| med. mouse anti-rabbit {adj} <MAR> | Maus-anti-Kaninchen- <MAK> | |
| med. rabbit anti-mouse {adj} <RAM> | Kaninchen-anti-Maus- <KAM> | |
Teiltreffer |
| bot.T ditch rabbit / rabbit's foot grass [Polypogon interruptus] | Unterbrochenes Bürstengras {n} | |
| zool. non-obese diabetic mouse <NOD mouse> | NOD-Maus {f} | |
| bot.T little mousetail / mouse-tail / mouse tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] | Mäuseschwänzchen {n} | |
| bot.T little mousetail / mouse-tail / mouse tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] | Kleiner Mäuseschwanz {m} | |
| bot.T little mousetail / mouse-tail / mouse tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] | Zwergmäuseschwanz {m} | |
| bot.T little mousetail / mouse-tail / mouse tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] | Zwerg-Mäuseschwänzchen / Zwergmäuseschwänzchen {n} | |
| med. anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy> | anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie> | |
| zool.T Sierra Madre shrewmouse / shrew-mouse / shrew mouse [Archboldomys musseri] | Palanan-Spitzmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Mount Isarog shrewmouse / shrew-mouse / shrew mouse [Archboldomys luzonensis] | Mount-Isarog-Spitzmausratte {f} | |
| zool.T Palanan shrewmouse / shrew-mouse / shrew mouse [Archboldomys musseri] | Palanan-Spitzmaus {f} | |
| bot.T eastern mouse-ear / mouse ear hawkweed [Hieracium hoppeanum] | Hoppes Habichtskraut {n} | |
| math.phys. anti-de-Sitter / anti-de Sitter / anti de Sitter space <AdS space> | Anti-de-Sitter-Raum {m} <AdS-Raum> | |
| zool. rabbit | Karnickel {n} [regional] [Kaninchen] 219 | |
| gastr.zool. rabbit | Kaninchen {n} 2628 | |
| zool. rabbit | 485 Hase {m} [ugs. für Kaninchen, auch für Osterhase, in Märchen] | |
| gastr. slaughtered rabbit | Schlachtkaninchen {n} [geschlachtetes Kaninchen] | |
| cloth. rabbit fur | Kaninfell {n} [fachspr.] [Kaninchenfell] | |
| zool. domestic rabbit | Stallhase {m} [Hauskaninchen] | |
| rabbit tails | Karnickelschwänze {pl} [regional] | |
| gastr. rabbit leg | Kaninchenkeule {f} | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- For example, a researcher might create primary antibodies in a goat that recognize several antigens, and then employ dye-coupled rabbit secondary antibodies that recognize the goat antibody constant region ("rabbit anti-goat" antibodies).
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