 Übersetzung für 'parents' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a parent | parents
VERB   to parent | parented | parented
parenting | parents
parentsEltern {pl}
parents {pl} [parental couple]Elternpaar {n}
Elterntiere {pl}
2 Wörter: Substantive
(sb.'s) parents' generation
(jds.) Elterngeneration {f}
adoptive parentsAdoptiveltern {pl}
albatross parents
Albatroseltern {pl} [auch: Albatros-Eltern]
bad parentsRabeneltern {pl} [ugs.]
bereaved parentstrauernde Eltern {pl}
birth parentsleibliche Eltern {pl}
birth parentsnatürliche Eltern {pl}
blackbird parents
Amseleltern {pl}
bride's parentsBrauteltern {pl}
concerned parents [worried]besorgte Eltern {pl}
cruel parentsRabeneltern {pl}
eagle parents
Adlereltern {pl}
first parents
Ureltern {pl} [Adam und Eva]
foster parentsPflegeeltern {pl}
foster parents [also: foster-parents]Zieheltern {pl} [österr.] [sonst: regional]
foster-parentsPflegeeltern {pl}
helicopter parentsüberfürsorgliche Eltern {pl}
helicopter parents [coll.] Helikopter-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [überfürsorgliche Eltern]
host parentsGasteltern {pl}
host parents [e.g. of a young cuckoo]
Wirtseltern {pl} [z. B. eines Jungkuckucks]
hovering parentsüberfürsorgliche Eltern {pl}
Max's parentsMax' / Maxens Eltern {pl}
natural parentsleibliche Eltern {pl}
parents' association [also: parents association] [parents of school children]
Elternverein {m}
parents' bedroomElternschlafzimmer {n}
parents' committee
Elternpflegschaft {f}
parents' consentEinwilligung {f} der Eltern
parents' council
Elternbeirat {m}
parents' evening
Elternabend {m}
parents' fateElternschicksal {n}
parents' graveElterngrab {n}
parents' homeElternhaus {n}
parents' houseElternhaus {n}
parents' initiativeElterninitiative {f}
parents' meetingElterntreffen {n}
parents' organization
Elternorganisation {f}
parents' representative
Elternsprecher {m}
parents' taxi
Elterntaxi {n} [für Freizeitaktivitäten]
pushy parents
ehrgeizige Eltern {pl}
single parentsAlleinerziehende {pl}
single parentsAlleinerzieher {pl} [österr.]
stage parents [coll.] [Eltern, die aus ihren Kindern unbedingt Stars machen wollen]
step-parentsStiefeltern {pl}
surrogate parents
Ersatzeltern {pl}
teen parents [coll.]Teenieeltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern im Teenageralter]
teen parents [coll.] Teenie-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern im Teenageralter]
teens' parentsTeenieeltern {pl} [Eltern von Teenagern]
teens' parents [coll.]Teenie-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern von Teenagern]
teenyboppers' parents Teenieeltern {pl} [Eltern von jungen Teenagern, bes. Mädchen]
teenyboppers' parents [coll.] [Am.] Teenie-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern von jungen Teenagern, bes. Mädchen]
uncaring parentsRabeneltern {pl}
unnatural parentsRabeneltern {pl}
3 Wörter: Substantive
(school) parents' committee
Schulpflegschaft {f}
both one's parentsbeide Elternteile {pl}
middle-class parents [also: middle class parents]
Mittelschichteltern {pl}
parents by adoptionAdoptiveltern {pl}
parents of multiplesMehrlings­eltern {pl}
parents of twinsZwillings­eltern {pl}
parents-in-lawSchwiegereltern {pl}
parents-to-bewerdende Eltern {pl}
parents-to-beangehende Eltern {pl}
responsibility of parents
Elternverantwortung {f}
work with parents
Elternarbeit {f}
4 Wörter: Andere
Are your parents living?Leben deine Eltern noch?
born to German parents {adj} [postpos.]von deutschen Eltern stammend
born to German parents {adj} [postpos.]als Kind deutscher Eltern geboren
4 Wörter: Verben
to come from noble parentsvon vornehmer Abstammung sein
to live with one's parentsbei seinen Eltern leben
4 Wörter: Substantive
child of divorced parentsScheidungs­kind {n}
child of divorced parentsKind {n} aus geschiedener Ehe
child of divorced parents
Scheidungs­waise {f}
child of poor parentsArmeleutekind {n} [ugs.]
child of separated parentsTrennungs­kind {n}
child of unknown parentsKind {n} unbekannter Eltern
children of divorced parentsScheidungs­kinder {pl}
consent of the parentsZustimmung {f} der Eltern
cruelty to one's parentsGrausamkeit {f} gegen seine Eltern
letter to (the) parents
Elternbrief {m} [auch seitens der Schule]
meeting with the parents
Elterngespräch {n}
parents of the brideBrauteltern {pl}
prop of one's parentsStütze {f} der Eltern
5+ Wörter: Andere
Are you looking forward to your parents' visit? - I am and I'm not. Freust du dich auf den Besuch deiner Eltern? - Teils, teils!
Give my regards to your parents. Grüßen Sie Ihre Eltern von mir! [formelle Anrede]
He was born to American parents.Er wurde als Sohn amerikanischer Eltern geboren.
He was placed with foster parents.Er kam zu Pflegeeltern.
I'm just going to pop over to my parents. [coll.] Ich schau mal gerade bei meinen Eltern vorbei. [ugs.]
much to the chagrin of his parentssehr zum Missfallen seiner Eltern
Parents are too permissive with their children.Eltern erlauben ihren Kindern zu viel.
Success has many parents but failure is always an orphan. [idiom] Erfolg hat viele Väter, Misserfolg ist immer ein Waisenkind. [Redewendung]
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. [Clarence Darrow]
Die erste Hälfte unseres Lebens wird uns von unseren Eltern ruiniert, die zweite Hälfte von unseren Kindern!
5+ Wörter: Verben
to come of poor but honest parentsvon armen aber redlichen Eltern abstammen
to live at one's parents' home [as a grown-up]im Hotel Mama wohnen [ugs.]
to live at one's parents' home [as a grown-up]im Hotel Mama bleiben [ugs.]
to run away from one's parentsvon seinen Eltern davonlaufen
5+ Wörter: Substantive
a shame to his parentseine Schande {f} für seine Eltern
chairman of the parents' council
Elternbeiratsvorsitzender {m}
chairwoman of the parents' council
Elternbeiratsvorsitzende {f}
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Übersetzung für 'parents' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Eltern {pl}

