Übersetzung für '
rabbinical' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO | rabbinic | rabbinical |
3 Übersetzungen
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- After publishing it for members of the Rabbinical Assembly in their rabbinical journal, Rachel Anne Rabinowicz came on board next as editor of the project.
- Mishpacha has been banned by many rabbinical leaders including Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv.
- Rabbi Bleich graduated High School in florida, Illinois where he began his rabbinical studies. From 1984 to 1986, he studied at the Karlin Stolin Rabbinical Institute in Jerusalem.
- Halperin has taught at several rabbinical academies including the Rabbinical College of the Golan Heights, where he served as Dean.
- The Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School (YCT) states on its website that it is Modern Orthodox rabbinical school.
- The institution has a non-rabbinical and rabbinical track. Students who do not opt for the rabbinical track often enter other Yeshivot or the workforce in Israel or other countries.
- Attiya also served as a "dayan" (rabbinical judge) on the Sephardic "beit din" of Jerusalem. His opinion was sought and valued by rabbinical leaders and laymen alike.
- The position of rabbinical leader in a Hasidic dynasty is not identical to that of "rebbe": The "rebbe" is the spiritual leader, while the rabbinical leader - rabbi - is the "halachic" expert, who leads the group in questions of Jewish law.
- There are other regional rabbinical organizations, such as the Rabbinical Council of America, the Conference of European Rabbis and Rabbinical Center of Europe, however, this is the first such organization based in the Islamic world.
- ... , "Women Rabbinical Advocates"), refer to women who serve as legal advocates and representatives within the traditional Jewish courts of law.
- In January 2019, Beaulier became the director of innovation for Pluralistic Rabbinical Seminary, an online rabbinical school.
- Gilman was a member of the Conservative movement's rabbinical body, the Rabbinical Assembly, and was a professor of Jewish philosophy at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, in Manhattan, New York City, USA.
- A graduate from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Rojzman received the rabbinical ordination from the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary in 1987.
- In the fall of 1969, Sasso joined the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College's second class of rabbinical students.
- In 2007 Rabbi Toba Spitzer became the first openly lesbian or gay person chosen to head a rabbinical association in the United States when she was elected president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association at the group's annual convention, held in Scottsdale, Arizona.
- The Central Rabbinical Congress (in full: Central Rabbinical Congress of the US and Canada, commonly abbreviated to CRC; [...]) is a rabbinical organization that is a consortium of various Haredi Jewish groups, with offices in Brooklyn, New York.
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