22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A serologist established that the blood on Tumekica's underwear and pajama bottoms, as well as that on defendant's boxer shorts and the blue jeans, came from the victim.
- In a recent show, Sheila stated that she often would go into public places wearing pajama bottoms.
- The objective of the game is to use a text prompt to prevent a balding man standing beside a closed door in pajama bottoms and an undershirt from defecating inappropriately.
- A pair of jeans and pajama bottoms were found on his remains, along with a pair of boots.
- The video features a chiseled and muscular D'Angelo, wearing a small gold-chained crucifix necklace, lip-synching while filmed on a platform from the waist-up and appearing nude; he was wearing a pair of pajama bottoms during filming, which were not visible in the video as they were hung low away from the camera's view.
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