 Übersetzung für 'paces' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a pace | paces
VERB   to pace | paced | paced
pacing | paces
sb. paces [steps]jd. durchschreitet
pacesSchritte {pl}
Gangarten {pl}
2 Wörter
basic paces
Grundgangarten {pl}
collected paces
versammelte Gangarten {pl}
3 Wörter
to show one's paces
zeigen, was man kann
4 Wörter
ungeprüft to put sb. through his paces [idiom]jdn. durch den Wolf drehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Wörter
to put sb./sth. through their / its paces [idiom] jdn./etw. auf Herz und Nieren prüfen [Redewendung]
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
23 Paces to Baker Street [Henry Hathaway]
23 Schritte zum Abgrund
9 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Players need to readjust the distance of their bounces when running at different paces.
  • The description of the spectre is similar to how the audience sees May: "a tangle of tatters" and her pacing is comparable except that the ghost paces along the crossbeam whereas May paces the length of the stage.
  • Don Laisure put the hopeful players through their paces along with Gary McCartney.
  • When he wished to multiply the figures in a rectangular field with a breadth of 24 paces 3 4⁄10 ft.
  • Individuals who are not part of any formation begin the hand salute when the colours are six paces distant and hold it until they have passed six paces beyond the colours.

  • They fought with rifles at twenty paces, in front of a crowd of spectators.
  • On Sunday, the pin was placed 24 paces from the front and 8 paces from the left side in honor of Bryant's jersey numbers.
  • Adjona signed peace in 1490 with the governor of Gran Canaria, Pedro de Vera, ratifying the agreement with Alonso Fernández de Lugo in 1494 shortly after his first landing, attaching his menceyato to the "bando de paces" (peace party) during the conquest.
  • Bo Derek, an accomplished rider chose the horse she would ride after putting two Palominos through their paces.
  • "12 Paces Without a Head" (...) is a 2009 film set in the North Sea in 1401.

  • Answer: The area of the square field is 40 square paces, the length of the pool is thirty five paces, and the width is twenty five paces.
  • In this manner, the user calculates distance traveled by keeping track of paces taken.
  • "Stair Ercuil ocus a bás: the life and death of Hercules" mentions "ceim curadh" (warrior's paces).
  • On the west and southwest sides of the city the walls may be traced for 300 or 400 paces; on the east they extend about 100 paces; while on the south the ridge narrows, and the wall, adapting itself to the natural features of the hill, has not a length of more than 20 paces.
  • 4th. The bases shall be from "home" to second base, forty-two paces; from first to third base, forty-two paces, equidistant.

  • Solve it to obtain [...] =180 paces, length =360 paces =one li.
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