 Übersetzung für 'percipient' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   percipient | more percipient | most percipient
NOUN   a percipient | percipients
SYNO beholder | clear | observer | ...
percipient {adj}wahrnehmend
Wahrnehmender {m}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'percipient' von Englisch nach Deutsch

percipient {adj}

Wahrnehmender {m}philos.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • de Saram, a percipient observer of the game and its players, in an inspired move, insisted that Goonesena be picked for the 'Big' match to be played over the weekend.
  • Some of Elgar's more percipient supporters, including Adrian Boult, consider it his greatest choral work, of more consistent quality than even "Gerontius".
  • A percipient witness (or eyewitness) is one with knowledge obtained through their own senses (e.g., visual perception, hearing, smell, touch).
  • It commands respect as the design of a newly arrived Scottish stone-mason handpicked by the percipient Surveyor General Thomas Mitchell and as the work of some twenty diligent, efficient, tightly supervised and technically able convicts.
  • For experience, it is necessary to have two components: (a) sense-organs must be influenced by the unrepresented (subsensible or supersensible base), and (b) the act of "figuration", in which the percipient mind combines and construes sensations into a relatively ordered phenomenal "world" of beings and things.

  • ... 41 ff), "PM" defines truth and falsehood in terms of a relationship between the "a" and the "b" and the "percipient".
  • These proposed "unconscious whispering" (from the experimenter to the ‘agent,’ and then from the ‘agent’ to the ‘percipient’); the inapplicability of probability theory to science (as offered by George Spencer-Brown); and collusion between the ‘agent’ to the ‘percipient’.
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