| NOUN | a partner country | partner countries |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Kyrgyzstan is a partner country of the EU INOGATE energy programme, which has four key topics: enhancing energy security, convergence of member state energy markets on the basis of EU internal energy market principles, supporting sustainable energy development, and attracting investment for energy projects of common and regional interest.
- In 2008 the US government had noted significant progress in Moldova along the lines of consolidating democratic institutions and instituting the rule of law - especially the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol and becoming a NATO partner country.
- The John Allwright and John Dillion Memorial fellowships provides the opportunity for partner country scientists involved in ACIAR-supported research projects to obtain postgraduate qualifications at Australian tertiary institutions.
- Currently, South Africa is a COST Partner Country.
- Japan was the Partner Country to this Summit. This being the first time any country has agreed to partner with a State of another country.
- The EU has a strong preference for bilateral financing (provision of aid to recipient governments, as opposed to NGOs), with 99% of EUI (DG INTPA + EIB) funds going to partner country governments.
- The Theme of IITF 2013 was "Inclusive Growth" with Bihar as Partner State and Japan as Partner Country.
- MCC signs either a compact or a threshold agreement with a partner country.
- More than 50 countries will be participating in the show, with Italy as partner country for 2020.
- Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel attended the opening ceremony and welcomed international guests, among which a special place was dedicated to Indian operators, as India was chosen as 2008 edition's partner country.
- The most recent Hanover Fair took place in May 30 to June 2, 2022, with Portugal as the partner country.
- Unofficial diplomatic relations typically involve an "Economic, Trade and Cultural Office" in Taiwan for the partner country, as well as a corresponding "Taipei/Taiwan/ROC Representative Office" representing Taiwan within the partner country.
- Under Erasmus+ programme the university has over 800 agreements with 430 European and 55 agreements with partner country universities for the academic exchanges.
- The Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme was established in 1994 and is based on individual bilateral relations between each partner country and NATO: each country may choose the extent of its participation.
- Turkey is an INOGATE partner country and was, therefore, regularly invited to attend INOGATE meetings but it is not a beneficiary country.
- Lending terms are based on several factors, including the per capita gross national income (GNI) of each Partner Country.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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