21 Übersetzungen
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- In more recent years, rabbit keepers — especially rescue organizations — unfamiliar with the history of rabbit breeding in the US have been referring to mixed breed or "mutt" rabbits as "American".
- There is a crocodile breeding centre in Hatiber, Mutalib Miah's Arabian date cultivation farm in Paragaon, Mallikbari orange farm and a rabbit breeding centre in Habirbari.
- The primary qualities of good meat-rabbit breeding stock are growth rate and size at slaughter, but also good mothering ability.
- The biggest rabbit breeding farm in North India sprawls on six hectares of land in Wussan village of Baramulla district of Kashmir.
- There are ancient remains on the hill, in the form of a neolithic Long barrow, which has been listed as Scheduled Ancient Monument, and a post medieval pillow mound thought to have been built specifically for rabbit breeding.
- The Hrechka family lost all their possessions, and former ferry operator John Burton lost his $3,000 rabbit-breeding farm.
- On 15 April 2017, Dekker spoke at and participated in a Konijn in Nood ("Rabbits in Need") protest, supported by the Party for the Animals, against a rabbit breeding company in Moergestel.
- The centre started functioned from part of the building of rabbit breeding centre of the Veterinary College at Seminary Hills, Nagpur which was under Dr.
- A doe (female rabbit) becomes fertile between 8-12 weeks of age and can be safely bred at 5-8 months of age depending on the rabbit. Breeding before this age can cause harm or death to the doe and/or kits.
- As an unusual pastime he was interested in rabbit breeding.
- Parts of the area, notably on the flanks of Cefn Cul above Cray Reservoir, were set aside during the 19th century for rabbit breeding for both fur and meat.
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