21 Übersetzungen
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- At Safed he met Jacob Berab and was soon appointed a member of his rabbinical court.
- Little is known of his life except that he bore the title of "dayan", judge at the rabbinical court.
- In 2005, the community's rabbinical court ruled that women should not drive cars.
- The town was also the place that Rabbi Yom Tov of Falaise, grandchild of Rashi, held his rabbinical court.
- On the contrary, since the average "shochet" is reputed to be well versed and knowledgeable in the laws of "shechitah" ("Dinnei Shechita"), the rabbinical court relies on him to withhold his "shechita" so long as the owner refuses to give the gifts.
- The Chief Rabbi and head of Rabbinical Court of Modi'in Illit is Rabbi Meir Kessler.
- Army Radio interviewed Rabbi Shmuel Papenheim, who announced, "The Rabbinical Court has held a special session and discussed placing a 'pulsa denura' on those who have had a hand in organizing the march."
- In 1991, Riskin issued a challenge in Israel's High Court to the laws which prevented women from serving as "Toanot" - advocates in the Rabbinical Court.
- When kosher wine is produced, marketed, and sold commercially, it would normally have a "hechsher" (kosher certification mark) issued by a kosher certification agency, or by an authoritative rabbi who is respected and known to be learned in Jewish law, or by the Kashruth Committee working under a "beth din" (rabbinical court of Judaism).
- In the formal sense, a "ger toshav" is a Gentile who officially accepts the seven Noahide laws as binding upon themself in the presence of three "haberim" (men of authority), or, according to the rabbinic tradition, before a "beth din" (Jewish rabbinical court).
- Such certificates usually display the name of the rabbinical court issuing the hechsher, the name of the business or product, date of issue, expiry date and stamp of rabbi who issued the certificate.
- The rabbis instituted legal methods to enable women to petition a rabbinical court to compel a divorce.
- The accepted halakhic opinion is that the "ger toshav" must accept the seven Noahide laws in the presence of three "haberim" (men of authority), or, according to the rabbinic tradition, before a "beth din" (Jewish rabbinical court).
- A Vaad has different responsibilities from a "beth din" (rabbinical court).
- These include moral responsibility for one's own actions; eligibility to be called to read from the Torah and lead or participate in a minyan; the right to possess personal property and to legally marry on one's own according to Jewish law; the duty to follow the 613 laws of the Torah and keep the halakha; and the capacity to testify as a witness in a beth din (rabbinical court) case.
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