 Übersetzung für 'possibly' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO maybe | mayhap | peradventure | ...
possibly {adv}möglicherweise
possibly {adv} <poss.>eventuell <evtl.>
possibly {adv}möglich
possibly {adv}womöglich
possibly {adv}vielleicht
possibly {adv}gegebenenfalls [eventuell]
possibly {adv}wohl
possibly {adv}allfällig [österr.] [schweiz.]
possibly {adv}unter Umständen <u. U.>
possibly {adv}eintretendenfalls [amtsspr.]
possibly {adv}eventualiter [geh.] [selten]
2 Wörter
possibly even {adv}vielleicht sogar
possibly offside {adj} [football]
quite possibly {adv}sehr wohl
3 Wörter
possibly record-breaking {adj}rekordverdächtig
Quite possibly, but ...Das mag sein, aber ...
4 Wörter
I can't possibly come.Ich kann unmöglich kommen.
5+ Wörter
as much as I possibly canso viel ich nur kann
as soon as I possibly can {adv}so bald wie möglich
Could you possibly open that window? Könnten Sie vielleicht das Fenster öffnen? [formelle Anrede]
He wondered what the word could possibly mean.Er dachte nach, was das Wort wohl bedeuten möge.
How could I possibly have come?Wie hätte ich denn kommen sollen?
I can't possibly do this.Das kann ich unmöglich tun.
I can't possibly tell you that!Ich kann dir das unmöglich erzählen!
I cannot possibly repeat his comment.Sein Kommentar ist nicht wiederholbar.
I will come as soon as I possibly can.Ich werde so schnell kommen wie ich nur kann.
if we can possibly avoid itwenn wir es irgendwie verhindern können
You can't possibly be serious!Das kannst du unmöglich ernst meinen!
You can't possibly mean that!Das kannst du unmöglich ernst meinen!
the best one could possibly imaginedas Beste {n}, was man sich nur denken kann
30 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'possibly' von Englisch nach Deutsch

possibly {adv}




gegebenenfalls [eventuell]


allfällig [österr.] [schweiz.]

unter Umständen <u. U.>

eintretendenfalls [amtsspr.]

eventualiter [geh.] [selten]
possibly {adv} <poss.>
eventuell <evtl.>

possibly even {adv}
vielleicht sogar
possibly offside {adj} [football]
quite possibly {adv}
sehr wohl

possibly record-breaking {adj}
Quite possibly, but ...
Das mag sein, aber ...

I can't possibly come.
Ich kann unmöglich kommen.

as much as I possibly can
so viel ich nur kann
as soon as I possibly can {adv}
so bald wie möglich
Could you possibly open that window?
Könnten Sie vielleicht das Fenster öffnen? [formelle Anrede]
He wondered what the word could possibly mean.
Er dachte nach, was das Wort wohl bedeuten möge.
How could I possibly have come?
Wie hätte ich denn kommen sollen?
I can't possibly do this.
Das kann ich unmöglich tun.
I can't possibly tell you that!
Ich kann dir das unmöglich erzählen!
I cannot possibly repeat his comment.
Sein Kommentar ist nicht wiederholbar.
I will come as soon as I possibly can.
Ich werde so schnell kommen wie ich nur kann.
if we can possibly avoid it
wenn wir es irgendwie verhindern können
You can't possibly be serious!
Das kannst du unmöglich ernst meinen!
You can't possibly mean that!
Das kannst du unmöglich ernst meinen!

the best one could possibly imagine
das Beste {n}, was man sich nur denken kann
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is found in Lesotho, South Africa, possibly Botswana, possibly Democratic Republic of the Congo, possibly Namibia, and possibly Zambia.
  • It is found in Malaysia, possibly Brunei, and possibly Indonesia.
  • It is found in Namibia, possibly Angola, possibly Botswana, and possibly Zambia.
  • It is found in Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, possibly Equatorial Guinea, and possibly Togo.
  • It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, possibly Brazil, and possibly Peru.

  • It is found in Ecuador, possibly Colombia, and possibly Peru.
  • It is found in Ivory Coast, possibly Guinea, and possibly Liberia.
  • It is found in Tanzania, possibly Democratic Republic of the Congo, possibly Malawi, and possibly Zambia.
  • It is found in Colombia, Peru, possibly Bolivia, and possibly Brazil.
  • It is found in Bolivia, possibly Brazil, and possibly Peru.

  • It is found in Argentina, Uruguay, possibly Brazil, and possibly Paraguay.
  • It is found in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, possibly Burundi, and possibly Tanzania.
  • It is found in Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea, possibly Ghana, and possibly Sierra Leone.
  • Possibly borrowed from Occitan alicouot, possibly from Latin aliquid, possibly from Old French harigoter.
  • The larvae possibly feed on rotting wood or possibly dead insects.

  • Sometime afterward, it was possibly reactivated at RAFO Thumrait, Oman, possibly with KC-135 tankers. Possibly later moved to Camp Bastion, Afghanistan. Its current [...] status is undetermined.
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