 Übersetzung für 'pimple' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a pimple | pimples
SYNO hickey | pimple | zit
pimplePickel {m} [im Gesicht]
Hautpickel {m}
Wimmerl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [Pickel, Pustel]
pimple [on a table-tennis bat]Noppe {f}
Finne {f} [Pustel]
2 Wörter
pimple stick [coll.]Pickelstift {m} [ugs.]
purulent pimple
Eiterpickel {m}
3 Wörter
to pop a pimpleeinen Pickel ausdrücken
pimple and blotch [Br.] [sl.] [Cockney.: Scotch]Scotch {m} [Whisky]
9 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The initial lesion is small and painless. It is often described as an itchy sore, wart, or pimple. Often times it may bleed due to scratching.
  • Xerotic eczema is common in elderly people, though it is not uncommon for people in their 20s. It can appear in red, bumpy, pimple-like irritations.
  • 2b: Tommy has always had embarrassing pictures for School Picture Day. Tommy must make this picture the best of his life, until a pimple appears on his head the next day.
  • It has been suggested that the mountain's name may derive from the Welsh "plor" ('pimple') and relating to Middle English "blure" ('blister'), or else from "blawr ais" ('grey ribbed').
  • Members of The South African National Defense Force (SANDF) are issued brown combat boots with 18 lace holes, pimple print leather and stitched rubber soles.

  • Keo and Lemony are concerned when Yakkity starts behaving oddly. Has it something to do with the pimple on his nose?
  • "Eriophyes laevis " is a gall mite which makes small, pimple-like galls on the leaves of alder ("Alnus" species).
  • The specific epithet is Latin in origin and means "blister or pimple-like" in reference to the prominence of the marginal gland on the phyllode.
  • The dermal papillae (DP) (singular "papilla", diminutive of Latin "papula", 'pimple') are small, nipple-like extensions (or interdigitations) of the dermis into the epidermis.
  • Marty befriends his first pimple: From childhood, through adolescence, into parenthood, and finally into old age, Zitty proves to be a great companion and a true friend.

  • A pimple is a swollen spot on the skin.
  • Along Medway Road, surviving concrete pimple anti-tank obstacles can be found in the Inner Lines. They are now Grade II listed.
  • It is used widely in cosmetics as non-comedogenic (non- pimple causing substance) ingredient. It does not clog the oil pores of facial skin.
  • Small fluid-filled blisters (or "vesicles"), pus-filled bumps resembling a pimple (or "pustules"), or shallow ulcers may also develop but are less common.
  • "The Scarlet Pimple": Stacy awakens to find that she has a pimple on her face and worries that people will run away from her.

  • A 2018 ad titled "Pimples Make Terrible Prom Dates" was called homophobic by critics, who accused it of promoting anti-gay stereotypes.
  • The Pingualuit Crater ([...]; from Inuit "pimple"), Preliminary results show that the upper [...] sediment core contains records of two interglacial periods.
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