Übersetzung für '
rabbet' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a rabbet | rabbets |
| SYNO | rabbet | rebate |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A disadvantage is that the shutters must be matched closely to the inside dimension of the casing and the shutter rabbet should match the thickness of the shutters.
- "Deadrise" refers to the line rising upward horizontally from the keel rabbet (the point where the top of the keel connects to the hull) to the chine (or sideboards).
- ] rabbet on opposite sides of each edge. The rabbet allows the boards to overlap in this area.
- a rabbet) on the vertical edge(s) where they meet.
- Parallel to the base and slightly lower is a secondary surface, the "fence", which may be a separate board, or may be a rabbet cut into the base.
- The rebate plane commonly has a depth stop and a fence, which allows the width and depth of the rabbet to be gauged.
- The panel is either captured in a groove made in the inside edge of the frame members or housed in an edge rabbet made in the rear inside edge.
- The word "rabbet" is from Old French "rabbat", "a recess into a wall", and "rabattre" "to beat down".
- In addition to making length cuts, a radial arm saw may be configured with a dado blade to create cuts for dado, rabbet or half lap joints.
- The glass is fixed into a rabbet (rebate) in the frame in a number of ways including triangular glazing points, putty, etc.
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