 Übersetzung für 'quality employee' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a quality employee | quality employees
quality employee <Q employee, Q empl.>
Qualitätsmitarbeiter {m} <Q-Mitarbeiter, Q-MA>
Arbeitskraft {f} [einzelner Arbeiter, Angestellter]
Dienstnehmer {m} [bes. österr.: Arbeitnehmer]
Angestellter {m}
employeeBeschäftigter {m}
employeeArbeitnehmer {m}
employeeBelegschaftsmitglied {n}
bank employeeBankbeamter {m}
employee referral
Mitarbeiterempfehlung {f}
employee inventionArbeitnehmererfindung {f}
employee shares
Belegschaftsaktien {pl}
additional employeezusätzliche Kraft {f}
employee handbook Mitarbeiterhandbuch {n} [auch Mitarbeiter-Handbuch]
executive employeeleitender Angestellter {m}
company employeeBelegschaftsangehöriger {m}
factory employee
Fabrikarbeiter {m}
employee safetyBetriebssicherheit {f}
employee participation
Mitarbeiterbeteiligung {f}
student employee
Werkstudent {m}
employee organizationBetriebsrat {m}
employee ratingLeistungs­bewertung {f} der Mitarbeiter
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Clan cultures are most strongly associated with positive employee attitudes and product and service quality.
  • Although several scholars and managers had previously expressed fears that employee careers might suffer and workplace relationships might be damaged because of remote work, a 2007 study found that there are no generally detrimental effects on the quality of workplace relationships and career outcomes.
  • The main issues were the union's desire to preserve employee compensation and company's goals to increase product quality.
  • Giving the designer ownership is claimed to improve the productivity of the employee and quality of the product, based on the assumption that people who are given a sense of gratification and ownership over their work tend to work harder and design a more robust product, as opposed to an employee that is assigned a task with little say in the general process.
  • Münsterberg also explored under what psychological conditions that an employer can secure the most and highest quality output of work from every employee by looking at the effects of changing the work space environment, what can possibly effect workers production, problems of monotony in factory and other vocations that involve tedious repeated tasks and how to avoid these situation, studied attention and fatigue in the workplace, and the Physical and social influences on the working power.

  •   US-FDA has found that manufacturers who have implemented quality metrics programs gain a deeper insight into employee behaviors that impact product quality.
  • Because he demanded high quality images and paid his employee high wages, the Photochrome Engraving Company rarely made a profit.
  • They received so much fan mail at their peak that a full-time employee had to be taken on to deal with up to 60 letters per day.
  • The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) can be held to preempt negligence claims as well.
  • Another employee of the OEQ also served on the steering committee of this task force to help coordinate its activities.

  • The movement's decline was marked by an event on Sunday, March 17, 1996, when Alig and his roommate Robert "Freeze" Riggs killed former Limelight employee and reputed drug dealer Andre "Angel" Melendez.
  • The job match involves the employee's knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics and how they work with the job's tasks.
  • It was acquired in April 1999 by former parent Safeway from an employee ownership group, who itself had purchased the company from founder Larry Carr and his partner Barney Gottstein in 1990.
  • Some regions have an employee known as a "forager," whose sole duty is to source local products for each store.
  • He said that "on a dining car, three elements can be considered -- the equipment, the employee, then passenger."

  • Several Research studies have indicated that the cost savings indicated in these reports may come from lower wages, lower staffing levels and reduced employee training at these private facilities.
  • During that process, customers become quasi-employees; that is they are partial producers and they have the opportunity to see the organization from the employee's perspective.
  • The problems with running Color Dreams games stemmed from physical changes in later models of the NES; long time Color Dreams employee Vance Kozik (best known as the programmer of "Menace Beach") recalled having customers who called Color Dreams read off the serial number of their NES unit so that they could send them a cartridge which would work.
  • It can also be used to ventilate polluted air from specified floors; a separate exhaust shaft was designed for employee smoking areas.
  • 25 million worth of cuts were placed upon the plant which affected the factory's employees and their conditions.

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