 Übersetzung für 'percolates' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a percolate | percolates
VERB   to percolate | percolated | percolated
percolating | percolates
sb./sth. percolatesjd./etw. filtert
sth. percolatesetw. sickert durch
Perkolate {pl}
if sth. percolateswenn etw. durchsickert
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This recharge is typically from rivers or meteoric water (precipitation) that percolates into the aquifer through overlying unsaturated materials.
  • The (slightly over pressurized) trajectory works as a main airduct from which fresh air percolates to the offices to be drawn off via the double (plenum) facade.
  • The best grounds are wide fine-sand beaches where there are extensive sand-dunes, enclosing freshwater, which percolates to the sea, there promoting the growth of diatoms and plankton.
  • In general, "burning spring(s)" refers to any water-fed spring that percolates natural gas that may be set afire.
  • This provides a protective snow cover in winter and in warm seasons precipitation percolates through the leaf cover to nourish plants which require surface soil moisture.

  • Allmusic's Jason Ankeny said: "Main Squeeze" percolates but never quite boils over.
  • (a) "Fixed Bed": When the fluid is passed through the bottom of the bed at a low flow rate, the fluid merely percolates through the void spaces between stationary particles.
  • Rainwater (which percolates into sinkholes in the limestone), is enriched with dissolved calcium carbonate.
  • There are two types of surangas - 1) dug in the hillocks with the help of galvazined pipes in a horizontal direction, from where the water percolates out (known as "addaboru" in Kannada) and 2) horizontally dug tunnel like structures which are as high as the height of a man, from where the water percolates out and collects into a water tank.
  • As founder, Workman insisted that "a sense of nostalgia for a lost past percolates throughout many medievalist endeavours", and he discussed "the connection between scholarship and medievalism, in that even academic studies of the Middle Ages become implicated with such nostalgia".

  • Condition description: Cracks have developed in all sides of the walls. Since the kalasa is broken rain water percolates from the roof.
  • Hard water is formed when water percolates through deposits of limestone, chalk or gypsum, which are largely made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulfates.
  • These sorts of conditions can persist over several years, even with above average rainfall, as the rainfall only slowly percolates through the water stores and replenishes them.
  • The water slowly percolates back into soil, which filters the pollutants from the water while preventing contaminated water spilling into Santa Monica Bay.
  • Rainfall in southern Missouri percolates into the ground, flows through Grand Gulf State Park and reemerges as Mammoth Spring in Arkansas.

  • However, over time, a product's brand identity may acquire (evolve), gaining new attributes from consumer perspective but not necessarily from the marketing communications, an owner percolates to targeted consumers.
  • , control percolates back through subroutine calls and/or nested blocks until a matching [...] is found or until the end of the main program is reached, at which point the program is forcibly stopped with a suitable error message.
  • Rainfall percolates readily into the sandy soil, recharging the aquifer and giving rise to hundreds of permanent lakes; but the sandy soil is poorly suited for cultivation, and the area is chiefly used for cattle ranching.
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