 Übersetzung für 'rabbinic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO rabbinic | rabbinical
rabbinic {adj}
rabbinisch <rabb.>
pre-rabbinic {adj}
pre-rabbinic {adj}
prärabbinisch [selten]
rabbinic education
Rabbinerausbildung {f}
rabbinic literature
rabbinische Literatur {f}
rabbinic seminary
Rabbinerseminar {n}
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He was a pioneer in the application of "form criticism" approach to Rabbinic texts.
  • Medieval rabbis discussed the question of why a Jew should be required to follow rabbinic mitzvot, as they were not commanded by God, but rather by the rabbis.
  • In 1926, Jung organized The Rabbinic Council of the UOJCA and was its president for the following eight years.
  • Although a rabbi by profession, the omission of such an epithet when referred to in rabbinic literature is said to attest to his greatness as a rabbinic Sage, ranking with Hillel.
  • The authority founded in rabbinic law is framed in context of the biblical commandments ("mitzvot") and termed as commandments as well.

  • In Reform Judaism rabbinic studies are mandated in pastoral care, the historical development of Judaism, academic biblical criticism, in addition to the study of traditional rabbinic texts.
  • "Die Erste Mishna" posits an early, uniform, undisputed, and therefore authoritative collection of the Oral Law, attempting to understand the historical development of the Mishnah from within itself and from rabbinic and non-rabbinic sources related to it.
  • Yalta is among the few named female characters mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud who was a member of a rabbinic family.
  • Beyond the rabbinic community, Jewish apocalyptists also engaged in visionary exegeses concerning the divine realm and the divine creatures which are remarkably similar to the rabbinic material.
  • Rabbinic texts serve as foundational materials for much of Jewish life and practice including both legal and narrative areas of Jewish life.

  • In 1968 Rabbi Chaikin was offered a prestigious rabbinic position in Brussels, Belgium which he accepted. Because of this position he became an influential rabbinic figure in Europe.
  • His research interests centered around Talmud and rabbinic literature of nearly all periods and genres, including rabbinic theology, unfolding systems of rabbinic legal exegesis, and the cultural context of classical rabbinic texts.
  • Classical rabbinic literature is characterized by near silence concerning Enoch.
  • He received his rabbinic ordination in New York 1972.
  • However Nachmanides considers the prohibition to be a rabbinic law not derived from scripture, and views the derivation from Leviticus 18:6 as an [...] (a rabbinic prohibition with a biblical allusion) and not true exegesis.

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