62 Übersetzungen
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- The format is particularly useful for quality assurance, so that production errors can be readily traced.
- The board is largely responsible for the quality assurance of the International Sessions but also takes responsibility for the overall direction of the organisation and the long-term sustainability and protection of the organisation.
- The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) regularly reviews all UK universities to ensure standards are maintained.
- The press has, since 1698, been governed by the press 'Syndics' (originally known as the 'Curators'), The Publishing Committees provide quality assurance and formal approval of the publishing strategy.
- Credit equivalency, transnational standards, quality assurance and standards are being managed by the Ministry through the National Skill Development Agency (an autonomous body under the Ministry) in close partnership with industry-led sector-specific bodies (Sector Skill Councils) and various line ministries.
- Over 40% of them lost patches of hair, and prompted the editorial to call for increased CT quality assurance programs.
- Admitted patients who experience a medical emergency while at the hospital are normally not covered by EMTALA, but are instead protected by varying state laws and quality assurance under the deemed status of the facility.
- The task may have distinctive quality assurance requirements.
- Case worked for Ion Storm between 1997 and 2001, conducting quality assurance and level design.
- These mostly involved teams doing quality assurance rather than developers.
- In May 2022, a group of quality assurance testers from Raven Software successfully organized a union known as the Game Workers Alliance, with the vote being 19 for and 3 against.
- In general, however, it is a hallmark of evidence-based psychotherapy to use fidelity monitoring as part of therapy outcome trials and ongoing quality assurance in clinical implementation.
- Along with code development time, other factors like field support costs and quality assurance also figure into the return on investment.
- BI is accredited as a specialised university institution by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).
- His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese quality assurance.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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