Elterntiere {pl}zool.
parents {pl} [parental couple]
Elternpaar {n}

(sb.'s) parents' generation
(jds.) Elterngeneration {f}biol.sociol.
adoptive parents
Adoptiveltern {pl}
albatross parents
Albatroseltern {pl} [auch: Albatros-Eltern]orn.
bad parents
Rabeneltern {pl} [ugs.]
bereaved parents
trauernde Eltern {pl}
birth parents
leibliche Eltern {pl}

natürliche Eltern {pl}
blackbird parents
Amseleltern {pl}orn.
bride's parents
Brauteltern {pl}
concerned parents [worried]
besorgte Eltern {pl}
cruel parents
Rabeneltern {pl}
eagle parents
Adlereltern {pl}orn.
first parents
Ureltern {pl} [Adam und Eva]relig.
foster parents
Pflegeeltern {pl}
foster parents [also: foster-parents]
Zieheltern {pl} [österr.] [sonst: regional]
Pflegeeltern {pl}
helicopter parents
überfürsorgliche Eltern {pl}
helicopter parents [coll.]
Helikopter-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [überfürsorgliche Eltern]
host parents
Gasteltern {pl}
host parents [e.g. of a young cuckoo]
Wirtseltern {pl} [z. B. eines Jungkuckucks]zool.
hovering parents
überfürsorgliche Eltern {pl}
Max's parents
Max' / Maxens Eltern {pl}
natural parents
leibliche Eltern {pl}
parents' association [also: parents association] [parents of school children]
Elternverein {m}educ.
parents' bedroom
Elternschlafzimmer {n}
parents' committee
Elternpflegschaft {f}educ.
parents' consent
Einwilligung {f} der Eltern
parents' council
Elternbeirat {m}educ.
parents' evening
Elternabend {m}educ.
parents' fate
Elternschicksal {n}
parents' grave
Elterngrab {n}
parents' home
Elternhaus {n}
parents' house
Elternhaus {n}
parents' initiative
Elterninitiative {f}
parents' meeting
Elterntreffen {n}
parents' organization
Elternorganisation {f}educ.
parents' representative
Elternsprecher {m}educ.
parents' taxi
Elterntaxi {n} [für Freizeitaktivitäten]educ.
pushy parents
ehrgeizige Eltern {pl}sociol.
single parents
Alleinerziehende {pl}

Alleinerzieher {pl} [österr.]
stage parents [coll.]
[Eltern, die aus ihren Kindern unbedingt Stars machen wollen]
Stiefeltern {pl}
surrogate parents
Ersatzeltern {pl}sociol.
teen parents [coll.]
Teenieeltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern im Teenageralter]

Teenie-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern im Teenageralter]
teens' parents
Teenieeltern {pl} [Eltern von Teenagern]
teens' parents [coll.]
Teenie-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern von Teenagern]
teenyboppers' parents
Teenieeltern {pl} [Eltern von jungen Teenagern, bes. Mädchen]
teenyboppers' parents [coll.] [Am.]
Teenie-Eltern {pl} [ugs.] [Eltern von jungen Teenagern, bes. Mädchen]
uncaring parents
Rabeneltern {pl}
unnatural parents
Rabeneltern {pl}

(school) parents' committee
Schulpflegschaft {f}educ.
both one's parents
beide Elternteile {pl}
middle-class parents [also: middle class parents]
Mittelschichteltern {pl}sociol.
parents by adoption
Adoptiveltern {pl}
parents of multiples
Mehrlings­eltern {pl}
parents of twins
Zwillings­eltern {pl}
Schwiegereltern {pl}
werdende Eltern {pl}

angehende Eltern {pl}
responsibility of parents
Elternverantwortung {f}educ.
work with parents
Elternarbeit {f}educ.

