 Übersetzung für 'power of' von Englisch nach Deutsch
power (of)Kraft {f}
power (of)Macht {f} (über)
3 Wörter: Andere
deprived of power {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]entmachtet
sb./sth. deprived of powerjd./etw. entmachtete
sb./sth. deprives of powerjd./etw. entmachtet
3 Wörter: Verben
to shear sb. of powerjdn. der Macht berauben
3 Wörter: Substantive
(power of) discernmentUnterscheidungs­vermögen {n}
a power of sth. [Br.] [coll.] [a large number or amount] eine Unmenge {f} von / an etw.Dat. [große Menge]
abdication of powerMachtverzicht {m}
abuse of powerMachtmissbrauch {m}
abuse of powerMissbrauch {m} der Macht
abuse of powerMissbrauch {m} von Macht
abuse of powerMissbrauch {m} des Ermessens
abuse of powerMissbrauch {m} einer Stellung
abuse of powerÜberschreitung {f} der Kompetenz
accretion of powerAnsammlung {f} der Macht
accumulation of powerMachtvergrößerung {f}
accumulation of power
Machtanhäufung {f}
acquisition of powerMachterringung {f}
acquisition of power
Machterwerb {m}
advent of powerGelangen {n} zur Macht
analysis of power
Machtanalyse {f}
analysis of power
Machtanalytik {f}
apparatus of power
Machtapparat {m}
assumption of powerMachtübernahme {f}
balance of powerMachtbalance {f}
balance of powerMachtverhältnisse {pl}
balance of powerKräftegleichgewicht {n}
balance of powerGleichgewicht {n} der Kräfte
balance of power
Kräftebalance {f}
balance of power
Kräfteverhältnis {n}
balance of power
Machtgleichgewicht {n}
balance of power
Ausgleich {m} der Kräfte
calculus of powerMachtkalkül {n}
center of power [Am.]
Machtzentrale {f}
center of power [Am.]
Herrschaftszentrum {n}
centre of power [Br.]Machtzentrum {n}
centre of power [Br.]
Machtzentrale {f}
change of power
Wachablösung {f} [fig.] [ugs.]
changeover of powerMachtwechsel {m}
concentration of powerMachtballung {f}
concentration of powerZusammenballung {f} der Macht
concentration of power
Machtkonzentration {f}
concept of power
Machtbegriff {m}
consolidation of power
Machtkonsolidierung {f}
constellation of powerMachtkonstellation {f}
corridors of powerSchalthebel {pl} der Macht
corridors of power [fig.]Führungs­etagen {pl} [fig.]
decline of powerAbnahme {f} der Macht
demonstration of powerMachtdemonstration {f}
deprivation of powerEntmachtung {f}
display of powerMachtentfaltung {f}
distribution of powerMachtverteilung {f}
distribution of powerVerteilung {f} der Macht
enhancement of powerMachtsteigerung {f}
exercise of powerMachtausübung {f}
exercise of power
Herrschaftsausübung {f}
expansion of powerMachterweiterung {f}
factor of powerMachtfaktor {m}
fantasies of powerMachtphantasien {pl}
fullness of powerMachtfülle {f}
fullness of power [plenitudo potestatis]
Vollgewalt {f}
gaining of powerMachtgewinn {m}
handover of powerMachtübergabe {f}
holders of powerMachthaber {pl}
instrument of powerMachtmittel {n}
instrument of powerMachtinstrument {n}
instrument of powerHerrschaftsinstrument {n}
lack of powerOhnmacht {f} [Fehlen von Macht]
loss of powerMachtverlust {m}
loss of powerKraftverlust {m}
loss of powerLeistungs­verlust {m}
loss of power
Leistungs­abfall {m}
machinery of power
Machtapparat {m}
machinery of power
Machtmaschinerie {f}
maintenance of powerMachterhalt {m}
maintenance of powerErhaltung {f} der Macht
measurement of power
Leistungs­messung {f}
misuse of powerMachtmissbrauch {m}
misuse of powerMissbrauch {m} der Macht
misuse of powerMissbrauch {m} von Macht
monopoly of powerMachtmonopol {n}
plenitude of powerMachtfülle {f}
plenitude of power
Machtvollkommenheit {f}
position of powerMachtposition {f}
position of powerMachtstellung {f}
power of agencyVertretungs­befugnis {f}
power of alienation
Veräußerungs­recht {n}
power of appointment
Bestellungs­vollmacht {f}
power of arrest
Festnahmerecht {n}
power of association
Assoziationsvermögen {n}
power of attorneyHandlungs­vollmacht {f}
power of attorney
Bevollmächtigung {f}
power of attorney
Prokura {f}
power of attorney <POA, PoA>
Vollmacht {f}
power of attorney <POA>
Vertretungs­vollmacht {f} [Prozessvollmacht]
power of attractionAnziehungs­kraft {f}
power of auditBefugnis {f} zur Überprüfung
power of authorityVollmacht {f}
power of authorityErmächtigung {f}
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Übersetzung für 'power of' von Englisch nach Deutsch

