 Übersetzung für 'percolated' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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VERB   to percolate | percolated | percolated
percolating | percolates
percolated {adj} {past-p}gefiltert
percolated {adj} {past-p}durchgesickert
percolated {adj} {past-p}perkoliert
sb./sth. percolatedjd./etw. filterte
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • high, began to form more than a million years ago when groundwater bearing carbonic acid percolated through crevices and slowly dissolved limestone and dolomite bedrock.
  • The small traces of feces that enter the greywater stream via effluent from the shower, sink, or washing machine do not pose practical hazards under normal conditions, as long as the greywater is used correctly (for example, percolated from a dry well or used correctly in farming irrigation).
  • The crops are grown either with rainwater that has percolated into the ground or using irrigation.
  • Alternatively a partial anaerobic digestion phase can be induced on water that is percolated through the raw waste, dissolving the readily available sugars, with the remaining material being sent to a windrow composting facility.
  • Zamindari system, which had prevailed in Rajasthan for centuries, percolated deeply in socio-economic system of the state by the time of independence.

  • This self-regulation effect is achieved as the CO2 laser essentially stops ablating as soon as it comes in contact with the intraocular percolated liquid, which occurs as soon as the laser reaches the optimal residual intact layer thickness.
  • Due to intense urbanization in the surrounding hill areas, the storm water that historically exited the canyons and percolated through the gravel below ground was channeled into pipes below the streets to Thompson Creek and Lake Cunningham.
  • Animals that cache acorns, such as jays and squirrels, may wait to consume some of these acorns until sufficient groundwater has percolated through them to leach out the tannins.
  • cave walls covered by a wet film of percolated clay.
  • Turkish became the idiom for state business in Tunisia and its unique flavors percolated throughout Tunisian society.

  • Rainwater percolated down through cracks in the limestone, dissolving rock and creating caves such as those found at Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park.
  • A general sentiment favoring labor organization percolated through the car repair shops, although prior to 1888 no concrete organization was in the field.
  • Similarly, the pattern of fair skin obsession has percolated as a desirable quality for South Asian men.
  • State Water Project (SWP) water is percolated at two facilities and Federal Colorado River water is percolated back into the ground at the third.
  • Percolation centrality is defined for a given node, at a given time, as the proportion of ‘percolated paths’ that go through that node.

  • Toxic organic compounds and heavy metals dumped at the site have percolated into the ground water and leached into lakes and streams in the surrounding area.
  • Holman loved word play, and all of his features percolated with puns.
  • But if the false vacuum energy is large enough, [...] on the plot, the false vacuum forms finite clusters (NTS's) surrounded by the percolated true vacuum.
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