Are your parents living?
Leben deine Eltern noch?
born to German parents {adj} [postpos.]
von deutschen Eltern stammend

als Kind deutscher Eltern geboren

to come from noble parents
von vornehmer Abstammung sein
to live with one's parents
bei seinen Eltern leben

child of divorced parents
Scheidungs­kind {n}

Kind {n} aus geschiedener Ehe

Scheidungs­waise {f}law
child of poor parents
Armeleutekind {n} [ugs.]
child of separated parents
Trennungs­kind {n}
child of unknown parents
Kind {n} unbekannter Eltern
children of divorced parents
Scheidungs­kinder {pl}
consent of the parents
Zustimmung {f} der Eltern
cruelty to one's parents
Grausamkeit {f} gegen seine Eltern
letter to (the) parents
Elternbrief {m} [auch seitens der Schule]educ.
meeting with the parents
Elterngespräch {n}educ.
parents of the bride
Brauteltern {pl}
prop of one's parents
Stütze {f} der Eltern

Are you looking forward to your parents' visit? - I am and I'm not.
Freust du dich auf den Besuch deiner Eltern? - Teils, teils!
Give my regards to your parents.
Grüßen Sie Ihre Eltern von mir! [formelle Anrede]
He was born to American parents.
Er wurde als Sohn amerikanischer Eltern geboren.
He was placed with foster parents.
Er kam zu Pflegeeltern.
I'm just going to pop over to my parents. [coll.]
Ich schau mal gerade bei meinen Eltern vorbei. [ugs.]
much to the chagrin of his parents
sehr zum Missfallen seiner Eltern
Parents are too permissive with their children.
Eltern erlauben ihren Kindern zu viel.
Success has many parents but failure is always an orphan. [idiom]
Erfolg hat viele Väter, Misserfolg ist immer ein Waisenkind. [Redewendung]
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. [Clarence Darrow]
Die erste Hälfte unseres Lebens wird uns von unseren Eltern ruiniert, die zweite Hälfte von unseren Kindern!quote

to come of poor but honest parents
von armen aber redlichen Eltern abstammen
to live at one's parents' home [as a grown-up]
im Hotel Mama wohnen [ugs.]

im Hotel Mama bleiben [ugs.]
to run away from one's parents
von seinen Eltern davonlaufen

a shame to his parents
eine Schande {f} für seine Eltern
chairman of the parents' council
Elternbeiratsvorsitzender {m}educ.
chairwoman of the parents' council
Elternbeiratsvorsitzende {f}educ.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Danny takes the parents on a bus tour of famous child stars' serious, sometimes tragic, missteps.
  • Coram offers support for separating parents, parents of adolescents, young parents, and parents of particular faith or ethnic groups.
  • In India it is very common that children stay with parents in large families.
  • In Sweden, parents that would be considered helicopter parents in the English-speaking world are instead referred to as curlingföräldrar ("curling parents").
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Academy of Pediatrics, Kids In Danger, and other organizations have issued warnings to discourage parents from using baby walkers.

  • (14) a. She called his parents, not her parents.
  • It once again follows from the definition that the parents of "X" screen "X" from other "indirect causes" of "X" (parents of Parents("X")) and other effects of Parents("X") which are not also effects of "X".
  • Parents' Day is a holiday celebrating parents.
  • Mimi, a daughter of a rich millionaire discovers that her rich parents are not her actual biological parents and realises that her original parents live in poverty and sold her in order to raise funds to manage the cost of living.
  • Whilst Judaism does recognise adoption as the "spiritual equivalent of procreation", adoptive parents do not entirely replace the biological parents.

  • Little difference is found between the household tasks done by children with or without disabled parents.
  • There are different parenting styles which parents use to discipline their children.
  • Parents Too Soon is a program that provides a network of support for teen parents in Chicago.
  • giving students, parents, and teachers the exact information and procedures needed for success and "Talking Your Way to Literacy: A Program to Help Nonreading Parents Prepare Their Children for Reading" which gave parents, and people working with parents, specific strategies to help parents support their children's school learning.
  • The first episode of "Parents React" premiered on August 6, 2015, with "Parents React to Don't Stay At School". This series involves parents reacting to stuff that kids were getting into.

  • Excluded groups: Step-parents do not count as parents so they can claim, but adoptive parents do, so they can't.
  • A large number of refugee and immigrant students do not live with their parents but live with extended family or older siblings.
  • Growing up, they frequently traveled with their parents, traveling musicians Paul Fotsch (formerly Grace) and Win Grace.
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