of the race), and two Almighty Runners (who keep their pace in any position).
  • Riemens died in Maastricht and is buried with Rietje Hendriks at the Tongerseweg cemetery. The gravestone bears the inscription "Pace, pace, mio dio".
  • The runners started off on pace, but Desisa fell off the pace about 16km in, and Tadese followed around 20km.

  • Okto is well known for his blistering pace and could easily exposed the opponent's defender via his powerful pace and speed.
  • The runner should be able to sustain this pace for up to 60 minutes during racing.
  • Research by has shown that training at vV̇O2max pace improves both V̇O2max and the economy required to maintain pace at this intensity.
  • In Christian epigraphy, there are a variety of formulae: "pax"; "in pace"; "pax tecum"; "vivas in pace"; "requiescat in pace"; "pax Christi tecum sit"; "anima dulcissima requiescas in pace"; "dormit in pace"; and "in locum refrigerii, lucis et pacis" (from the formula of the Mass at the Memento of the Dead).
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