Übersetzung für '
procurable' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO | getable | gettable | obtainable | ... |
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Applications are implementable as deployable packages and are procurable in the system market place.
- more readily procurable in South Africa than anywhere else in the Empire”, and that the cake should be baked there and then flown to London for icing and decorating.
- Since this tradition was adopted, the original Dutch Carnival cake is procurable all year long.
- Thus, they have resulted in high fashion becoming more procurable to the general public.
- the shrouded dead dumped at the gateway of the Girod Street Cemetery accumulated in such numbers that the entrance to its precincts was so obstructed that arriving bodies had to be deposited on the outside; no graves at this time could be dug; no coffins procurable, for there were neither grave diggers to be had nor undertakers to be found.” Because most of the bodies in the vaults were from epidemics, the site came to be known as the “yellow fever mound”.
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