| NOUN | a process | processes |
| VERB | to process | processed | processed processing | processes |
| SYNO | appendage | cognitive operation | cognitive process | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
- Process-Engine {f} [Workflow-Management] = process engine
- Process-Mining {n} = process mining
- Business Process Offshoring {n} <BPO> [das Auslagern ganzer Geschäftsprozesse ins Ausland] = business process offshoring <BPO>
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- This model proposes a homeostatic process (Process S) and a circadian process (Process C) that interact to define the time and intensity of sleep.
- The electrolysis process, also known as the hydrometallurgical process, Roast-Leach-Electrowin (RLE) process, or electrolytic process, is more widely used than the pyrometallurgical processes.
- Conversely, a child process whose parent process terminates before it does becomes an "orphan process".
- Processes used for desulfurization include hydrodesulfurization, SNOX process and the wet sulfuric acid process (WSA process).
- The system call is used to set the process group ID of a process, thereby either joining the process to an existing process group, or creating a new process group within the session of the process with the process becoming the process group leader of the newly created group.
- In case of cGMP fine chemicals also a process validation is required. It consists of the three elements process design, process qualification and continued process verification.
- AlphaInterloc process is an advanced thermo-chemical, Exothermic reaction proprietary process pending and Copyright 2022.
- In a strictly technical sense, a Unix-like system process is a daemon when its parent process terminates and the daemon is assigned the init process (process number 1) as its parent process and has no controlling terminal.
- In applied probability, a dynamic contagion process is a point process with stochastic intensity that generalises the Hawkes process and Cox process with exponentially decaying shot noise intensity.
- The 250 nm process (250 nanometer process or 0.25 µm process) is a level of semiconductor process technology that was reached by most manufacturers in the 1997–1998 timeframe.
- of some point process [...] is replaced by another (possibly different) point process.
- In Unix-like operating systems, every process except [...] (the swapper) is created when another process executes the fork() system call.
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