 Übersetzung für 'passionately' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO passionately | stormily | turbulently
passionately {adv}leidenschaftlich
to be passionately in lovein Liebe entbrannt sein [geh.]
ungeprüft to be passionately fond of readingeine (richtige) Leseratte sein [ugs.] [hum.]
to be passionately fond of sweetseine (richtige) Naschkatze sein [ugs.]
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The other subject is displayed more passionately (Excerpt 2).
  • Davros’ sister Yarvell passionately supports peace with the Thals. During an argument, he inadvertently reveals the upcoming mission.
  • The "Boston Review" has described Capa as "a leftist, and a democrat—he was passionately pro-Loyalist and passionately anti-fascist ..."
  • As with many other British climbers of his era he was passionately against the use of pitons.
  • Dawn has caught her boyfriend kissing another girl passionately. She gets drunk and cries on Sylvester's shoulder.

  • He also passionately supported the preservation of Classical education in the German school system.
  • Fariborz Mokhtari (University of Vermont) calles it "detailed and passionately written".
  • He was always passionately interest in African customs, and supported strengthening the indigenous political structures and customary courts.
  • It's a youthful story of vanguard fighters who clash passionately with each other through fights.
  • The reason he passionately posts videos is that his upbringing was strict and his family discouraged creativity.

  • The actress, as always, plays passionately, passionately.
  • He was not antisemitic, but was passionately nationalistic.
  • Lillo was passionately devoted to various scientific studies, especially those pertaining to nature.
  • Berendes was described as a melancholic and passionately religious widow.
  • Bayne advocated passionately and tirelessly for elder care.

  • Bob Ellis later accused David's wife of co-writing the play, an allegation Williamson passionately refuted.
  • In October 2013 he was photographed passionately kissing Katharine McPhee, despite both of them being married to other people at the time.
  • Barron has been a Member of the General Medical Council since 1999, and is passionately anti-smoking.
  • Jurgis returns home to Ona's stepmother and passionately converts her to socialism; she placatingly goes along with it only because it seems to motivate him to find work.
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