power (of)
Kraft {f}

Macht {f} (über)

deprived of power {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]
sb./sth. deprived of power
jd./etw. entmachtete
sb./sth. deprives of power
jd./etw. entmachtet

to shear sb. of power
jdn. der Macht berauben

(power of) discernment
Unterscheidungs­vermögen {n}
a power of sth. [Br.] [coll.] [a large number or amount]
eine Unmenge {f} von / an etw.Dat. [große Menge]
abdication of power
Machtverzicht {m}
abuse of power
Machtmissbrauch {m}

Missbrauch {m} der Macht

Missbrauch {m} von Macht

Missbrauch {m} des Ermessens

Missbrauch {m} einer Stellung

Überschreitung {f} der Kompetenz
accretion of power
Ansammlung {f} der Macht
accumulation of power
Machtvergrößerung {f}

Machtanhäufung {f}pol.
acquisition of power
Machterringung {f}

Machterwerb {m}pol.
advent of power
Gelangen {n} zur Macht
analysis of power
Machtanalyse {f}philos.pol.

Machtanalytik {f}philos.pol.
apparatus of power
Machtapparat {m}pol.
assumption of power
Machtübernahme {f}
balance of power
Machtbalance {f}

Machtverhältnisse {pl}

Kräftegleichgewicht {n}

Gleichgewicht {n} der Kräfte

Kräftebalance {f}pol.

Kräfteverhältnis {n}pol.

Machtgleichgewicht {n}pol.

Ausgleich {m} der Kräftepol.
calculus of power
Machtkalkül {n}
center of power [Am.]
Machtzentrale {f}pol.

Herrschaftszentrum {n}pol.
centre of power [Br.]
Machtzentrum {n}

Machtzentrale {f}pol.
change of power
Wachablösung {f} [fig.] [ugs.]pol.
changeover of power
Machtwechsel {m}
concentration of power
Machtballung {f}

Zusammenballung {f} der Macht

Machtkonzentration {f}pol.
concept of power
Machtbegriff {m}philos.pol.
consolidation of power
Machtkonsolidierung {f}pol.
constellation of power
Machtkonstellation {f}
corridors of power
Schalthebel {pl} der Macht
corridors of power [fig.]
Führungs­etagen {pl} [fig.]
decline of power
Abnahme {f} der Macht
demonstration of power
Machtdemonstration {f}
deprivation of power
Entmachtung {f}
display of power
Machtentfaltung {f}
distribution of power
Machtverteilung {f}

Verteilung {f} der Macht
enhancement of power
Machtsteigerung {f}
exercise of power
Machtausübung {f}

Herrschaftsausübung {f}pol.
expansion of power
Machterweiterung {f}
factor of power
Machtfaktor {m}
fantasies of power
Machtphantasien {pl}
fullness of power
Machtfülle {f}
fullness of power [plenitudo potestatis]
Vollgewalt {f}lawrelig.
gaining of power
Machtgewinn {m}
handover of power
Machtübergabe {f}
holders of power
Machthaber {pl}
instrument of power
Machtmittel {n}

Machtinstrument {n}

Herrschaftsinstrument {n}
lack of power
Ohnmacht {f} [Fehlen von Macht]
loss of power
Machtverlust {m}

Kraftverlust {m}

Leistungs­verlust {m}

Leistungs­abfall {m}tech.
machinery of power
Machtapparat {m}pol.

