 Übersetzung für 'pakhavaj' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Pakhawaj {f}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'pakhavaj' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Pakhawaj {f}mus.relig.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Dhrupad as it is known today is performed by a solo singer or a small number of singers in unison to the beat of the "pakhavaj" rather than the tabla.
  • One who learns to play the tabla or pakhavaj (or pakhawaj) drum is taught to recite the rhythms as bols, which can be quite complex.
  • In traditional pakhavaj styles a student would learn a number of different strokes which produce a specific sound.
  • She was among the first women to play the pakhavaj, a traditional barrel-shaped, two-headed drum.
  • The second member of the party sits nearby, the pakhavaj playing the drum, a harmonium player support the performance, the singer singing and narrating incidents from the life of god krishna.

  • It has to some extent been replaced by the pakhavaj.
  • Dhanoday Shrivastav OBE (born 21 June 1959), known professionally as Baluji Shrivastav, is an Indian/British musician and instrumentalist who plays a variety of traditional Indian instruments including the sitar, dilruba, surbahar, pakhavaj and tabla.
  • Further accompaniment is provided by cymbals ("jhanjh"), barrel drum ("pakhavaj"), tabla, and harmonium.
  • Tabla's repertoire and techniques borrow many elements from Pakhavaj and Mridangam, which are played sideways using one's palms.
  • Its drum head is similar to tabla and the drum itself is similar to pakhavaj.

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