Machtmaschinerie {f}pol.
maintenance of power
Machterhalt {m}

Erhaltung {f} der Macht
measurement of power
Leistungs­messung {f}electr.tech.
misuse of power
Machtmissbrauch {m}

Missbrauch {m} der Macht

Missbrauch {m} von Macht
monopoly of power
Machtmonopol {n}
plenitude of power
Machtfülle {f}

Machtvollkommenheit {f}hist.relig.
position of power
Machtposition {f}

Machtstellung {f}
power of agency
Vertretungs­befugnis {f}
power of alienation
Veräußerungs­recht {n}law
power of appointment
Bestellungs­vollmacht {f}law
power of arrest
Festnahmerecht {n}law
power of association
Assoziationsvermögen {n}psych.
power of attorney
Handlungs­vollmacht {f}

Bevollmächtigung {f}law

Prokura {f}econ.
power of attorney <POA, PoA>
Vollmacht {f}law
power of attorney <POA>
Vertretungs­vollmacht {f} [Prozessvollmacht]law
power of attraction
Anziehungs­kraft {f}
power of audit
Befugnis {f} zur Überprüfung
power of authority
Vollmacht {f}

Ermächtigung {f}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • African Americans have a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012.
  • Moreover, if any coefficient is a fixed power of 2, the multiplication can be replaced by bit shifting.
  • He accepted that it is not within the power of humans to bring the "summum bonum" about, because we cannot ensure that virtue always leads to happiness, so there must be a higher power who has the power to create an afterlife where virtue can be rewarded by happiness.
  • In 1895 Vincenzo Tiberio, Italian physician, published a paper on the antibacterial power of some extracts of mold.
  • This consolidation of the city-states of Sumer and Akkad reflected the growing economic and political power of Mesopotamia.

  • She also claimed auctoritas (power of commanding) and Autokrateira (self-ruler as empress) in front of the Senate, the people and the army.
  • Although brave in combat, Agesilaus lacked the diplomatic skills to preserve Sparta's position, especially against the rising power of Thebes, which reduced Sparta to a secondary power after its victory at Leuctra in 371 BC.
  • It demonstrates the power of APL to implement a complex algorithm in very little code, but understanding it requires some advanced knowledge of APL (as the same program would in many languages).
  • Civil bureaucracies (士大夫) arose to control the productive power of the states, and their military power.
  • At standard temperature and pressure, ammonia is less dense than atmosphere and has approximately 45–48% of the lifting power of hydrogen or helium.

  • The holding power of this anchor is at best about twice its weight until it becomes buried, when it can be as much as ten times its weight.
  • That the distinction played no part in subsequent political history—that the "personal" power of the princeps absorbed his role as office-holder—proves that the autocratic logic of the imperial order had already subsumed the old republican institutions.
  • The latter resulted in the end of the ascendancy of Episcopalianism and the feudal power of landowners.
  • Like other SI units, the ampere can be modified by adding a prefix that multiplies it by a power of 10.
  • The Constitutional Court, with the power of judicial review, contains 11 justices.

  • In Central Asia, the rise of the Mongols in approximately AD 1000 can be partially attributed to the good range and power of the bows of Genghis Khan's hordes.
  • In 1851, the power of appointing governors was transferred from the Nova Scotia Baptist Education Society to the Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces.
  • Writer Steve Darnall and illustrator Rafael Kayanan also made a graphic novel entitled "Alpha Centauri: Power of the Mindworms".
  • It can follow analysis; but it has no power of anticipating any analytical relations or truths."
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